He did not dare look lower as he could feel the all the blood in his body concentrating somewhere else, his breathing was accelerating, and his head had become dizzy. His little friend was telling him that there was an offered hot meal before and if he declined it he was not a man.

"You are trespassing" said the melodious voice with some point of irritation.

"You are naked" replied vehemently the man in black as if he was the one being wronged.

"Well people tend to get nude when taking baths and when getting out of it" she replied curtly, even though the man aura was dangerous she didn't feel like he had come to kill her, so she walk to her dresser while greeting the man ancestors to get dressed.

Danm it who was this motherfucker sissy, couldn't he have trespassed after she had stayed a little longer in her birth suit heavens knows she likes to dry naturally it.

'Ming Yue you are not focusing on the important part, this man, an unidentified person had seen you in your birth suit, just wake up girl.'

Once she had adorned a fading white dress she went out to speak to the man.

'Ming Yue honey aren't you familiarizing yourself a little to quickly to the man, where is your feminine shyness, Ming Yue Mamma is sad.'

In the room the man in black was still in a daze was she really the one to be his Wife, wouldn't he have to kill a lot of people seeing how unbashful she was. If it had been another man in his place wouldn't he have taken a lot of liberties with her.

While thinking that the man in black had forgotten that he also had taken some liberties with his eyes.

"Mister why don't you explain the reason of your sudden visit" she said slowly while sitting on the ground putting on view her lack of furniture.

Someone else would have been ashamed to receive someone in those conditions but Ming Yue wasn't, before becoming the Dragon Head pappy had sent her to a devastated area to learn humility, respect for her peers, equitability and so much more.

She remembers that the first week she had nothing but insults for him, how could he sent her to the area that had suffered the most after the nova explosion but if she hadn't go she would have past the treasure she had then obtained, now she could admit that the lessons she had received were priceless. Being a Sanhuhui's boss was not only thinking about money or killing or conquering and she hope her big bro would realise that sooner than later.

The man in black seeing her imposing figure walked to her and when he was at a good distance he sat in front of her.

"Benwang saw you in family and wanted to know how you knew that your fiancé was having an affair with your sister and about her pregnancy" he had to admit that he really was curious about it, which is why he had rushed to her room.

"Why should I tell you huh?" she answered coldly while looking him in the eyes.

"If you do, Benwang will give you whatever you want" he answered in a blasé tone. He hoped that she would ask him to take responsibility for having seen her naked.

"Really, whatever I want?" her eyes were shinning as bright as stars in the night "Mister you won't go on your words" with those words her eyes turn cold.

"Benwang words are his bonds" he answered arrogantly.

"Right, I knew they were having an affair thanks to Long Xin eyes" seeing that he didn't understand the logic she continued

"She was looking at him not like an infatuated girl but like a woman looking at her man but what made me sure of it was how Lian Jing was looking at her when she left the room"

The black man was not stupid, so he remembered seeing Lian Jing watching the girl possessively but not the way you look at your most cherished person.

Ming Yue seeing that he had linked the dots smile a little, it really was pleasant to speak with smart people if he could become one of her follower she would give him a 432 post and make the biggest Syndicate in the world.

If the black man knew what she was thinking he would have vomited blood.

"And how did you know about the pregnancy" the affair he could have discovered it himself if he had deigned giving attention to those people but the pregnancy he really couldn't tell.

"She was touching her stomach in a gentle yet secretly manner" really just that touching one's stomach, seeing the unbelievable look on the man face Ming Yue stopped batting around the bush and told him everything "normally touching ones tummy is nothing special, a woman having a hand on her stomach could say a lot of things however a women touching her belly gently while looking at the man she loves could only mean one thing that she was pregnant"

Was the woman in front of him the good for nothing idiot that was almost beaten to death by her father yesterday, maybe the beating did her some good now she looked more human.

"And how did you know for the exact months?" he asked even the best of physician had to take the pulse to define how long a woman was with a child.

"Oh, I didn't know I just guessed it. Normally if a woman is not expecting to have a child she will only know it when experiencing an intense fatigue and mistaking it for a type of illness and those symptoms only happen after a month or so, so I said two months to be large" fortunately for her Long Xin was not one of those women that did a pregnancy denial, or it really would have been tough for her negotiating with Lian Jing.

"Now that I have done my part it's mister turn" she said friendly but any one could sense the demand behind her words.

"What do you want"

"I want territories, it's best if it's a forgotten place with no owner" she said swiftly.

Why was she obsessed with gaining territories didn't she just asked almost the same thing from Lian Jing?

"Don't look at me like that I am not being greedy" she answered as if she could read his mind "Lian Jing won't give me any territories at best he might ask me to go overlook some far away county and send some assassins to kill me". How did she know that he would do well only because that what she would have done if she had been in his place, what people in power hate the most is when small fries are blackmailing them. sadly, for Long Ming Yue she was now the small fries.

The black man nodded then looked at her with a charming smile that made he bright eyes shine, this smile really was something and could equal a star explosion sudden, bright with a lifetime consequence.

"Benwang name's Jun Jinyu and accept to take responsibility" he said then in a flash he was gone.

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