As soon as the two stepped ashore, they heard the laughter of a group of children. Then the grass on the shore was pushed aside, and many children rushed out from the direction of the village. They chased each other, which was very lively.

Rushing out of the grass, they immediately saw the man in the river.

I saw two figures, one black and one white, walking across the water. They were surrounded by light mist and looked like a painting.

The leading children immediately shouted: "Look! There are gods!" "Don't talk nonsense! The village chief grandpa said that there have never been gods, it's all the bad guys who are causing trouble!" A young female voice came from behind the grass, His tone was calm beyond his years.

Then, the grass was pushed aside, and a girl in a red dress, dressed like a little fairy child, came out.

She was about to say something more when she suddenly saw Yan Weilou, her round eyes suddenly widened, and a surprised sound came out of her mouth, and she overturned what she had just said without any hesitation.

"Ah! It's the fairy brother from last time!" She said and said to her friends: "Come on, everyone, this is the fairy brother who exposed He Bo and saved everyone!" Yan Weilou reacted quickly : "Are you... Manman?" The little girl who was captured by Xu Hui? "Yeah, big brother, it's me!" Manman nodded vigorously and called his friends to come with him.

The two were quickly surrounded by a group of cheering children.

They stared at Yan Weilou with undisguised curiosity and reverence on their faces.

Su Xinghan couldn't help but have a sincere smile in his eyes, he was proud and proud, as if he was the one being praised and praised so much.

But soon, his proud smile was mixed with a touch of depression.

As we walked all the way to the village, many children were asking questions, like a swarm of bees buzzing around Yan Weilou. They were impressed by Yan Weilou’s good looks, kind personality, and his patience with children. His smile made him look even better. The big brother is full of affection.

Yan Weilou was busy dealing with the endless questions from the children, and Su Xinghan, a stranger who seemed a bit unapproachable, was almost pushed aside by them.

Su Xinghan pursed his lips in a depressed manner.

"Big brother, big brother, how did you deal with He Bo? Is it like what is said in the play - drink! As soon as the flying sword comes out, the demon will behead you!" Several naughty little boys used branches to make moves.

Before Yan Weilou could speak, several muffled coughs suddenly sounded next to him.

Yan Weilou's attention was immediately attracted.

However, he saw Xue Xinghan standing upright, putting down the hand covering his mouth. His pale face was slightly transparent in the sunlight, and his eyelashes were drooping, casting a faint shadow under his eyelids.

Looking a little lonely and lonely for no reason.

"Mingguang..." Yan Weilou walked up to him and gave him a worried look.

...It keeps consuming the original energy like this, only going in but not getting out.

It seems that we still need to find the morning and evening fragments as soon as possible.

"I'm fine.

"Xu Xinghan shook his head, cast his bright eyes on him, and curved his pursed lips.

“...Expose He Bo? Sounds interesting.

Ayan, can you tell me what happened? I'm a little curious.

" Yan Weilou paused.

Thinking of Xu Hui, a descendant of the Dayou royal family who pretended to be He Bo, I didn't know what Su Xinghan's attitude towards him was... Just as he was about to speak, the children next to him started talking to each other, very enthusiastically: " I know, I know, let me tell you!" What happened last time had already caused a sensation in the village, and the villagers mentioned it almost every day. It was not difficult for these children to parrot it and repeat it.

In the childish words of the children, Su Xinghan roughly heard a complete story.

Regarding how Yan Weilou suddenly arrived, how he went to Hebo's lair alone, how he returned with his children, and exposed Hebo's scam... maybe the only thing missing in this is the story of what happened in Hebo's lair.

Only Yan Weilou himself knows this.

While the children were telling stories, Yan Weilou also sorted out his thoughts.

No matter what, Xu Huizhi still needs to be told to Su Xinghan in advance so that he can be mentally prepared.

What's more, maybe the whereabouts of the morning and evening fragments will fall on Xu Hui's head.

Thinking like this, he turned his head and looked at Su Xinghan: "Mingguang, there is one more thing I didn't tell you, He Bo..." "You! It's you! You're still alive!!" A sudden voice interrupted. Yan Weilou's voice contained unspeakable resentment and anger.

It was as if someone had broken the bones, crushed the soul, mixed with the powder of resentment, and spewed out from the throat, every word made people shudder.

"——You monster is not dead yet!" The children were startled by the voice. They all trembled in fright and stared blankly.

Xu Hui, wearing cloth clothes and straw sandals, dressed like every villager, appeared at the entrance of the village, with a stiff face and eyes fixed on Su Xinghan.

The group of people stopped, and Su Xinghan was even more confused and looked at the person coldly.

His gaze directly ran into a pair of eyes filled with deep resentment. The strong emotion was enough to make anyone's hair stand on end.

Su Xinghan's expression remained unchanged.

His face was cold, and so was the light in his eyes.

That posture is like a statue of a god in a temple, looking down at all living beings calmly and indifferently, without being moved at all.

But the next moment, his eyes changed slightly.

Like a pool of calm and cold lake water, blown by the drunken spring breeze, the gentle and intoxicating Liandi suddenly stirred up.

This gentle and intoxicating Liandi rippled away, falling softly on the young man in front of him like moonlight.

That indifferent and inhumane face, like a sculpture made of ice and snow, was melted away by the spring breeze and dyed with a touch of warmth.

——Just a moment ago, Yan Weilou had taken two steps forward and stood in front of Su Xinghan without hesitation, blocking Xu Hui's malicious gaze.

The long black sleeves made a sound of breaking through the air in the wind. Yan Weilou waved his palm mercilessly, and the surging Qi turned into a sea wave, and Xu Hui, who was unable to dodge in the future, was thrown away.

Only then did the young man's cold tone sound: "I haven't seen you for a few months, and you seem to have forgotten your identity.

"When Yan Weilou left Xu Hui behind and handed it over to the villagers, it was not without any back-up.

He planted a restriction in the opponent's soul and unilaterally bound it to Manman.

In other words, the little girl Manman can decide Xu Hui's life or death with just one thought.

Now it seems that the villagers did not choose to kill him.

Perhaps because of his strong strength, he chose to keep him and contribute to the village.

"Cough cough cough..." Xu Hui stood up from the ground, covering his chest, his face turned pale.

However, he finally stopped staring at Su Xinghan and looked at Yan Weilou.

His pupils tightened, and emotions of anger, fear, and resentment alternated in his heart.

Just now, he only noticed Su Xinghan, but he didn't realize that there was such a evil star next to him! Xu Hui shudders whenever he thinks of Yan Weilou's various methods.

For a moment, he didn't even care to target Xiu Xinghan.

Xu Huisheng forced a smile on his face, lowered his head, and squeezed out another sentence: "...I lost my composure.

"As a descendant of the majestic Dayou royal family, not only was he forcibly bound to a little girl, and was manipulated by a group of untouchables all day long, but now he had to grovel in front of his enemies and survive. His lips were bleeding from his bites, and he felt very sad in his heart. humiliation.

Yan Weilou ignored him and looked at the little girl Manman next to him.

Since he had handed over Xu Hui's disposal power, he would not interfere for the time being.

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