The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1100: Separate rescue

"Then what are you going to do?" Saint Princess nodded and asked.

"It's very simple. You will rush up later on your own. We will hide on the spot and look for opportunities to enter the top of the mountain to find a chance to save people. You must ensure your safety and delay the fighting as much as possible." Moxie said.

According to Mo Xie's arrangement, the holy princess took the lead with the holy axe and strode towards the depths of the clouds at the end of the mountain road.

The remaining five people watched her back go further and further, until they disappeared at the end of the mountain road, everyone locked their eyes on Mo Xie.

"Our task is now very heavy. We must find the whereabouts of His Majesty the Elf King as soon as possible before the princess and the Protoss battle is over, so now we have to split up."

"Bing'er took me and Sister Hong, and Fairy took Brother Wolf. After we entered the top of the mountain, we immediately looked for it carefully from the left and right sides. If we encounter danger, we must protect ourselves and go to find the protection of Her Royal Highness." Moxie said. .

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

"Let's start now. Your Royal Highness should have attracted enough Protoss attention. We just took this opportunity to find people." Moxie said.

"Understood." The two teammates nodded and immediately set off toward the end of the mountain road.

All the way through the last section of the upward road, rushed to the top of the mountain at the end of the mountain road, and saw the clouds and fog thicker and thicker in the front. They had entered into the vast fog, and there was nothing to be seen more than ten meters away.

The top flat land is actually an angled area between the three peaks. Only this channel is connected. Once you go up, you can only return to the same road!

"Disperse and act separately." Mo Xie waved his hand and rushed to the right with Li Hong's Qing Binger, and explored forward against one side of the mountain wall.

On the other side, Mo Little Wolf and Fairy Blazing Phoenix also rushed forward along the cliff on the other side, looking for any effective clues along the way.

It was the first time that Mo Xie had lifted the topography of the imperial city mountain. If it hadn't been for the Saint Princess to inform some of the terrain in advance, she would have no idea that the top of the mountain looked like this from the sand table.

On the top of the cloud-wrapped mountain, the last three peaks soared into the sky, and a small floating island was suspended in mid-air by the three divine power beams emitted from the temple at the top of the three peaks.

On the floating island, there is also a temple in the clouds, which gathers all the divine power resources of the Protoss, and provides a continuous supply of divine power for the sun.

Above these three peaks, all the Protoss teleportation formations are all concentrated here. In fact, this is a base camp that the Protoss has painstakingly managed for a long time. Not to mention the strong defenses inside, countless teleportation formations can mobilize a large number of Protoss legions at any time. support!

Of course, these circumstances are all the information the Saint Princess told Mo Xie, he has not actually seen the exact topography of the mountain now.

Moving forward along one side of the cliff, the cliff on the left hand side is very wide, and it can be seen that the area of ​​the mountain top plain is also very open.

According to the Saint Princess, the Protoss also built a small town on the plain at the center of the mountain, which is a place for the Protoss to temporarily live and rest. It is also an important area for them to store various resources.

Now the holy princess is going to the town in the center of the plain to actively attract the enemies of the Protoss and create opportunities for them to rescue.

Where these three peaks are connected, there are two important mountain passes. It is said that the Protoss built mines there and dug enough divine power spar from the sacred mountain. The elf kings and elders are very likely to be served as hard labor. Mining ore in two places.

So Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang searched from both sides, thinking about finding the location of two mines quickly.

As they walked along the cliff, the more they moved forward, they slowly discovered that the **** of the cliff was changing and it no longer seemed so steep.

Gradually, a huge rocky hillside continued to form. At the end of the rocky **** ahead, at the junction of the two mountains, a deep valley appeared in the thick fog!

"Found it, there is a valley there!" Li Hong said in surprise.

"Be careful, there are a lot of enemies there!" Qing Binger looked at the valley in the distance, and saw dozens of Golden Armored soldiers gathered in Taniguchi, neatly lined up and sealed off the valley.

"Binger, you can lead these enemies away, let's go in and see the situation." Moxie said.

"Okay, but if there are enemies inside, what should you two do?" Qing Binger asked worriedly.

"You draw these enemies away, use the thick fog to get rid of them, and then quickly come back to us." Moxie said.

"I see." Qing Binger nodded and understood what he meant.

The dragon girl immediately rushed to the depth of the dense fog on one side, and quickly approached the valley mouth from the other direction.

Mo Xie and Li Hong hurriedly hid on the hillside, looking for a rock to block their figures, and staring at the valley mouth.

In the thick fog, a slender figure quickly rushed out, and Qing Binger was already close to the sight of the gods soldiers at the mouth of the valley.

As soon as she approached, she saw Dragon Girl waving her hands continuously, a string of blue ice lights flickering in the mist, a scream suddenly sounded, and a large number of Protoss soldiers in the front row were injured by Qing Binger’s skills, neatly The queue was immediately chaotic, and countless soldiers rushed out angrily holding their weapons...

But Qing Binger did not continue to move forward. After successfully attacking, she immediately turned and quickly returned to the dense fog.

I saw countless golden armored soldiers chasing after them, rushing into the white mist one by one, disappearing without a trace...

Seeing that the mouth of the valley was empty, Mo Xie quickly took Li Hong's hand and rushed down the hillside, his heart beating wildly into the mouth of the valley...

He was also worried that if Qing Binger hadn't led all the enemies away, the strength of him and Li Hong would not be enough to fight in such an advanced map.

However, the situation was not as bad as he had imagined. The soldiers of the Protoss found that the enemy had invaded, and they all rushed forward, chasing no one left.

The secluded valley is empty, with only a deep canyon more than five meters wide, which leads to the depths of the mountains...

Mo Xie and Li Hong knew that there were not many opportunities, so they rushed all the way and kept going inward along the canyon. After rounding the corners, a dark cave was clearly visible at the foot of the canyon in front.

The fog here is not very thick, and it can be seen clearly from a few tens of meters away. The entrance of the cave is also densely covered with countless soldiers with golden armor, so that the two of them can only hide behind the canyon curve and dare not continue to move forward.

"What to do now, there are too many guards from the Protoss!" Li Hong asked nervously.

"When Qing Bing'er comes back, we are attracting the enemy once, and we will find a place to hide." Mo Xie looked to the sides of the canyon, looking for suitable terrain.

"It can only be this way." Li Hong nodded and helped him find a place to hide temporarily on both sides.

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