The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1021: Letter of Recommendation

Mo Xie took out two props in his hand, and the General Zhen Guo suddenly opened his mouth in surprise, rubbing his eyes in disbelief, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Well, isn't this a token of the Beastmaster? Is this letter..." The General Zhen Guo said in shock.

"The general guessed right. In tonight's battle, half a million orc army killed 400,000, and the remaining one hundred thousand have already returned. The Beast King also promised to lift the Protoss covenant and lead the remnants of the tribe to flee away from home and never enter the imperial city. Scope. This is the defeat letter he personally issued, as well as the tokens that entrusted me to help him summon the orc remnants as evidence." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Let me look at the letter..." The General Zhen Guo received the letter in surprise, a golden light flashed in front of him, as if he was reading the content of the letter.

"General, rest assured, the orc threat has been completely lifted, and the protoss no longer has the vanguard army." Mo Xie smiled.

"Great, your abilities really made this general admire! Unexpectedly, even the orcs were surrendered by you, and the human royal family is finally relieved!" General Zhen Guo exulted.

"How about the general, what reward will you give me when the mission is completed?" Mo Xie asked with a smile and reached out to take the letter.

"This... Your Excellency, the mission you completed this time was a secret operation. This general took the risk to convey the crusade order. In fact, it was not approved by the royal family at all. It was a secret operation in our private, and this general can't think of it. What rewards are for you?" General Zhen Guo said embarrassedly.

"You actually told me that I have been busy all night and made such a great contribution, but there is no reward?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Your Excellency, the credit you made this time is enough to reward you with the artifact, but this is not a task authorized by the royal family, and this general can't give any rewards... Then, it is within the general's responsibility. , I can promise you one condition." The town general shook his head helplessly.

"What conditions, give me a fief?" Mo Xie asked.

"I'm afraid this won't work. I am not your majesty. I have no right to reward fiefdom unless you become a general. By the way, this general can give your majesty the merits of destroying the orcs and write a letter of recommendation to recommend you. Is it good for you to be promoted to the general of the Empire?" The general Zhen Guo's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

According to Mo Xie's current official position, if he wants to upgrade again, it is not as simple as merit points, but also needs to be recommended by high-level officials, and then approved by the emperor to be able to upgrade to the position of imperial general.

Once a player becomes an empire general, it is an incredible achievement!

After a player becomes a general, there is more than one official title and additional attribute value. After becoming a general, he will automatically get a piece of the imperial territory awarded by the imperial family. The location can be chosen by himself and then reported to the imperial family for approval, as long as the system regulations are not violated, You can get the approval directly.

Moreover, the imperial generals have several special rights...

An imperial general can have a guard corps of 10,000 people, and has the privilege of forming an imperial battle corps. Anyone who leaves the imperial city to go to various main cities or remote border areas, the imperial general also has the right to establish military camps...

This is equivalent to an extra private territory, and the barracks can be dismantled at any time and rebuilt at any time, which is equivalent to a moving general's reel, where you can build it there.

Players do not need to worry about building a barracks. The Ten Thousand Guards Corps is responsible for this work. Even the materials for building a barracks do not need players to worry about.

Of course, depending on the level of generals, general imperial generals can only build junior barracks, while imperial mid-level generals can have mid-level barracks, and imperial generals can have high-level barracks. Top generals like General Zhen Guo can build The scale of the top military camp is equivalent to a medium-sized city!

Different military camps have different construction times. It is not like building blocks. You can build them quickly. Players will understand this situation in the future.

Mo Xie had already seen from the expression of the General Zhen Guo, that the great feat of defeating the Orcs this time might really not squeeze out the benefits from him. The only thing he could get was the general officer recommendation letter.

"General, can you guarantee that you can recommend me to the general position?" Mo Xie was still a little unbelievable.

"This general is not completely sure, but based on your current contribution to the empire, becoming a general is a matter of course, and I will fight for reasons before your majesty." General Zhen Guo said.

"What if the Protoss blocks it?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"This... it's a big deal. This general summoned all the generals above the generals in the military to fight for you. See what else the Protoss has to say?" General Zhen Guo said with a fist.

"Then there really is General Lao. If it passes, what will happen?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"If your majesty agrees to this general's recommendation, the royal family will call you to enter Huangcheng Mountain to meet your majesty, formally issue the golden seal of the general, and reward fiefdoms and appointed positions." General Zhen Guoda said.

"There are so many benefits! Then I don't want to reward this time. I just hope that the general can summon all the generals of the military and do my best for my promotion." Mo Xie said excitedly.

He knows very well that rewards are all clouds. If you can really become an imperial general, it will be the greatest reward!

Because the senior management positions that the imperial generals already belong to, once they become generals, they have a certain right to speak, and they can also have greater territories and rights!

"Then it is settled. This general will write a recommendation letter for you in a while, and then submit it to your majesty. Then, your majesty will ask the general about the situation. At that time, I will have all military generals inside and outside the imperial city jointly recommend it. , Protoss wants to stop, I'm afraid it's impossible." General Zhen Guo laughed.

"Thank you General, then I will wait for the news of the summoning." Mo Xie nodded and said.

"By the way, during this period of time you have to stare at the situation outside the city, in case the Protoss has any plans for revenge." General Zhenguo reminded.

"Please rest assured, I have instructed the guarding generals of the three major military camps to close the gates of the military camps during this period of time, and do not take their troops away regardless of anything." Moxie said.

"That's good." The General Zhen Guo finally let out a sigh.

"Master General, I would also like to ask you a favor. Please help me in Huangcheng Mountain to see if there are special places where prisoners can be held. I suspect that His Majesty the Elf King was imprisoned on Huangcheng Mountain by the Protoss."

Mo Xie raised his head and looked into the distant sky, the tall and majestic mountain range.

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