The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 328: Can't get out of the map

Decided to start exploring the east first, Mo Xie immediately set the coordinates of the starting point, and strode towards the east of the map to start a straight line exploration.

The endless red plain was empty and nothing existed. Except for the faint whirring sound of the fire cloud burning overhead, the entire plain seemed extraordinarily quiet, with no wind or any abnormal movement.

Walking on the hard red ground, Mo Xie's curious Dong Zhang hoped, but could not see the edge of the map.

According to the original plan, he had to nail an iron drill every ten meters as a road sign. This way, clanging percussions sounded three to five times apart...

As Mo Xie walked out a long distance, the iron drill nailed to the ground behind him had become a long straight line.

He is getting farther and farther away from the starting point, but this strange red plain is still invisible!

What the **** is this place?

Mo Xie was shocked by the vastness of this plain, but he was also very curious. What secrets are hidden in such a strange environment in the system?

He followed the east all the way, this walk actually took a long journey of half an hour, but still couldn't see the end of the map.

Twenty minutes ago, Mo Xie had thoroughly seen the vastness of this map, knowing that it would waste too much time to explore the map by walking, so he tried to summon a mount to travel.

What left him speechless was that the cold reminder of the system told him that because he was in a special map environment, whether it was a mount or a pet, he was forbidden to summon...

This made him even more aware that the map he was on was extraordinary, and even the pet system of the players could not be used normally here!

Helpless, he had to continue to walk forward, stop and go all the way, and set countless road signs.

As he walked, Mo Xie opened his various control commands to see what other functions were prohibited by the system...

It didn’t matter at all. What surprised him was that since entering this mysterious red plain, his mail system’s private chat system, team system, and other external communication functions were all banned by the system. Now he has no Way to contact the outside world!

What exactly is going on?

Inability to communicate with the outside world means that he can only do one action here, and the props and potions in the package have become very precious, and they can no longer be aided by mail from teammates.

Therefore, he simply extended the distance of the set road sign from ten meters to one hundred meters, so as to save the loss of iron brazing.

But in spite of this, he has walked out of an unknown number of one hundred meters, but still can't see the end of the map ahead.

This situation made Mo Xie's heart suddenly alert...

No, can this map never come to an end?

He stopped quickly, stood there and looked around. The red plain was still endless, and the fire cloud above his head was still burning.

The situation is wrong, we must think of a solution.

Mo Xie frowned, feeling that things were a bit complicated...

What he can be sure of is that this map is not a general system field map, or that it does not belong to the category of maps at all.

According to the official basic game information.

In this virtual world, the map scenes players can reach are three categories in total.

Among them, the player is most familiar with the system scene map, which is divided into two basic divisions: safety map and field map.

Then there is the special scene map, including the copy map, the story map, the special mission map, and so on.

But there is also the most mysterious kind of exclusive scene map. Exclusive scene maps are very rare. There is no such division in previous games. Only such a new setting appeared in the unfinished continuation.

Just looking at the name of the exclusive scene map has already made many players feel a little confused, but the official introduction has made everyone understand its meaning.

The so-called exclusive scene map does not refer to a specific field map. It does not exist in the first place. Instead, it belongs to the virtual world, which is transformed by a very powerful person using divine power, and belongs to this personal exclusive territory.

To put it simply, its name is Enchantment Map!

The official introduction to the game information is only a simple sentence, but Mo Xie has done a very detailed research on the game information, and immediately remembered this content in his mind.

But he is still not sure, the scene he is in now must be an enchantment map.

After all, in the special scene classification, there are many plot maps and dungeon mission maps. Like the situation he is facing now, various restrictions will be imposed by the system, and even the map information will not be opened.

Therefore, he is still not directly sure.

But another point, Mo Xie can be sure that this map is very mysterious. He has been walking like this now, and the distance he has just walked is almost half the straight line distance of an ordinary field map!

But so far, he has found nothing, and the map scene has not changed at all.

This situation is very incredible, indicating that the environment he is now in is beyond the scope of ordinary maps, and the distance and scope of this map cannot be measured with the eyes of those field maps.

Regardless of whether it is an enchantment map or a special plot map, if you continue to go on like this anyway, Moxie believes that even if he walks until tomorrow morning, he will never find the edge of the map!

With enlightenment in his heart, Mo Xie looked back, and every some distance behind him, a small iron rod was nailed to the ground, and his starting point was no longer visible...

He immediately made an amazing decision, turned around, and strode back along the path when he came...

Because he had a faint doubt in his heart, I am afraid that his signpost will almost not be found now!

He returned quickly in a straight line, walked hundreds of meters all the way, passed three or four road signs, and then looked forward. The strange situation made Mo Xie stand there, his eyes widened and speechless...

I saw that in the large open red plain ahead, the iron rods he had worked so hard to set all the way were actually never seen again!

Except for these iron drills set by him not long ago, all the road signs a certain distance ahead completely disappeared without a trace. There was not even a small hole on the ground. The smooth stone ground seemed to have never been nailed. Over the iron brazing!

Well, his worst worry really appeared...

Mo Xie was speechless. He now realized that this map was full of weirdness, and the red plain couldn't walk through the normal walking distance at all, unless he found a key clue to crack the map.

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