The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1020: Massive merits

Finally defeated the Orcs and opened a secret prison, but did not expect the Elf King to be transferred in advance by the Protoss, only to rescue an Elf high priest and thousands of Elves.

Mo Xie led a group of elves out of the fortress gate, watching the players retreating in batches, he asked Lianna to take the elves to the territory teleportation array first.

Just now along the way, he has asked many questions about the elves sacrifice, and if the other party knows, he has already told him.

At that time, the elven tribe army was 200,000. As a result, it was attacked by the gods and the orcs. Tens of thousands of elven soldiers were lost all at once. In addition to the rebellion, the entire captured elven tribe army reached one hundred thousand!

But Mo Xie has rescued only a few thousand people...

After the answer from the Elf Sacrifice just now, Mo Xie almost had an answer in his heart.

In the one hundred thousand elves that were captured that year, the elves of higher ranks were scattered and imprisoned, and the large number of ordinary elven soldiers were rewarded by the protoss to the elven traitors who took refuge in the protoss. They were scattered into a dozen tribes, each with their own With nearly ten thousand elves captives.

These captives are almost their slaves, helping them with unpaid labor.

Knowing this, Mo Xie already had an idea in his heart, and now the traitor spirit is not without any news.

In the secret detective mission in the east of the city, these traitor elves also helped the protoss to hunt down the craftsmen. In this case, you only need to inquire about the divine craftsman Kuang Geng, and you can quickly find these nasty guys.

Now that the Orc Legion has been completely resolved, the Protoss is equivalent to a broken arm. If the Protoss is to completely lose most of its power outside of Huangcheng Mountain, it must find a way to kill all the traitor elves and completely rescue all the elven soldiers.

In this way, the forces between the player and the Protoss have been declining, and the task of unifying the camp can be easier.

Up to this time, Mo Xie finally saw the dawn of victory over the Protoss...

However, the most critical situation is the whereabouts of the holy princess.

Where is she hiding?

According to the elf sacrificial statement, the strength of this holy princess does not seem to be low, and she has the ability to attack the fortress prison of the Protoss.

Mo Xie thought in his heart, riding a ride to the sky, heading to the three major military camps for the final inspection.

There is not much time to go online today, and the situation of the three major military camps must be determined before going offline...

Quickly flew over several ridges, across a large area of ​​wilderness, and again came to the vicinity of the Golden Crow Barracks. During the battle, the sky above the barracks was an area where pets were not allowed to fly. Moxie had to let the mount land in front of the canyon and strode towards the fortress gate.

At this time, the battle was over. Numerous golden-armored soldiers on the fortress were closely guarded. Seeing Mo Xie's arrival, the soldiers respectfully let him go to the fortress and walked towards the barracks wall.

On the square in the Golden Crow Barracks, the regiment led by the guard general has also returned and is deploying the usual defense.

When Mo Xie came closer, a group of generals surrounded Mo Xie very politely.

"Your Excellency, we have heard about the battle. It is said that even the orc king has returned this time, dare you to ask if it is true?" the guard general asked excitedly.

"The general's news is correct. The Beastmaster has indeed surrendered. The alliance contract between the Orcs and the Protoss was also cancelled because of the defeat of the Orcs. Now the entire Orcs have evacuated from the imperial city area and went to the remote camp border to make a living. "Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

"This is really great, the orc army is very powerful. I didn't expect that thanks to the master governor's clever plan, they were surrounded by valleys and gullies to annihilate them in one fell swoop. It's really incredible." The guard said admiringly. .

"It's nothing. In fact, the blame is for their greed. Seeing that the three major barracks sent troops, they were anxious to encircle you in the valley and wipe them out, but I didn't expect that you were just bait. "Mo Xie explained with a smile.

"That being said, you can also see that the Governor has such a powerful legion, and the destruction of the Protoss is not far away." The guard general said excitedly.

"I came here this time just to check the issue of the re-arming of the three major military camps. I wonder if the other two military camps have all returned to camp now?" Mo Xie asked.

"I just received the flying eagle's letter from the other two guarding generals. They have returned to the camp safely. The Governor does not have to worry." The guarding general nodded.

"That's good. I have a request. I also hope that the guarding general will help me convey to the other two generals. This time the defeat of the Orcs will be very shocking to the Protoss. They will never sit still, so maybe they will There is a big action happening, so the three major military camps must be safe. No matter what the situation is, the three generals must guard the military camp and never lead their troops to leave. As long as you defend the military camp, the Protoss will have nothing to do with the Emperor." Mo Xie warned.

"Don't worry, Lord Governor, I will tell all the generals that no matter what happens, I will never leave the barracks for half a step!" The guard general solemnly said.

"Okay, I have other things, so I'll leave for now." Mo Xie immediately left, and took out the return city scroll to use.

As long as the security of the three major barracks is guaranteed, the Protoss has nothing to do for the time being, then he also has more time to improve the player's strength and wait for the decisive battle with the Protoss...


With a flash of white light, Mo Xie returned to the central teleportation formation of the Evernight Imperial City, and immediately rushed towards the position of the General Mansion.

Relying on the super fast speed all the way, he quickly returned to the General Zhen Guo's Mansion within two minutes and appeared in front of the General Zhen Guo.

In the battle tonight, the harvest was very impressive. Let alone the experience points exploded by the orcs, he is about to rise to level 52, and the merit points are even more scary!

You know, this is only half of the merit value reward under normal circumstances. If you switch to a camp battle, Mo Xie will be able to get hundreds of thousands of merit points this night...

Because on his current merit value interface, there are six shocking numbers...145837!

This is still minus his original merit points of more than 50,000, but he also got a huge number of nearly 100,000 merits!

After all, most of the fat tonight was taken up by the God Realm League, and there was not much left to the arrogant coalition, and the other players didn’t even know it. Apportioned.

"Master General, good news!" Mo Xie walked over to General Zhen Guo and immediately started a dialogue.

"Seeing you like this, this general is relieved, how is the battle going, what are the losses of the three major barracks and the southern defense corps?" General Zhen Guo asked nervously.

For him, even if he defeats the Orcs, these four legions must not cause major incidents, otherwise, the Protoss will be in trouble again!

"The general rest assured, I didn't let the three major military camps fight this time, just let them be a bait. They basically did not have any casualties. As for the Chengnan military camp, it is said that the Orcs were defeated in Yuanshoujian, and the casualties were less than 1,000. ."

Mo Xie said with a smile.

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