A fierce wind blew in the face, and a huge shadow pressed down from the sky, as if all the stars in the sky were shaken.

The man in white raised his head, his cold face like a god's statue, looking straight at the flying sacred bird, his eyes indifferent.

He coughed lightly and drew out his sword.

The next second, a hand pressed on his shoulder.

The boy’s voice was always so calm and powerful, “Let me come.

"It's not good to be so arrogant."

” This sentence was said to the Heavenly Demon Gu Feng.

As he spoke, he rose from the ground, flew into the air in an instant, and crashed into the divine bird in the sky, like a meteor hitting the blazing red sun.

The long sword is unsheathed, and a white rainbow appears in the sky! At the same time as the sword light was swung, Yan Weilou crushed the Yundao Stone with his other hand.

The surging seven-color brilliance intertwined and merged in mid-air, turning into a chaotic and inexplicable halo, shrouding Yan Weilou's body.

Time became extremely long at this moment.

The mysterious and profound Dao Yun aura enveloped him, making him feel as if he was in a void of the universe, with vague or clear threads of law swimming around. He had never been so close to the origin of the Dao.

Those who enter the Tao understand the Tao mind, generate the Tao intention, and condense the Tao seed.

...Tao Xin? What exactly do I want? Boundless power? Unparalleled force? Endless wealth? Supreme nobility... seems to be none of them.

Countless scenes from the past passed before his eyes in an instant, including Xiaoyao Tower, Zukuimen, Huangquan Sect, Hanshi City, and even the secret realm of the vast sea... As he walked step by step, he developed a lot of influence intentionally or unintentionally.

But to him, these forces are like children's toys, which he lets go after playing with them for a while.

In a sense, as the leader of the force, Yan Weilou is not qualified.

He was not keen on the joy of life and death, and the joy of being surrounded by people.

He is not a martial arts fanatic who becomes obsessed with practice.

In my heart, I finally heard a voice in surprise.

That was the voice of joy in his heart when he had just traveled to this world in the previous life and entered Shengjing City without knowing anything - "If you are lucky enough to live another life, if you live one more day, you will earn one more day."

I want to be free and spend every day happily.

"Live comfortably?" "In this absolute silence, Yan Weilou's consciousness was extremely clear, "This is really the simplest and most complicated goal.

” He once thought that as long as he relaxed his mind, was open-minded, and took things as they came, he would be able to live freely.

However, later facts proved that freedom is actually the privilege of the strong, and the weak always only have the freedom to deceive themselves and others.

Yan Weilou's heart was clear, like a mirror brushing away the dust, only to be enlightened.

...I am still the same me, I have never changed.

Pursuing power and strength by any means necessary, trying to climb to the highest peak, is not to overlook the world, but just to prevent others from hindering one's steps.

Yan Weilou's will unknowingly became extremely pure, and the invisible threads of law were like strings, plucked by his will, and a faint sense of Tao spread out - this is also the most difficult step for ordinary people to advance to Taoism.

It is easy to understand the Tao with the heart, but difficult to understand the Tao.

Once the Tao intention is born, the Tao seed will be condensed.

In a trance, Yan Weilou's eyebrows trembled, and a faint ripple appeared in the spiritual platform. Deep in the mysterious and mysterious heart lake, an illusive and hazy seed was slowly born, stirring up faint ripples in his inner lake, making Yan Weilou's spiritual platform clear and clear. piece.

When he was promoted to Taoism in his previous life, he was pursued by many forces and full of hatred and revenge. However, his state of mind was different from his current one, and his Taoism was also different.

When the consciousness is guided by the origin of the great avenue, it seems to be extremely long and there is no concept of time, but in reality it does not consume an extra breath of time.

In the eyes of others, as the ancient celestial demon phoenix flew down, Yan Weilou flew out, crashing like a meteor, and the sword light was like a white rainbow.

Immediately afterwards, the Yundao Stone shattered, the chaotic brilliance around the young man burned violently, and his aura also changed drastically in an instant.

——Enter the Tao in an instant! In the mid-air, the young man's black hair was flying, his black robe moved without wind, his dark pupils were as thick as ink, and the light of a sword slashed out from bottom to top, and the invisible Taoist intention spread out.

No beginning or end, unrestrained, with a sense of fearlessness and freedom.

He concentrated all his energy and energy on this sword, and it felt like a ghost and a ghost.

The sword's light was faint, as if there was an illusory bright moon rising from the ground, complementing the bright moon in the sky.

There was a sense of chilling in the world.

The twin moons shone brightly, and the moonlight and the light of the sword were integrated into one body. Under the light, the violent wind and flames were like ice and snow under the sun, melting at the touch of a touch.

Phew - The magma-like demon blood stained a long trace in the sky. The body of the ancient sky demon was almost cut in half by the light of the spatula, and its internal organs were vaguely visible.

However, after a few breaths, the red-gold flames burned again, and the body of the Sky Demon Ancient Phoenix, which was almost broken in two, slowly healed.

Yan Weilou frowned slightly, this kind of opponent with strong self-healing power was the most difficult to deal with.

But he was not afraid at all.

The young man's sharp and handsome silhouette was reflected in the moonlight, and rounds of quiet cold moons rose behind him.

Several colors of light suddenly burst out from the dark sky, sometimes red, sometimes pale, and sometimes red gold. During the collision of brilliance, magma-like blood spattered from time to time.

Below, Xiu Xinghan was breathing rapidly, his face was white, but his eyes were very bright.

He stood quietly on the spot, just raising his head slightly, revealing his graceful neck, and his dark and pure eyes stared at the battle above for a moment.

...A mournful cry sounded in the sky, and a ball of crimson fire fell like a meteor.

During the fall, the flame was extinguished bit by bit, until finally, a completely dim black shadow suddenly fell down and fell directly into Wang Ku's Mingyue Lake.

The flames all over the city also went out.

The whole city fell into darkness again, with only the faint moonlight falling like a veil.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... The sound of slow footsteps came from the direction of Mingyue Lake.

The young man's infuriating energy flowed in one hand, and he grabbed a group of chickens that seemed to be burnt black in the air. There was no trace of a fierce battle in his voice, "Mingguang, I haven't thanked you before I took action in time."

"Xiu Xinghan heard the sound and looked over.

Through the moonlight, he could clearly see the young man's current appearance.

The black robe was scattered, and a corner was burned off by the splash of demon blood.

The black hair was also spread casually, but a small section of the edge of the hair seemed to have been cut off by some kind of sharp weapon. It was neat and looked as sharp as a knife edge.

The young man's sharp eyebrows became more mysterious and cold.

Xing Xinghan shook his head slightly, "No need to thank me, this is what it should be..." Compared to usual, his voice was lower and a little weaker.

There were corpses scattered everywhere on the ground, and the scorched earth that had been burned by the flames gave off a faint black air. Yan Weilou looked around and said, "Let's get out of here first.

It is estimated that someone will come soon.

"Although the battle just now seemed very long, in fact it only lasted a little over a quarter of an hour.

Those cultivators who were farther away from here might have sensed the movement from a distance, but they didn't have time to rush over.

When they get here, if they haven't left yet, they will be in a lot of trouble.

"Yeah!" Su Xinghan responded obediently, his body motionless, "You go first, I still have things to deal with.

” Yan Weilou finally realized something was wrong.

He took a few steps forward and grabbed Zhu Xinghan's wrist. A chill like ice and snow came from the place where the two of them touched.

Su Xinghan did not dodge, but tilted his head slightly in confusion, "Ayan?" Yan Weilou felt as if he was holding on to a piece of ice jade, and his tentacles were cold.

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