Yes! To Yuses’s expectation, it was actually a social dance, not to fight some terrifying monster or something.

“You can start, score by dancing posture and cooperation, pass the score and move on to the next level. Remember that in the upper classes, social dancing is a must. Vinilana snapped her fingers, and elegant music rang out around her.

“Eusys, here we go.” Lias took Jusses’ hand and began to dance. Eusys, who had studied with Veneliana before, followed the music and took a step forward, gently holding Lias’s hand, the other hand hugging her waist, and then raising his right foot to start a dance party belonging to the two of them. Lias began to dance to the beat with a red face, and the two of them showed themselves on the stage like a slowly rotating top.

In the elegant music, the two people are like fairy couples, stepping on the dance steps, elegant posture and flexible temperament make Vinilana constantly nod.

Is this a test? In Euthys’s idea was biased towards the test of battle. It seems that he made a mistake in judgment, but what kind of test is this?

“Eusys, it’s a good jump. It seems that I have learned it from my mother. The music ended, Lias said happily.

Snap! Vinilana clapped her hands towards the two men.

“Good, good jump, don’t worry about it for a while.” So, let’s move on to the next level.”

“Ah!!” In the screams of Euthys and Lias, the stage suddenly opened and quickly closed, and the two people had fallen into the ground.

“Well, it seems that soon, I will have a grandson to hug!” Lias’s father came out from behind a stone pillar.

“Eusys, I like this kid. The test must have passed successfully, and with the child’s talent, it would definitely be fine. Vinilana said seriously.


When Jusys came back to his senses, he was already sitting at the table, while Lias was sitting opposite. Maids standing in a row around. The table was full of delicacies.

“The second test, table manners. The maid next to you will be responsible for evaluating the dining posture of the two of you, using a deduction point system, and deducting zero points is the end,” Asmode’s voice came out of nowhere.

Table manners!? Juses felt like he had returned to the aristocratic etiquette he had learned at the house of Gimonri.

Thinking about it, Eusys still started the meal from memory, and the way the knife and fork were used, the correct posture for cutting the meat, and the movement of using the spoon were all done very standardly. At the same time, it has to be said that every dish is delicious.

The maids on the side all smiled and nodded, and Eusys’ demeanor could simply be described as perfect. Don’t even think about it, full marks!

Soon, the two finished eating, and at the same time turned to look at the maid beside them.

“Congratulations, full marks passed!” A maid in charge of recording the overall score bowed.

Hearing the news of the pass, Lias hugged Juses excitedly.

“Good, then move on to the next level. Lyas, it seems that I am going to congratulate you in advance, Jusses’ words, there is absolutely no problem” Asmode’s voice sounded again.

Hearing the words of Asmode, one of the current demon kings, Lias’s face became more and more red, but she still bravely hugged Eusys.

Squeak! A golden road appeared on the side.

Next, Eusys has determined that the test of the Gimonri family is not what he thinks, but a test of aristocratic etiquette and other things.

Dressing, behavior, conversation etiquette, it can be said that there are tests in all aspects. But both of them made it all the way with perfect grades.

Finally, it’s time for the last hurdle. On the way to the final test, Jusyth suddenly remembered what had happened before.


“What?” Lias replied gently, Yusyth’s performance was already very satisfying. Sure enough, he is his favorite person.

“Before, there was a love story between Serjax and Gulfia at home, how were they in the past?” Eusys became curious about this.

“This, speaking of which, the story of brother and sister-in-law is also a good story in the underworld.”

“The original nature of the sister-in-law was – Lukifergus. Gulfia Lukifergus. The sister-in-law was originally a famous master who served the demon king Lucifer for generations! Lias talked about her brother and sister-in-law’s past.

In the past, the underworld fought with angels, fallen angels. The original Lukifergus family followed the demon king Lucifer family of the old demon king’s faction. At that time, the Gimonri family was just a famous family in the underworld, and Serjax had not yet become the current demon king.

With the continuous battle between the three parties, even the strongest god and demon king disappeared, and the battle had to enter a truce. Angels, fallen angels, demons are all close to exhaustion, and even the continuation of the race has become a big problem.

Despite the extremely critical situation, the old demon king’s faction still tried to continue the war, but the opposition, which already knew the consequences of continuing the war, began to hold a confrontation.

In the opposition at the time, Serjax was one of the trump cards and chieftains. In a fight with the Old Demon King Faction, fight against Gurefia, one of the top combat forces of the Old Demon King Faction.

Surprisingly, the two fell in love at that time, and it intensified at the same time. The love between two rival factions was met with great resistance at that time, and the two even had disputes with their own factions. Among them, Serjax even entered the old demon king’s faction to rescue Gurefia, who was under house arrest. The two people who fell in love with each other eventually survived.

In the end, the old demon faction was banished to the border of the underworld, and Serjax became the new Lucifer. And Gurefia officially entered the house of Gimonri, and Lukifergus also became a member of the family that served the current demon king.

In the underworld, the story of Serjax and Gurefia can be said to be a household name.

“I can’t see it, Serjax was also very hot-blooded back then, and the elegance now is completely different,” Eusys said with a smile after listening. The current Serjax is completely impulsive.

“Because, it’s good to be disciplined by your sister-in-law,” Lias laughed. The underworld knows that his brother is one of the demon kings of the underworld, but little is known, the brother is unexpectedly a wife who is strictly controlled, and the outside is noble and elegant are completely two extremes.

While speaking, he has reached the exit.

Several black shadows suddenly strung out of the passage and pounced on Yusyth.

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