The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1013: The destruction of the orcs

Mo Xie knew in his heart that on his side, Brother Zhao was constantly taking orders, and according to the requirements of the orders, he made virtual props for those large studios.

There are also a lot of orders for the Arrogant Alliance. Both parties are now competing for the share of the virtual game market, but the needs of players are very high-end, and not one alliance can eat them all.

However, if the two companies combine the orders, the situation is completely different, and at least it can raise the order completion to a new level.

The business opportunities here will also be very rich. If the two families eat together, it will only make more money, and will not diminish each other's interests.

"Sister-in-law, Luo Feng called me just now." Mo Xie immediately contacted Mo Xiaoyu.

"Oh, he is mixing with us today, he must be ready to cooperate fully in the future?" Mo Xiaoyu suddenly guessed what Mo Xie was about to say.

"Yes, although our two have no formal business cooperation, in fact, we can cooperate quickly with just one sentence." Mo Xie smiled.

"This is a good thing. Even if we can develop very powerfully, we can't guarantee that we can completely swallow the entire camp and the entire region. With such a large market, there will always be others who will compete. It is better to find an arrogant alliance. "Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"That's what I think about. Since Luo Feng wants to cooperate in an all-round way, I plan to start with the studio's orders and work with them to develop the market." Mo Xie said his thoughts.

"As long as they are sincere and willing to take out all orders, our two families will work together to share the profits of all orders, so that everyone will have a good time." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"So I plan to let my sister-in-law and Brother Zhao sort out our orders in these two days. All the orders that have not been completed are listed together. I will ask Luo Feng to discuss it again. If he is sincere, he will definitely be like me. If he conceals something, then this cooperation is meaningless." Mo Xie said directly.

"I agree with Xiao Mo's idea. We treat people with sincerity. If they want to play tricks, they can only blame themselves." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Okay, I will sort out the order with Mr. Zhao tomorrow." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

When Mo Xie planned to treat people with sincerity, Luo Feng was actually talking about this in the Arrogant Alliance Guild.

"Everyone, I just talked with President Mo of the God Realm Alliance. Both of us decided to carry out all-round commercial cooperation in the future. As the first step of cooperation, of course, open our commercial market to each other. All the orders that have not been completed are sorted out and jointly develop the market with the other party.” Luo Feng said sternly in the commander channel.

"What? Uncle Luo, don't you want to pity the beggars and reward them with a bite of food?" Chen Shao asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Don't talk, just listen to this meeting." Luo Feng frowned and shouted, getting angry when he heard this guy's voice.

This is the son of an old uncle who has been following him for many years and willing to obey the driving force?

His father made decisive decisions, had a long-term vision, and was very willing to accept different opinions.

But in the next generation, this kid didn't inherit any advantages from his father. Instead, he gathered all the shortcomings of his father and mother and carried them forward all at once. What happened?

Chen Shao suddenly stopped speaking, and didn't dare to continue speaking.

"Mr. Luo, although the Shenjiemeng has developed fast enough, the market has never been as mature as ours. As far as I know, although they have developed a market with great strength, they have indeed risen rapidly, but we do not need to take our customers Give it to them too?" said a commander.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, since we want to show our sincerity, it is enough to show our sincerity by showing half of our orders. How can their market compare to ours?" Another commander also held conservative opinions.

"Nowadays, the entire market has changed drastically. Many small guilds were acquired and annexed by the big guilds overnight. The market is undergoing a new reshuffle. We have finally managed to occupy a part of the market share. We have to share it with the God Realm League... …Is the risk a bit big?” another commander asked.

"Have you all finished, do you have different opinions?" Luo Feng asked.

"Mr. Luo, I think that the current God Realm League is no longer the small guild back then, because I am an old man of the Mo family guild, and I am very familiar with our former boss. Our sister-in-law was originally a strong woman, and Mo Xiao Yuan followed the developer machine. I believe they must have found a lot of partners now. In addition, the God Realm League has gone through several wars in a row, and the resources at hand can be said to be stronger than us. In this case, Qian Don't say who has a bigger market, if they have sufficient manufacturing standards, they will seize the largest market." An old commander of the Mohist Guild said.

"Have you heard, this is the most objective analysis. You guys can conclude from your imagination that we must be in the leading position, but you don’t know what kind of strength the other party is? Haven’t you noticed these two wars? With flying mounts, have you seen the mounts of those core commanders? This is just one manifestation of their mastery of the rules of the game, in case they master more manufacturing maps, let alone our existing market, even other guilds The market will also be snatched away instantly!" Luo Feng sneered.

"This..." The commanders were all speechless.

"You are still in your old position, looking down at others, but you don't know that the strength of others has already reached the top of your head! There is no need to discuss things today, this brother will be responsible for sorting out our existing orders, and tomorrow The God Realm Alliance conducts cooperation negotiations." Luo Feng looked at the Mohist commander.

"Understood Mr. Luo, this matter is on my body. We show all sincerity. If the God Realm League is not as sincere as ours, I will not share the order with them." Nodding for the arrogant commander with a smile Tao.

"Very well, just do what you think, and let me know if you have any news." Luo Feng smiled.

The high-levels of both parties have reached a resolution internally, and both plan to carry out this cooperation frankly and honestly...

The current battle is also concentrated outside the canyon on the side of the Arrogant Alliance, and in this wide canyon of the God Realm Alliance.

As for the battle on the barracks, as Luo Feng sent people to sweep the battlefield, the three major barracks were completely safe, and the orc army that surrounded the barracks was heavily surrounded by players.

The last two hundred thousand army of the orcs are now all concentrated on the two battlefields of Moxie and the Arrogant Alliance. The destruction of the orcs is just about to come...

The two-winged assassin army led by Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao has quietly slipped from the cliffs, hiding in the canyon channels on both sides of the valley.

As the orcs continue to die in battle, the enemies in the canyons on both sides are still constantly replenishing forward.

By the time Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao landed in the two canyons, the orc army had already consumed about half.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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