The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1014: Beastmaster's End

As the two beautiful commanders of the assassin army quietly climbed down the cliff from the other side of the ridge, the orc army in the valley was completely surrounded by Mo Xie's strategy!

In the other battlefields, except for the gorge mouth on the other side that was handed over to the arrogant alliance, the other battlefields were basically under the control of the players, chasing and killing the orc soldiers who fled.

Luo Feng personally led the team to rush out of the valley and dashed straight along the canyon near the Golden Crow Army Camp. As long as he encountered the orc troops along the way, he would slaughter him all the way from the Golden Crow Army to the south to the front of the second military camp.

The battle here is still the main attack of the orcs, but with the arrival of the arrogant alliance, the threat of the barracks is immediately lifted, and only half of the orc legions are simply unable to resist the flanking attacks of the enemies on the back, and they will suffer heavy losses in a short time.

Before Luo Feng could lead the troops to resolve the battle, a large number of golden armored soldiers arrived in the direction of the third barracks. The defenders in the south of the city felt that they were here to rescue after the orcs were annihilated by Yuanshoujian...

When the Arrogant Alliance and the south city defenders successfully reunited, Luo Feng knew that today's battle had all ended. The Orc Legion that had been rampant across the world had suffered a devastating blow tonight, and it might be difficult to regain strength.

"Mr Mo, we have cleaned up the enemies outside the three barracks, what should we do next?" Luo Feng asked.

"Great, Mr. Luo, if you have nothing to do, I will give you the entrances to three lairs. Take your troops to see if there are any orcs in these lairs. If so, kill them all and remove the resources inside. Move all away." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Mr. Mo can just rest assured that we will not leave you at all if we move the resources?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"Didn't President Luo form an alliance with us just now? I believe that President Luo will never do such a thing." Mo Xie smiled.

"Sure enough, it is President Mo, no matter what, I will take someone to clean the orc lair. Any resources found in it will be half of our two alliances." Luo Feng laughed.

He immediately led half of the arrogant Alliance players to explore according to the location of the three orc hideout holes given by Mo Xie...

At this moment, Mo Xie constantly heard voices from commanders everywhere, reporting all the battlefield conditions to him.

"Boss, the Golden Crow barracks have been defended." God Realm Dragon Soul said.

"Great, our Knight Legion is continuing to search for orcs in the map, the neighborhood has been cleaned up, and we are exploring further maps." The God Realm Emperor Hui reported.

"Mr. Mo, the South City Army Corps is returning, all the orcs here are cleared, and the other two barracks are restored to safety." Brother Zhao said.

"Very well, the Life Corps immediately returned to its job and counted and recovered the spoils." Mo Xie ordered.

"Understand." Brother Zhao nodded excitedly.

"The Cavaliers are patrolling around the three major barracks. There must be no danger." Mo Xie ordered.

"We are patrolling to ensure the safety of the three major military camps." The God Realm Emperor nodded.

"Dragon Soul, immediately lead people to the four gates of the imperial city to see if there is any other movement from the Protoss." Moxie said.

It is impossible for the Protoss to fail to respond to such a big event tonight.

"I know the boss, I will return to the city immediately." God Realm Dragon Soul nodded excitedly.

"Brother Wolf, continue to attack. The Assassin Legion besieged on both wings. You must stop the Beast King and not let it go. It is best to catch the Beast King alive." Moxie said.

"The Beastmaster must not be able to run away, we find a way to catch it alive." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"We have already started to attack, the other party is an assassin, it's really enjoyable to kill." Lianna laughed.

Looking at the battle in the canyon, the victory was basically determined. Mo Xie immediately commanded the mount to fly over the ridge, and after turning over the mountains, he flew towards the hidden canyon deep in the forest...

Falling in front of the canyon, the soldiers in the golden armor had already seen his arrival, and they gave up a passage one after another.

Mo Xie went straight through the canyon to the middle of the gourd mouth and found the guarding general.

Now that the battle was almost over, Mo Xie asked the guarding general to immediately return to the Golden Crow Barracks to continue guarding.

"What, we haven't played against the orcs, why let us go back?" the guard general asked in surprise.

"Don’t hide the truth from the general, most of the orc army has been killed. Now we are encircling and suppressing the beast king. In less than an hour, the beast king will not be able to protect himself, and the destruction of the orc is a foregone conclusion. Many things," Moxie said.

"The Orcs are really going to die? It's great, now the Protoss has nothing to sing!" The guard general widened his eyes in excitement. Now that the Orcs have been defeated, there is no use for them to stay here, so he immediately ordered the soldiers to line up. Out of the canyon, continue back to the Golden Crow Barracks...

The guarding generals of the other two barracks were also leading the army back to the barracks at this time. In this battle tonight, Mo Xie originally intended to let the army participate in the battle, but the appearance of the arrogant alliance made him temporarily change his attention.

Since there are enough manpower to fight the orcs, the legion is listed as a backup legion, and they will be considered for playing unless the battle is too long.

But now everything is going well, the Legion actually watched the whole night of the big show...

Transferring the legion, Mo Xie was waiting to capture the Beast King alive, and then came to take down the fortress.

When he flew to the sky and reappeared on the canyon battlefield, the entire battle situation had already undergone tremendous changes.

With the cooperation of the shield wall, the long-range legion, and the warrior legion, the large swaths of orcs in the canyon were divided into countless small pieces by the soldiers, and the long-range legion immediately covered the enemy with firepower.

The entire canyon is crowded with black and overwhelming figures, but now the number of players has exceeded 70!

More orcs are blocked at the junction of the three canyons, where the Beastmaster is located.

Surrounded by the players in three directions, the orcs who kept retreating during the fierce killing were already densely crowded in the last triangle of the canyon!

At this time, the expressions in the eyes of the orcs were no longer fierce and warlike, but expressions of horror appeared...

Even they know that they are facing the threat of death!

"Pass the order, let the brothers shout, Beastmaster surrender and stop killing." Mo Xiaolang led the shield wall all the way to the final triangle canyon area, knowing that the orcs had no way to escape, he gave the order with a smile.

"Beastmaster surrendered and stopped killing? Can these orcs understand?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked curiously.

"The orcs don't understand, but what level the Beastmaster is, it must be able to understand." Mo Xiaolang said.

"But if it doesn't surrender, wouldn't it be a waste of time?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

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