Long Ming Yue and Old Zhang arrived in the family Hall and payed respect to everyone. The hall was very large, the walls were red with gold speck that created the image of a splendorous Golden Dragon that enveloped the Hall. Seeing this Golden Dragon made Long Ming Yue heart involuntary beat in anticipation. The governor Long was waiting standing by the Crown Prince, behind them was her second sister Long Xin, curiously when she saw them standing in this hall it made her feel as if they were defiling a sacred site with only their presence. The Crown Prince was dressed in a yellow brocade and his hair were collected in a yellow crown, he was looking at her with disdain as if being in the same room as she was an insult. Long Xin was dressed in a white robe with just a jade hair pin a jewellery she had everything to be called a beauty and Governor Long was dressed in a black brocade with his hair in a bun and a long beard.

After arriving in the hall, she did not speak and just waited for them to start the play.

"Long Ming Yue do you know why Benwang has called you" asked the Crown Prince without any prelude as he was in a rush to end things with this bloody woman

"Answering to you Highness, to break the engagement" she answered without any detour.

"And your view" he asked while knowing danm well that she could do nothing but accept. But before she accepted she was going to make this mother fucker bleed some gold.

"This one refuse to break the engagement your highness" she answered

Her answer shocked everyone not because of her refusing but because she had expressed her point of view and for this pushover to speak like that the sun must have rose from west this morning. Once the shock was over Governor Long walked to her and slapped her he had infuse some essence power, the power of the slap sent her to the wall and cough off some blood on the wall.

"Who do you think you are to speak like that to his Highness the Crown Prince" yelled Governor Long.

Really, did you have to be this brutal old bastard, and could someone tell her why in every transmigrated stories the girl was always illtreated by her family. Really were they this stupid to not see the hidden potential in those girls. Well since she had now become Long Ming Yue she would make them see and make them regret till their intestines are green.

"Daddy, it's not her fault. Have mercy" cried Long Xin with tears as large as the Yangtze river.

Well, well what a Virgin Mary.

Without any song Long Ming Yue stood up then bowed to the Crown Prince and said:

"This one request to speak in private to his highness" then she coughed up some blood again.

Even with the crass on her face one could imagine how pale she was, for one without any essence to receive a blow like that was likely to have internal injuries, and her coughing blood proved the Crown Prince theory.

"Benwang accept" he didn't want to see her father killing her in front of him even if they both wanted her dead.

After the governor and Long Xin left the room the servile image Long Ming Yue had disappeared, and she was now looking at Lian Jing.

When saw that and looked at her blue eyes clear as the ocean he felt a little fear it was as if she could explore his soul.

"Here's how things will proceed, I will speak you listen then see if you can agree to my demand" Lian Jing was flabbergasted by her change and wanted slap her just like Governor Long had done before but she took his hand and pressed on his acupuncture point and lost all feeling in the hand. He wanted to cry and demand her to release him, how dare she acts like that with Him the Crown Prince, but just her index on her mouth intimidated him and didn't have the gut to shout anymore; he didn't know why but he felt if he had cried for the guards he would have regretted it.

"Good I like talking with smart people, here's my request for breaking our engagement, firstly I would like ten thousand gold taels and some far territories you can give me one of the poorest ones if you like. You see simple I don't want a lot" when she finished speaking Lian Jing looked enraged.

"Oh, you don't look convinced, so should I go in the capital and announce that my fiancé had an affair with my Second big sister and that she was two months pregnant, I don't how they will look at you after that" she paused a little then smile and her eyes illuminated everything.

At this moment Lian Jing regretted not having known that her smile could be this beautiful.

"Would you like to test?"

After a moment of reflexion Lian Jing accepted and signed the written agreement then Long Ming Yue released his acupoint before going to her tattered home.

Unbeknown to everyone there was someone assisting to everything with big smile in his eyes.

"Well Wife you got this Husband hooked up now" the mysterious man said joyfully.

Back at the tattered house

Ming Yue went to her room and saw that Old Zhang had prepared a bath for her she was overjoyed. She spent a lot of time in the bath to scrub all her body clean when she got off the water had turned unclean, she felt disgusted how could her body be this dirty.

Ming Yue suddenly felt a change in the room, she stayed calm as if nothing had happened then waited for the person to attack her because she didn't have any weapon on her nor near, but the reaction she was waiting for did not happen.

Ming Yue abruptly turn and before her was a cute/handsome man k-pop style. He was tall from where she was standing she could see he was about three heads higher than her, his manly borderline sissy face was as white as a sick person well at least her era it was really unhealthy to be this white "Man what do you eat to be this white, powder?", he had almond black eyes a straight nose and straight jaw and red straight lips. The aura he emanated was one of a laisser-faire kind of guy, but she could still feel the bloodthirst behind it. "This man was really dangerous" concluded Ming Yue. Over all he was one of the kind, but she still preferred the John Cena types, once she had saw one of her ancestor browsing history and she any one with eyes could see she was in love with the guy. Really this ancestor of her would not pass a day without browsing John Cena, but she had to admit than the man was hot. If he hadn't died long before her birth she would have cloned some of his cells.

When the mysterious man saw Ming Yue, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide and blush, she was absolutely stunning, she had a light brown skin colour, a small egg face with astonishing sapphire eyes they were adorning her face like a jewel. she didn't need any make up nor jewelleries those eyes could put any man on their knees. She had a little nose with small rosy lips. Her face was a pure art.

Then he lowered his eyes over her collar bone then lower till he looked at her perky nipples, her breasts weren't that big he estimated that they could into his hand.

Gulp The mysterious man swallowed his saliva while he fantasized about all he could do to those breasts.

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