Moreover, Fengling could also help him at the critical moment, because Fengling was most familiar with these two formations.

After making such arrangements, Chongshan felt confident and felt that things were completely secure.

But now... looking at the Guixing Formation that Ji Muyue had taken partial control of, and the Qiankun Dao Diagram flying towards the opponent like a swallow in the forest in the aura of the formation, Chongshan Xin's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't help but wonder. I chose the blood sacrifice without hesitation! ·"——Please help Fengling!!!" In the dark night, the bright light of the formation was particularly conspicuous.

The phoenix returned to the city, and the neat voice was echoing.

The blood sacrifice formation is activated.

boom! There was a loud bang.

In an instant, Mingyue Lake, which was hundreds of miles in radius, was turned upside down like a small bowl filled with water.

The lake water hung upside down, the attic sank, and the exquisite Moon Watching Tower continued to sink. Together with the nearly a hundred young geniuses controlled in the formation, they were submerged by the torrential lake water before they even had time to struggle.

Like a group of ants drowned in a bowl of water turned upside down, they are insignificant and insignificant, not worth mentioning.

The blood gradually turned the lake red.

In mid-air, the Qiankun Dao Diagram, which had already traced a long arc and was about to fall into Ji Muyue's hands, suddenly trembled, and a faint halo emitted from the surface.

Immediately afterwards, almost all the names on the "bamboo slips" suddenly turned gray, and then disappeared bit by bit.

- They are dead.

Of course, there are many more people who are not qualified to board the Qiankun Dao Map, so even their deaths are silent and unrecorded.

This seems to have a great impact on the Qiankun Dao Diagram.

If the Qiankun Dao Diagram is said to have a spirit, then the original Qiankun Dao Diagram, under the spell of the formation, is like a drunken child who stumbles into Ji Muyue's arms; this sudden and unexpected name Disappearing was like a sudden slap on the child's face, causing him to wake up immediately from the pain.

It immediately stood still in mid-air, struggling continuously to resist the attraction from the formation.

Chong Shanxin's eyes showed joy, "It works!" The lake became redder and redder, glowing with blood.

Click, click, click... There seemed to be the sound of something breaking in everyone's ears. An ancient and desolate atmosphere emanated from the bottom of the lake. The monstrous evil spirit reflected the blood-red lake water, which was indescribably weird.

The brighter and brighter spiritual light of the formation came out through the water, covering hundreds of miles around, making the sky bright, and the night seemed like day.

At the bottom of the water, which was almost transparent due to the light, a turbulent dark vortex seemed to suddenly roll up.

An extremely large blocking shadow swam through the whirlpool. It seemed to rise from an unknown depth, and then broke out of the water, causing a huge wave.

"Wow!" Amidst the sound of water rushing like a waterfall, a very sharp bird song suddenly sounded, and the harsh sound waves penetrated the entire Phoenix City.

"唳——" Everything happened too fast. Before everyone could watch it, a huge crimson figure had already rushed out from the bottom of the lake, with blazing flames all over its body, dragging out a trail of burning tail feathers like a meteor.

In an instant the earth shook and the sky shook.

At the same time as this figure rushed out, the water in the lake was lifted up into the air, and evaporated in just a few breaths.

The entire Mingyue Lake was steamed.

The red flame ignited half of the sky.

"Finally! I finally came out!!" The sound of the phoenix pierced through the night, and the dark clouds hundreds of miles away quickly dissipated, and the sky was burning with red light, rolling with layers of air waves, like boiling magma.

Countless people looked up and saw a divine bird whose whole body was burning with red flames suddenly cutting through the night. The extremely hot flames seemed to spread all over the city like flying snow.

At this moment, everyone's brains were blank, their faces were also blank, and they had no idea what was going on.

"What is that..." "Could it be the legendary ancient demon..." Flames burst out, like fireworks blooming all over the sky.

Streets, houses, pavilions, and even the ground originally covered with frost were all ignited by the flames all over the sky. Unknown how many people screamed and were burned to charcoal.

The entire Fenghuan City seemed to be in hell.

The crimson divine bird traced an arc on the sky, and then swooped down, blowing endless wind and flames.

"It's been eight thousand years! My ancient celestial demon phoenix finally escaped!! I'm free!!!" Its huge head dropped by the Mingyue Lake, its red eyes stared at Chongshan Xin, and it laughed strangely. Thank you so much for getting up, Ashin! You are indeed my chosen target!" "...Celestial Demon Gu Feng?" Chong Shanxin was already standing there, looking up at the sky, his lips trembling. Unbelievable.

"Aren't you a weapon spirit?" "Hehe, of course... I lied to you!" Tian Yao Gu Feng twisted his neck and laughed strangely, "I am the most noble demon king!" Chong Shanxin murmured He murmured, "You lied to me..." "Hey... This is the fate between you and me!" There was a playful look in the red eyes of Tian Yao Gu Feng.

"The initial encounter was just an accident. I have separated out the demon soul countless times and placed it on various artifacts. Over the past thousands of years, only your soul has been in harmony with me and can communicate with me. .

"Then, everything after that will be simple. Pretend to be a tool spirit that has just been born spiritually. The simpler you pretend to be, the better. Little by little, let the other party believe in it and rely on it. In the end, there will be no more doubts.

"And the Return Star Array..." The Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix said in a very pleasant voice, "You don't think that you got that out of me, do you? From the beginning, I was the one guiding you!" "We have been together for too long.

Your character was shaped by me, your ambition was inspired by me, the Return Star Array was handed to you by me, and even the Moon Lake, the place for the array, was chosen by me to guide you - I have been planning for several years just for today, just to break the seal that has trapped me for thousands of years!" "No! No! I don't believe it... I don't believe it..." Chong Shanxin took a step back, his face turned pale in an instant, his eyes were like candles blown out by the wind, and he seemed to have aged a few years.

All fantasies and ambitions were watered by others, and his entire life was just a script designed by others, and he was just a puppet in charge of starring.

How could he believe this? ! However, whether he believed it or not, it was obvious that the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix didn't care.

Maybe it was because it had been locked up for too long, but the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix was extremely excited after finally regaining its freedom. In the face of Chong Shanxin's dead face, it once again let out a proud and happy long cry, and the sky was full of flames.

"Hahaha! Yuan, you didn't think that I would come out alive! It's a pity that you are already dead! - Even if you are dead, I will eat the human race that you care about most, and take away the Qiankun Daotu that you have been thinking about!" Cry - The Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix opened its mouth and swallowed the soul-destroying Chong Shanxin in one gulp. The tail feathers burning with flames suddenly swept towards the Qiankun Daotu hanging in the air.

By the way, Ji Muyue was swept away together, like sweeping away a grain of dust.

"Come!!!" Swoosh - the Qiankun Daotu was unexpectedly agile at this moment, just like a naughty child who could not be caught no matter how hard you tried. It circled half a circle in the air, jumped out of the sweeping range of the huge tail feathers, and then flew in a certain direction.

Snap! With a light sound, a slender hand grasped the Qiankun Daotu that had thrown itself into its arms.

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