The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1101: Elf people imprisoned

Now the three people face the same predicament, all looking for a place to hide in the canyon.

However, the sides of the canyon are very steep, and there is only such a large terrain in the canyon, it is very difficult to hide.

Fortunately, when Moxie's psychic acted, he found that there were gravel and gravel everywhere on the ground of the canyon, so he hurriedly moved, piled up a large pile of gravel in a corner, and then let Li Hong squat in the corner and use stones to crush her Wrapped up his body.

As a result, Mo Xie only saw a large pile of rubble in the corner, and Li Hong's figure had disappeared.

He quickly informed Mo Xiaolang of this method so that he also knew how to deal with the enemy.

When the two had finished talking, a graceful figure quickly rushed towards the back of the canyon, and Qing Binger finally managed to get rid of the chasing soldiers and hurried back to them.

At Mo Xie's request, Qing Bing'er piled a large piece of rubble on his body. The two people hid in the corner. The outside of the body was piled with dense rubble and gravel. It was completely invisible that two people were hidden here.

"I'm going to lead them, you guys be careful." After helping Mo Xie to hide, Qing Binger rushed out of the canyon again.

After crossing the corner, it was a canyon channel leading straight to the mine cave at the foot of the mountain. The dragon girl rushed wildly, which had attracted the attention of the protoss guards. Before her approached, a large group of golden armored soldiers rushed out of the cave with weapons. It turned out to be more than a hundred soldiers!

Qing Binger did not rush to escape, and continued to rush forward to meet them. After entering the attack range, a blue light group appeared in the air with a wave of his hand, and a piece of ice arrow whizzed down to the ground, and countless protoss soldiers burst into a series of blue. Color hurt numbers...

The soldiers of the Protoss who were attacked were even more angry. Qing Binger steadily held back his hatred, and then turned around and started to flee according to Mo Xie's explanation...

On the other side, Mo Xiaolang and Fairy Blazing Phoenix also followed this method to successfully lead away the soldiers again...

I only heard the intensive footsteps rushing by in the canyon. When it was completely quiet, only the rubble was flying. The two directly stood up from the pile of rubble and rushed to the end of the valley.

After attracting the blame twice, Mo Xie believed that this time there should be no enemies to make trouble again...

But he didn’t know that these two mines had always been heavily guarded, but not long ago, because the holy princess rushed to the Protoss’ lair single-handedly, the Holy Axe was invincible along the way, killing countless Protoss soldiers, so here Most of the guards were transferred away.

After rushing through the last section of the valley, the two rushed directly into the dark mine.

The shadows of the people stretched out from the mine cave to flicker, one by one, tall and thin people in ragged clothes, all carrying bamboo baskets and mining hoes, were rushing back and forth inside.

The two people's eyes lit up, and they hurriedly continued along the mine and galloped forward, and the people who came into their eyes were countless elves!

The number of elves here far exceeds the number of Moxie’s previous rescues. In the long mine, two teams of elves are walking slowly, one against the empty bamboo basket and heading into the depths of the mine, the other is Walking out of the mine with a heavy bamboo basket on his back, and then entering the huge hole on one side...

When the two rushed to the front of the team, they saw the group of elves carrying the ore. After entering the mine, they unloaded the ore and then sat on the ground to rest.

"Finally found the elf, hurry up and see where is His Majesty the elf king?" Li Hong said excitedly.

Mo Xie was looking everywhere in the mine, checking the name of each elves, hoping to find the name of the elven king...

It's a pity that the elves sitting there resting under the huge piles of ore in the cave have common names on their heads, and they didn't see the target he was looking for.

The two of them walked in the crowd, looking at countless elves with dark faces and shabby clothes, and the elves sitting here resting, there are probably no less than a thousand people!

Finally, Mo Xie's eyes lit up. Among the large group of elves, on the side of the wall, he finally saw a name with a different color...

This is a name displayed in pale gold color. It was not very clear because of the light in the dark mine, but he found it!

Elf Elder!

The old elven man with the pale gold name was thin with only one spare ribs, holding a mine **** in one hand and a worn-out rattan stick in the other, sitting and resting against the stone wall.

Around him, a large number of elves gathered around him, some lying down, some lying on their sides, and the dim eyes were filled with despair...

These elves were kept here for at least ten years, and their daily work was mining and unloading, and they never stepped out of the mine again.

Mo Xie strode to the front of the stone wall. His appearance immediately aroused the vigilance of a large number of elves, especially when he approached the elder's body. Suddenly countless tall and thin figures stood up and stood in front of the elder. Staring at him...

"Don't panic everyone, I'm here to rescue you." Mo Xie explained quickly.

As soon as his words were uttered, he was immediately surprised by the attention of countless elves around him, and all stood up, staring at him with enthusiasm, as if they were about to rush in and tear him to pieces!

"Elder, let your people calm down, I am at the request of the Elf Queen and Princess Zixin, and now I am here to rescue you and your Majesty the Elf King!" Mo Xie explained quickly.

"You all get out, let this elder see who he is." An old voice sounded feebly.

The large group of elves immediately stepped aside to the sides, revealing the figure of the elder leaning on the stone wall.

"See the elder, the matter is urgent now. I must lead you away from the top of the mountain before the Protoss finds it out. Please also quickly tell me where is Your Majesty the Elf King now?" Mo Xie said anxiously.

"Young man, this is the land of the Protoss. How did you get in, or how to get out. You won't even be able to get out later." The elder said lightly.

"Elder, I'm here to save you..." Mo Xie said in surprise, baffled by the opponent's reaction.

"Save us, it's up to you two... If the old man believes you, the people in the mine will be killed by you. Do you know how many troops the Protoss has outside?" Elf elder sneered.

Listening to the elder's questioning, Mo Xie and Li Hong all understood...

Elf elders do not believe in their abilities, and are afraid that so many people will be massacred together!

"Elder, the situation outside is very special now. Her Royal Highness Saint Princess is fighting with the Protoss. We are ordered to take you away. The entire mine is only guarded by hundreds of Protoss soldiers." Mo Xie explained quickly.

"His Royal Highness Saint Princess is fighting the Protoss?" The elder stood up suddenly, his eyes gleaming with surprise.

"I will not lie to you. Princess Zixin and Her Royal Highness have been rescued now. The purpose of our trip is to come for the safety of Your Majesty and the elders. Unexpectedly, there are so many elves held here. This It happens to be able to kill the imperial city together!"

Mo Xie explained excitedly.

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