The night was set ablaze by the red flames, and the entire city was scorched by the flames, like a purgatory on earth.

Amid the countless flying flames, the young man standing quietly by the lake raised his hand to grab the glowing atlas, tilted his head slightly, and showed a faint thoughtful expression on his face.

When the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix turned around, it saw this scene. Its red pupils suddenly shrank, and anger and fear intertwined, making it extremely difficult to distinguish.

Sensing the weak aura of the other party, the fear in the eyes of the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix faded, leaving only the flames of anger burning.

Subconsciously, it shouted out the demon language it was most familiar with, and at the same time, it flapped its wings and slapped the young man fiercely.

The two voices sounded almost at the same time.

"——卍 (元)!" "A Yan!!!" Chapter 89 Meeting (11) The night was burning in flames, and the red divine bird hovering in the sky suddenly lifted its wings.

The fierce wind and flames accompanied its wings flying, blowing towards the boy on the ground.

Wherever it passed, the buildings collapsed, and the scorching air waves destroyed everything along the way. The world in front of him seemed to fall down together.

Under this storm that was destroying the city, the thin and skinny figure of the boy looked particularly small, like an inconspicuous dead branch floating in the unbridled ocean. Once the raging waves rolled in, it would be submerged in an instant.

"What a coincidence.

Not long ago, I wrote a story about a sealed big devil for Chong Shanyue, and now I have encountered a real-life version?" At the critical moment, the first thing that rose in Yan Weilou's heart was not fear or excitement, but such a ridiculous idea, which made his expression look even a little careless.

"——卍(元)!" "A Yan!!!" The wind swept, and the golden time sundial began to rotate in Yan Weilou's left eye. The light blocking force was consumed like quicksand, and everything around him seemed to be slowed down by earth times in Yan Weilou's senses.

Whether it was the attack of the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix, the anxious voice of Su Xinghan behind him, or the whistling wind around, the flames falling from the sky... all of this was clearly and slowly presented in his senses, like a slowed-down video tape.

The young man slowly raised his head, his dark eyes met the huge red pupils, his eyes calm.

He didn't understand what the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix was shouting, but he could sense the other party's anger and the killing intent to the death.

...Perhaps it was because the Qiankun Daotu, which was regarded as a piece of the bag by the other party, failed to succeed, but chose him instead? Thinking of this, the young man raised his hand and blocked the scroll of the Dao of Heaven and Earth in front of him, and pushed it in the direction of the attack. His movements were quite neat.

Since it was the trouble caused by the Dao of Heaven and Earth, of course, the Dao of Heaven and Earth should solve it:.

After all, it is also a legendary artifact of creation. Whether it has offensive power or not should be discussed for the time being. This attack should be able to withstand it! Otherwise, this Dao of Heaven and Earth is just so-so. Why is it worth so many people's obsession and eager pursuit? As soon as he made this move, Yan Weilou felt that the Dao of Heaven and Earth in his palm was bouncing like a small fish, trying to get out of his hand.

His powerful soul could even clearly sense the anger and surprise coming from it. It turned out that the artifact was spiritual! Yan Weilou was unmoved and pushed it in front of him.

The next moment, the fierce attack wrapped in flames and wind rushed straight at his body.

"Ah Yan, be careful!!!" The Qiankun Daotu, which was used as a shield by Yan Weilou, seemed to jump helplessly, and a faint light shone on the surface.

But before Yan Weilou could verify the power of this divine artifact, a white light behind him had already rushed past his face like lightning, and rushed into the huge wings of the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix and rushed into the fierce wind and flames.

—— Long before Yan Weilou launched the Qiankun Daotu, Su Xinghan, who was hundreds of meters away, had already taken action and faced the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix first! Ding! A crisp and strange sound, as if the tips of two swords suddenly collided with each other.

Most of the fierce wind and flames dissipated, and the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix, which was originally swooping down, was blocked by a huge force and flew backwards.

It made a doubtful sound in its throat, and its eyes looked in the direction where the white light came from, and immediately met a pair of dark, cold, murderous eyes.

The night was like thick ink, the flying flames were like snow, the melting cities, houses, pedestrians... were like large pieces of distorted abstract paintings inserted in the background, and the wailing sound continued.

The upper part of this painting was gorgeous like a fairyland, but the lower part was tragic like hell.

The red divine bird lowered its head from mid-air, passed the black-clothed boy in front of it, and saw the lonely and pale figure approaching behind the boy.

As soon as their eyes met, Tian Yao Gu Feng suddenly saw the man in white suddenly raise his hands, and his hands drew mysterious trajectories in front of him like plucking the strings of a harp, as if he was untying some kind of shackles that sealed himself.

Huh... A strong wind suddenly rose on the spot, and an extremely powerful breath emanated from the man in white.

The black hair fluttered, and the white clothes rustled.

It was as if his body was just a special container. Once the restrictions were removed, strange power would continuously flow out of his body, so that his originally pale face due to blood loss was stained with a sickly red.

The figure of the man in white was flying, and he waved his sleeves lightly.

In the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth were filled with white snow, as if all the white snow in the sky was thrown out by his sleeves.

After doing all this, Su Xinghan's face suddenly turned pale again, as if all his true energy was drained away, and he fell down quickly.

His eyes were fixed on the top of the sky without blinking.

Wow! The sky seemed to suddenly become cold, and the flying goose feather snow quickly froze in the air, condensing into ice blades, and the ice blades in the sky shot towards the ancient Phoenix of the sky.

Looking down from the sky, it almost turned into an ice blade tornado.

The whole world seemed to be extremely repulsive to it.

All this process seemed long, but in fact it happened in less than a few breaths.

The ancient Phoenix of the sky suddenly let out a long cry, and its body burning with red flames quickly flew up, and a large piece of flames spit out, dodging to the side.

The snow was getting bigger and thicker.

The dense snowflakes were like knives falling from the sky.

A ball of red light rushed left and right in the snow, and burst into flames wherever it passed, melting the ice and snow.

But the speed at which the ice and snow melted was not as fast as the speed at which the snowflakes fell.

From a distance, it looked like a trapped bird in a cage, extremely embarrassed.

Blood splattered all over the sky, and the red light slowed down, then fell heavily to the bottom, its body seemed to be pierced by thousands of weapons, and the hot demon blood pierced the ground with hundreds of small holes like magma.

Before landing, the already powerless Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix suddenly let out a weak long cry, and its body was wrapped in red and almost golden flames, burning violently.

This is its unique innate magical power, Phoenix Nirvana - of course, with its blood level, it is not enough to rely on innate magical powers like those ancient demon kings to directly revive, at most it can only make serious injuries heal quickly, but every time the Phoenix Nirvana, it will burn a lot of blood.

When the blood is burned out, it will die.

Su Xinghan did not know how to directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth - this is a power that can only be mastered by the heavenly realm - to make the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix seriously injured and dying.

This instead aroused the fierceness in the bones of this demon king.

After all its injuries healed, its falling speed increased instead of decreasing, its pupils became increasingly red, and it let out a long cry.

Driven by anger, the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix dragged its red tail feathers and pounced fiercely at the man in white on the ground, not caring about Yan Weilou who it had intended to kill before.

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