Thinking back to that day of worshiping the Yuan, he glanced at Su Xinghan next to him, and certain memories inevitably flowed through his mind. Yan Weilou hesitated and said: "By the way, Mingguang, on the last day of worshiping the Yuan, how could you Have you ever been to any special place?" Yan Weilou didn't think that the startling glimpse on the "Thread" was an illusion.

The man in white he met at that time must be Su Xinghan.

He always felt that it was something unusual.

"...Special place?" Su Xinghan's eyes were a little confused, "Ayan, what are you referring to...?" Yan Weilou felt a little guilty inexplicably, and he coughed lightly to clear up this strange emotion. Pressing it down, he muttered vaguely: "For example... a thread?" Su Xinghan tilted his head: "A thread? What is that?" "Ahem, Shengjing also calls it the 'Marriage Bridge'.

" Under Su Xinghan's curious eyes, Yan Weilou explained the origin of the Marriage Bridge.

"Actually, it was an ordinary stone bridge, but later it was discovered that on special occasions, a layer of light mist would rise on the bridge.

Once someone steps into the fog, they will fall into a confused space, as if they are trapped in a maze and can't find a way out..." "But this only works on those who have not yet broken free from the shackles of the physical body and earth.

Once trapped in it, many illusions will be born, completely confusing the five senses, making it difficult for people to distinguish between true and false..." "The man and woman who can meet together in such a maze are the lovers destined by God, each other. There is a thread of marriage entwined between them, and they are favored and blessed by heaven.

"Xu Xinghan listened with rapt attention, with a hint of longing in his eyes.

But the next moment, his longing was ruthlessly shattered.

Yan Weilou said without any understanding of the style: "But these are all folk legends and pure nonsense.

"According to my speculation, there are traces of ancient formations that are gathered together by a thread of inspiration. It is probably the formations used by Lingxiu Sect, a long-lost sect in ancient times, to select disciples..." A long period of time after the destruction of demons and the rise of the human race. , the vast land of China is in a state of chaos.

There is no dynasty or aristocratic family in the world, but there are three thousand sects spread across the vast land of China, each with their own sects and competing with each other.

And the conditions for these sects to choose their disciples are all kinds of strange.

Some conduct unified assessments at the mountain gate, some randomly pick up a few good seedlings when each generation of disciples travels around the world after leaving school, and some sects will choose to set certain harsh conditions and spread triggering devices all over the world, just like spreading the opportunity, and those who are destined will get it. Of.

This is the case with Lingxiu Sect.

The Lingxiu Sect's Kung Fu is rather special. It practices the Yang Yang Dao, and its main Kung Fu is the combination of two swords.

It requires two disciples to be connected and have a tacit understanding.

This kind of tacit understanding is not even something that can be cultivated, it is more like a kind of innate complementarity.

Therefore, Lingxiu Sect set up formations all over the vast land of China, which was one entrance after another.

No matter which entrance you enter by mistake, you will eventually lead to the mountain gate.

If two people from far apart from each other accidentally enter the formation at the same time and meet in an upside-down and chaotic space, it means that the two people have a very deep connection. Such a disciple with a deep natural bond is suitable for cultivation. The techniques of Lingxiu Sect.

If fellow practitioners practice the Yang-Zhou Dao, they will surely be able to make great strides in a day.

Since this formation is originally related to the tacit understanding and bond between two people, those couples who have already been connected and sincerely in love will naturally meet each other in a short time when they step into it.

This is just a side effect of the formation.

Over time, it has gained a reputation as the so-called "marriage of a thousand miles tied by a thread" among the people, and it can also be regarded as a touchstone to test the fate and sincerity between a couple.

At this point, he also summarized: "So, people in the world often only look at the superficial things and make rash judgments. The truth may be thousands of miles away.

