The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 329: Divine Beast Domain

The map where Mo Xie is now looks like a secret realm that can never go out. No matter he speeds up and moves straight forward, the edge of the map is never visible in front!

Even the road signs he set purposely were refreshed quickly, as if the system was deliberately against him.

As a result, the situation becomes more complicated. This red plain, which does not seem to have a monster or set any scenery, has become more and more terrifying.

Mo Xie knew that if he didn't want to come up with a way to crack the map, maybe he would be trapped here forever!

No wonder the system allows players to go online and offline normally, but prohibits the function of contacting the outside world. This is to allow players to eat and rest normally here, and then come back to the game to study how to crack the map.

And here, although there is no time limit on the online time, if the players never get out of this plain, the game characters will be ruined...

Moxie didn't have any experience in dealing with this kind of strange map, but he seemed to guess that this strange plain set by the system was not without a way to go out.

In fact, the most complicated things often have the simplest solutions.

At this moment, Mo Xie seemed to think of a little clue...

In this kind of map environment, it is impossible for everyone to go out in all directions, but as long as you choose the right direction, you can definitely find the end of the plain.

But the key is, after choosing a correct direction, how long does it take to find the edge of the map successfully?

Mo Xie stood there, thinking about the problem, and now he needs to discuss it with Mo Xiaolang, and only he can help him.

The private chat system and mail system have all been blocked, and he can be contacted unless he is offline.

In the game system, isn't there an external telephone system? Fortunately, his mobile phone is connected to the socket of the control chair.

Thinking of this, Mo Xie excitedly opened the management panel and immediately found the external device. A mobile phone-shaped icon flashed green, indicating that it could be used...

He hurriedly clicked on the phone icon, and a virtual dial pad suddenly popped up in front of him.

Sure enough, this technology is really advanced.

Mo Xie smiled and selected the phone book button, and a series of names and numbers immediately appeared on the side of the interface...

Select this new friend who just entered the phone book not long ago, press the dial button, a beating phone and the radar aperture suddenly flash up, indicating that the dialing is successful, and only waiting for the other party to answer.

And now, Mo Xiaolang has already been offline, and there shouldn't be any problems answering the phone.


A crisp voice sounded, the interface changed, and a familiar man's voice sounded in Mo Xie's ear.

"Xiao Mo? What's going on with you now, I was chatting about your instructions in the game not long ago, why was it banned by the system?" Mo Xiaolang asked first in a surprised voice.

"I'm in trouble, Sister Na and Sister Jiao should have told you." Mo Xie said.

"They have already told me, which map are you on now, what's going on, and how can the private chat function be forbidden?" Mo Xiaolang reacted immediately.

"Yes, the map where I am now can go online and offline freely, and the magic is that there is no online time limit, but the map does not seem to be able to go out..." Mo Xie explained the strange situation he encountered in detail. ...

"What! How could you enter such a map..." Mo Xiaolang's voice was very surprised.

"Brother Wolf knows the information of this kind of map?" Mo Xie asked.

"I have never heard of this, but in the official introduction to the game information, it seems that there are three types of map scenes in the virtual world. I don't know how to divide your map, but it is definitely not a safe map and The scope of the field map is very likely to be a special scene or an exclusive scene." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Brother Wolf thinks the same as me. This map is definitely a special type of scene, but I don't know if it is a mission map or a private domain." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"I have never experienced this situation, so I can't help you analyze it. Only when you find the edge of the map, maybe everything can be understood." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Yes, I have to find a way to go out now..." Mo Xie sighed.

"I hope you encounter a special mission scene, don't be in the private domain, or you will be miserable!" Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

Both of them understand that if it is a task scenario, there may be a solution.

In case it is the exclusive private domain, it will be very troublesome...

Because in the virtual world, you can have your own private domain, this strength will be very powerful, at least it also has mythical strength!

This kind of mythical level is called a mythical beast in the system to be continued!

Divine beasts are super powers standing at the top of the virtual world. Even if players reach level 100, they are still like children in front of divine beasts, and they cannot compete with them alone...

What's more, the current game is only in its infancy, and the names of those sacred beasts are like illusory legends for players, and they are still unknown.

Once Moxie’s current map is really a mythical private realm, the situation will be very bad...

They all know that the mythical level is actually divided into three categories, two of which belong to the different camps of the two empires, the sun and the holy moon, that is, the enemy and us in the two empires.

The other type is neutral, including all virtual life such as monsters and mythical beasts...

Although the name of this neutral party sounds like a peaceful party, it is actually not. The relationship between these mythical grades that exist in the wild map and the players can be enemies or friends. It only depends on how the players have advanced levels with these. How do IQ monsters interact...

But now Moxie’s situation is a bit special. He is wanted by the Sun Empire and his identity is very embarrassing. Even if he meets the myth level of the same camp, I am afraid that he will have to flee quickly, not to mention that this map scene belongs to the wild range. The third kind of beast exists!

The third type of neutral beasts are endowed with a variety of different personalities by the system, either friendly or arrogant or overbearing or greedy or bloodthirsty or perverse...

These neutral cube monsters have too many different personalities. Players must be more careful when they meet any one. If one inadvertently angers the other party, the end will be very miserable!

