The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1034: Cross-region map

Mo Xie immediately threw out a bamboo pole, causing movement in the distance. When these sounds rushed towards the place where the bamboo pole fell, he immediately took out a few torches from the package and chose to use it immediately.


All the torches in his hand were lit, and he rushed to the surroundings of the flat ground, plugged one in one place, and instantly illuminated the entire flat ground.

Returning quickly to the big tree, Mo Xie climbed up to the top of the tree in twos and threes, waiting for the shadows to arrive.

It can be seen from the situation just now that these monsters are very sensitive in the dark, as long as they hear a sound, they will pounce in groups, which shows that they are very adaptable to the dark environment.

But at the present position, Mo Xie didn't understand the sealed map of the Forest of Shura, whether there was a difference between day and night, it might be the opposite of the outside, and it might be night forever.

In any case, he must be especially careful with these monsters.

Just climbed up the treetops, the large black shadows that quickly returned from the bamboo poles made real sounds in the dark night not far away. When they returned to the torch area again, the true faces of the black shadows finally appeared on the tree. In front of Mo Xie...

I saw people wearing black cloaks, converging from all sides, patrolling curiously in the torch area.

They are completely dark, can't see their faces, and their eyes are hollow without any color, looking like blind people.

They are holding a black short ruler, their heads sideways seem to be listening to the surrounding movement with both ears!

Looking at these black-robed men, Mo Xie was shocked, because judging from the weapons in their hands, they were all demons!

But Mo Xie would not rush to greet them because he was also a demons. After all, he was a player and the opponent was, even if he was an enemy of the same clan.

But why, how can there be so many demons in this sealed forest, and it seems that they are the masters of this forest, specially guarding this dangerous forest area.

They also walked strangely, moving parallel to the ground as if they had no feet, and their robes were sweeping the fallen leaves, and a strange sound came from Xisuoso.

As these demon black-robed men scattered around the flat ground, a lot of black robes finally floated under the big tree where Mo Xie was, and finally let him see the names of these black-robed men clearly...

The strange thing is that the names of these people in black robes are not like those on the outside map. They are divided into different colors according to the strength of the monsters. Their names are all displayed in black!

What does black mean?

One by one, the black-robed people stared at the black fonts, looking very strange!

The exiled guardian soul boss

Level: 110

Just glanced at the system attributes of these black-robed people for a while, Mo Xie felt a chill in his heart dissipating back...

My goodness, 110 boss level!

Now he understands what environment he is in...

Because there are some brief introductions in the official information, the highest level of monsters in all regions of the map is 100. For monsters over 100, there can only be one explanation...

Players have walked out of the borders of their country's map and entered the terrifying lost place!

The Lost Land is the system's collective term for neutral maps outside of various regions, and this Lost Land is that players can only enter after the end of the war in the region and the determination of the king of the region, so as to start the cross-region crusade. A public map of the region!

In this kind of map, killing is not illegal, but being killed will cause a very headache. Running a corpse is one of the punishments...

No wonder this happened, it turned out to be a map outside the region!

And why this kind of map appears in the corners of the map in each region, the system has a fun explanation, such a map is a place for players in other regions to hide temporarily.

This area enters this kind of map and sees the dark night environment, but players from other regions come here, it is the daytime environment, so the battle between the two sides in this kind of map is often because the guests take advantage.

And in this kind of map, there are more than 100 guards, but they will not attack outsiders, only attack players in the area...

So when Mo Xie came here, he was destined to be attacked.

According to the rules of the system, the player’s level limit is only 100. Only after passing the zone battle mission and entering the public map of the Lost Lands, can the level limit be increased to 110. This 10 level is also Only in the map of the Lost Lands can kill people and monsters to rise.

Facing such a map, Mo Xie really had a headache.

These are numerous and powerful, even if the mechanism is set, they can't be killed. The best way is to escape.

After figuring out his current environment, Mo Xie hid in the tree and did not dare to escape, quietly waiting for these great gods to leave...

However, these people in black robes seemed to feel the existence of the fire around them, and a large group of black shadows still gathered there densely, not dispersing for a long time.

Gradually, after waiting for ten minutes, a torch started to go out, and the dark shadows wandered away...

The environment was pitch black again, but Mo Xie was extremely speechless.

Since entering this forest, his friend list has been closed, the usual chat system has also lost its function, the only shiny icon, only the alliance channel can still be used.

He opens the alliance dialogue interface and selects the command channel.

"I entered a strange map, it must be a lost place outside the map of the region." Moxie said.

"What... That's not a regional neutral map, it's very dangerous!" Mo Xiaoyu said in surprise.

"How did you find it? Did you leave the country?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"The map area is still in the big map of our region, but it is already on the edge. This time I used to find the whereabouts of the holy princess. I didn't expect this to be the case." Mo Xie explained helplessly.

"Then you have to be very careful. If you hang up once, you will lose merit. Besides, the monsters there are more than 100+, and the mobs will die." Li Hong warned.

"Don't worry, I'm still looking for the place where the mythical beast is sealed, as long as I find it, it's safe." Moxie said.

"Do you want to help?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"How many people can't help me, I will try to get Qing Binger out." Moxie said.

"Then be careful, don't force this task, it's not worth losing too much." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"I know that you will upgrade your alliance and increase your strength as soon as possible. Leave it to me here. There will be a big action in ten days." Mo Xie nodded and ended the chat. Now only one person can think of a solution.

In this dark forest, there is a terrifying environment everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be caught. Every step must be calculated accurately.

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