"Xu Xinghan: "..." After being silent for a while, looking at the always calm and confident look on the young man's face, and the high-spirited way he drew his conclusions when he made those inferences, Su Xinghan finally smiled helplessly, nodded in agreement: "Ah. That's what Yan said.

" Yan Weilou realized something was wrong.

Inexplicably, he heard a hint of tenderness and indulgence in Su Xinghan's helpless tone and smile.

It seems that no matter how arrogant, stupid, or unable to speak, your child still has to be pampered.

Yan Weilou: "???" This strange metaphor just came out of his heart, and it made him feel bad.

Yan Weilou quickly ended the topic and looked at Su Xinghan seriously: "On the last Yuan Festival day, I seemed to have seen you on the line. Mingguang, are you sure you have not accidentally fallen into a formation?" Su Xinghan was in a daze for a moment, his pupils suddenly Shrinking, seeming to remember something: "I can't remember the time, I've been sleeping in the mountains for too long.

I just remember having a dream a few months ago, in which I saw Ayan..." This dream seemed to him like a omen, indicating that he would reunite with this person.

Soon after that, he woke up and went down the mountain to join the world.

Yan Weilou thought thoughtfully: "Dream? The spirits of heaven and earth gather and disperse. Maybe you think it is a dream, but in fact, part of your own spirituality mistakenly entered the hidden formation of Lingxiu Sect. Only then did you reach the front line across thousands of miles. Lead.

"So, there is a Lingxiu Sect formation hidden near the sacred mountain. This kind of information... may be useful someday in the future.

Many thoughts appeared in his mind. When Yan Weilou lowered his head and pondered various plots and plots, he did not notice that the bright light suddenly lit up in Su Xinghan's eyes, which was three points more brilliant than the most dazzling galaxy.

A thread...well, he likes the name :).

Chapter 119 Entering the Game (17) Now that the two had come down the mountain, other things could be postponed. The most important thing was to find the fragments of the divine sword Chaomu so that Su Xinghan could have a spiritual place to rest, and no longer be restricted by the divine mountain.

Following the direction that Su Xinghan sensed, they headed south, passing through hundreds of miles of desolate snowfields, and then they left the northern desert territory and entered the territory of Dayong, where the population gradually became prosperous.

Because the route they were walking partially overlapped with the direction that the several celestial beings were chasing, they also saw many traces of battle along the way.

There were plains that seemed to have been directly shoveled away, there were ruins of villages that looked like tornadoes had passed through, there were also diverted rivers, collapsed mountains... until they entered Dayong Yuzhou and came to a small city called Jibei City.

The Daheng Mountains are located in the northwest border of Yuzhou, a hundred miles away from Jibei City, and stretch for nearly a thousand miles.

The two did not go straight to the Daheng Mountains, but first went into the city to eat, rest for a while, and by the way, to inquire about the news.

The news that the Great Yong State Master, the Northern Desert Worshiper, and the Holy Lord of Xuantian Peak personally went to intercept the Lord of the Northern Dipper Demon Palace, Du Jiuyou, had already spread all over the world during this period of time with people traveling from south to north.

Many people in Jibei City even witnessed those figures flying over the city, as if a mighty wind was blowing across the sky, with amazing momentum.

From that day on, the topic of this battle replaced the original gossips in the rivers and lakes and became the latest and hottest topic in Jibei City.

Who made the gods rarely appear in the world, and this time there were four at once? In a restaurant, two people were sitting by the window.

The young man on the left was dressed in a black robe, with an aggressive and handsome appearance, but the smile on his lips neutralized this fierceness.

Although he looked young, his temperament was mysterious and serene, with a bearing beyond his age. The man in white on the right looked two or three years older, and his expression was cold and indifferent, as if he was unattainable. However, his eyes were clear and pure, and he was inexplicably quiet and well-behaved sitting next to the boy, as if his icy aura had softened.

The two of them sat together, as if they were born with their own aura, so that others dared not easily approach and disturb them, and there was silence in the corner.

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