Mo Xie told Mo Xiaolang of his thoughts, hoping that this expert could help him add some useful suggestions...

"Your method is good. There are eight directions in all directions to deal with this kind of secret map. One of them must be correct, but what you worry about is only the distance, right?" Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Yes, so I can't pay attention, I want you to analyze it for me," Moxie said.

"To deal with this kind of map, you can only use a stupid way. After all, you are alone in it. You have to spend a little more time in each direction to set a certain distance and walk all eight directions. If you still don’t find it, then Every time you extend a certain distance, you will be able to find the correct path." Mo Xiaolang replied thoughtfully.

"I think so too, but I'm afraid of wasting too much time, so I will try now, even if I spend an overnight here, I have to figure it all out." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I see, it turns out that the system does not have a time limit for launching in this map. It may just give players enough time to crack the map..." Mo Xiaolang suddenly realized.

"Maybe so, Brother Wolf thank you very much." Mo Xie said goodbye with a smile, and ended the call.

Having determined my plan, the next most important point is the starting point...

You must return to the center of the map, and then continue to explore eight directions, to be able to fully understand the secret of this map.

He shook his head helplessly, turned around and set off toward Laishi Road.

Although the road signs were gone, Mo Xie remembered the time he had traveled. As long as he kept walking at the same speed and returned to the original path within the same time, it should be not much different from the starting point.

He returned quickly along the original road, and Mo Xie stood in the middle of the empty red plain for about half an hour, still unable to see the end at a glance.

The position where he is standing now should be the starting point of entering this plain map through the fire cloud just now. Even if there is an error, it is only a few meters away.

Standing here, Mo Xie had a headache now.

The next thing he has to do is very complicated, that is, taking this place as the center point, walk out eight routes toward the surrounding eight directions, and each route must maintain the same distance, until the end of the map is found in a certain direction...

The most troublesome thing is that for this plan, he does not have a map to refer to, nor can he set road signs to help determine it. Everything can only rely on his brain to calculate the length and time.

But remembering numbers is the most annoying thing in his life. The depressed number recognition disorder has made him never pass the math subjects in reality, let alone relying solely on the brain to remember such complicated time. And length, etc.

For Moxie, he would rather choose some extreme challenge sports, no matter how dangerous it is, he is not willing to deal with the headache numbers.

But in the current situation, he can no longer escape, no matter what, he can only bite the bullet and try it...

After taking a long breath, Mo Xie started the preparatory work before the action.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, just clear all the thoughts in the brain, and focus all the attention on the length and time that are about to go out, these complicated numbers.

After calming down a little bit, Mo Xie was ready to choose a route and set off.

But looking at the vast open plains around him, his heart became inexplicably irritable...

This kind of empty scene made him feel completely lost, especially the feeling of loneliness is extremely strong.

Not wanting to look at the surrounding plains, Mo Xie closed his eyes, looked up to the sky, ready to choose a direction at will, and immediately set out...

But when he looked up at the sky and slowly opened his eyes, the large tumbling cloud of fire and the blazing flames above his head suddenly made him a strange discovery!

The fire cloud above his head that had not been paid close attention to, but let Mo Xie see something different...

The entire red plain was covered by a thick layer of burning fire cloud, which is the so-called blood sea demon heart seal of the system.

Not long ago, Mo Xie was risking his life, and with the help of the magical function of the Pearl of Life, he was struggling to pass through the seal and entered this strange map after nine deaths.

At this time, the fire cloud that appeared above his head, the tumbling flames, seemed to have some dark red cloud holes, and these irregular holes were densely arranged in a large fire cloud.

Originally, these holes looked nothing strange, and the arrangement of the holes was also in a mess, and it seemed that there was no pattern at all.

But Mo Xie's eyes lit up. The most headache he felt right now was the problem of road signs, but these chaoticly arranged dark red holes among the fire clouds gave him a very advantageous reference point for road signs!

Especially in the fire cloud, there is a large dark red area, which is completely different in shape and size from other holes...

And the ground facing this area, four or five meters in front of Mo Xie, seemed to be where he stood when he entered this map...

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Mo Xie looked at the sky excitedly, and suddenly understood in his heart!

Does the fire cloud above the head hide the key clue to cracking this plain map?

Damn the system, too cunning!

Mo Xie was overjoyed, looking at the dark red holes in the fiery red clouds, his troubles finally eased a lot.

These unobvious settings must be the task clues deliberately reserved by the system. They are not as deep as hidden, but they are difficult to be discovered by the players. Like all tasks, when the players feel that the task is no longer possible In fact, they didn’t know that the system had already hidden the clues to the missions by their side...

Although he found the strange clue in the fire cloud, Mo Xie understood that if he wanted to get out of this area quickly, he still had to rely on his own judgment.

But now, with these dark red dots on top of his head, they are like natural signposts. As long as he remembers the route he has walked, and then corresponds to the dark red holes in the sky, he doesn't have to worry about distance errors.

I've already walked the eastern route just now, this time it's... to the west.

Mo Xie made a decision in his heart and immediately strode towards the West...

As he walked, he raised his head and looked at the top of his head, remembering every dark red area he passed. Fortunately, these dark red holes were different in size and shape. As long as he remembered a position at a distance, he didn't have to worry about getting lost.

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