The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1033: Sealed Zone of Terror

The setting of running corpses has appeared in many games. This is a special punishment for the death of players. The soul can only resurrect when the corpse is found, warning players to cherish life.

But here, the inability to directly resurrect must be a special restriction of the seal map, that is, after the players die here once, it takes a long time to come back, and then they dare not continue to explore here.

"This way I want to scare me, no way." Mo Xie thought with disdain, and continued to move forward.

Up to now, the map is still dark, and it seems that no new map data is loaded.

And the trouble is that with such a complicated terrain and dark environment, it is impossible to see the location and coordinates. This is the most terrible setting.

The forests of Connaught University are easy to get lost when given a map environment, let alone without a map?

Although there was no environment and the shady scene could not be swept away, Mo Xie was surprised to find that a small green spot in the dark large map looked so warm.

This little green dot is of course himself.

If you can see your cursor, it means that there is still a way to crack this map...

Mo Xie tried to open the package, took out a small piece of ore from it, and threw it on the ground behind him.

With a bang, there seemed to be a small white spot outside the green spot on the map, but it was hard to find if you didn't pay attention.

This is because the Tao is too small.

At this moment, Mo Xie knew how to locate it.

He walked forward cautiously, stepping on thick leaves under his feet, and dropping a few ashlars every three meters. The volume of the ashlars has been hit a lot, so after walking a distance of more than ten meters, the map is green Behind the dot, an ellipsis-like white cursor suddenly appeared.

But this is not a solution. The map is too big and throw it away. As long as five minutes pass, the ownership of the stone will disappear, and the coordinates will still be lost.

But before Mo Xie came up with a better positioning method, the danger began to approach slowly...

Perhaps it was because his movement was too loud just now. In the dark forest, it seemed that a lot of peculiar noises were evoked, which faintly sounded in the dark forest ten meters around him.

Xi Xi Suo Suo!

The sound of countless footsteps came from around, and they kept getting closer to him!

What the hell?

Mo Xie knew that this was a 100+ map, and a small monster that appeared at random was as difficult to deal with as a big one.

But with so many sounds around, the number of monsters found must be no less than a dozen!

He quickly settled his steps and listened to the surrounding movement. He found that these footsteps were indeed following his own voice. When he stopped, the surrounding footsteps suddenly stopped.

These guys are waiting for him to continue making movements.

Sample, want to bully brother like this?

Mo Xie stood still, and there was a big tree nearby. He tried and was confident that he could climb the tree in two seconds, but he could not guarantee that he would no longer be tracked by the enemy.

Because in this dark forest, the trees are far apart, and there is an open distance of more than ten meters between each big tree.

In this environment, if the other party locks himself in, there is no place to escape even if he wants to escape.

Mo Xie opened the package, and he had never used the tactics of violent attacks. He still had enough confidence to deal with this group.

I found a bamboo pole from the package, held it with one hand, took a long breath, and threw it towards the dark environment ahead...

call out!

A slight sound of breaking through the air rushed to the distance, and with a puff, it seemed to fall into the thick pile of leaves, making a small muffled sound.

Xi Xi Suo Suo!

Suddenly, countless footsteps all around rushed towards the place where the bamboo pole fell.

Mo Xie rushed directly to the nearby tree trunk, and climbed up to the big tree that one person could hug in twos or threes with agility, until he found a horizontal tree branch to do it, the beating heart slowly began to calm down.

At this time, the sound of footsteps sounded again, seemingly the group of monsters who found that the bamboo pole had not found anyone, and continued to rush towards the position where he stood just now.

Hey, the IQ of these monsters is not low, and they can continue to react when they are cheated. This is not the behavior of ordinary monsters!

To have such an IQ, at least it is not a low level, that is, their identities and their status as foe or foe are still unknown.

Hidden on the tree branches, Mo Xie held his breath. To deal with such a high IQ, he must be very careful!

Quietly listening to the surrounding footsteps getting closer and closer, gradually, a large group of slender black shadows slowly gathered under the tree, and at least twenty or thirty black shadows swarmed over all of a sudden.

All of them were wearing long robes, holding weapons like wands, like ghosts, their feet were moving parallel among the leaves, looking extraordinarily terrifying!

No wonder their footsteps are so clear, it turned out to be like this...

The **** shadows didn't need to lift their feet, they just slid around on the ground like this, and there were waves of whistling sounds that sound even more terrifying now.

How come they walk in this way, are they really ghosts?

Li Wei was frightened for the first time, but it aroused his curiosity even more.

After looking at the group of figures on the ground, they didn't find them, and then they slid around, disappearing without a trace in a short while.

Mo Xie’s curiosity grew stronger and he immediately slid down from the tree. Now that he knew his footsteps would easily attract enemies, he simply took out some animal skins from the package and wrapped his feet... …

After a while, his feet were swollen like cotton balls, he tried to walk a few steps, and the sound of landing almost completely disappeared.

At this moment, he was satisfied with his eyes, and he could take a good look at what the identity of these weird guys are...

Taking advantage of the opportunity of walking silently, he quickly observed the environment on several nearby trees, and finally determined an area as the best place to check the enemy.

He was busy back and forth on the big tree. In order to ensure his safety, he kept building various long ropes on the tree to connect several nearby trees from the air to facilitate his escape.

In less than an hour, the surrounding environment was all ready, and Mo Xie also began to deliberately strode in a clearing...

Puff puff!

The sound of his footsteps suddenly sounded in the silent dark forest, which could be clearly heard from dozens of meters away.

After running for half a lap, he quickly put on the toe caps, rushed to the tree that had just been laid out, and quickly slid up to the top of the tree...

Xi Xi Suo Suo!

The surrounding movement was getting louder and louder, causing Mo Xie to get goose bumps all over his body.

With so many monsters and not low IQ, this situation is not fun!

Fortunately, he was ready and it took such a long time, and he always felt a little regretful if he didn't try.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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