The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 657: Deadly deployment

Mo Xie returned to the game, but now he was alone in Mount Shennong. The star and Sister Hong had already mixed experience with the other two goddesses.

After entering the game, open the friend list as soon as possible, send a private chat message to Mo Xiaoyuan, and confess the purchase of the vehicle to him.

Of course Mo Xiaoyuan was very excited. This guy usually likes to study cars very much. Now he was instructed to purchase three cars at once, which immediately made him excited.

However, the studio is still in the stage of establishment, and all costs must be saved. Even if you buy three cars, they are all required by Mo Xie to be mid-to-low-end vehicles.

I got the requested Mo Xiaoyuan, immediately opened the network link, checked the 4 local stores, and went to find the right vehicle model...

And Mo Xie immediately sent a message to ask several teammates to go to the dungeon to gather. He planned to use the rest of the day to bring his teammates to brush up on the dungeon mixed experience, and by the way, help the big star and sister Hong to gather the level 30 equipment.

Taking out the return to the city scroll, Mo Xie chose to return to the city.

"Big brother, that kid is going to go back." The arrogant player of the surveillance team hurriedly reported.

"I see, I will contact the brothers in the city." Arrogance is that I nervously send out a message to notify the arrogant players waiting in the city to take over the surveillance task at any time.

Then he turned on the private chat system and sent a message to Chen Shao.

"Chen, good news, that kid is back to town." Arrogance is what I said excitedly.

As long as this guy returns to the city, their several-day field surveillance mission has finally come to an end.

"You did a good job. Go back to the city right now and continue to stare at that kid. No matter what he does, you just need to look at it from a distance. I want to know clearly what he is doing after he goes online, even You have to report to the offline toilet at any time." Chen Shao said excitedly.

"Understand." Arrogance is that I nodded, and quickly ordered the brothers around me to use the Huicheng scroll...

Huh huh!

A few white lights flashed, the arrogance was that I took his surveillance team back to the main city, just a simple question, and I learned the current whereabouts of Mo Xie.

They hurried to the south gate and continued to follow the troublesome guy.

"Uncle Luo, I have deployed a large surveillance network in accordance with your requirements. Not only the kid surnamed Mo, but now Ahong and several beautiful women, as well as Mo Xiaolang, their every move is with us. In the palm of your hand!" Chen Shao said excitedly.

"You finally look like doing things now, and you are doing well. Now my request is to stabilize and not let the other party discover our secret surveillance." Luo Feng said with satisfaction.

"What, Uncle Luo, we spent so much time monitoring them, and now their every move is under our control, why not take this opportunity to completely kill them in one fell swoop?" Chen Shao asked puzzled.

"You don't understand this. If they are the first to establish a tribe, guess what they want to do now?" Luo Feng asked with a faint smile.

"If it's me... then I will definitely invest heavily, hire people quickly, and continuously improve the strength of the tribe, or else I'm sorry for the qualifications of the first tribe." Chen Shao said, touching his head.

"Yeah, they are doing this now, but they know very well that if they want to develop within the scope of Sunset City, they have to ask our arrogant alliance or not, so they can only expand their strength secretly and try not to let us know. Therefore. , Now that we clean him up, we are only venting evil anger. Even if we beat them down, we cannot give them a fatal blow."

Luo Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and said disdainfully.

"You mean, hitting them now will only make them feel pain, but it won't be able to completely kill them?" Chen Shao seemed to understand a little bit.

"You have indeed made a lot of progress. Now hitting him, their investment is not big. This loss does not make them desperate. If you want to hit them, you have to make them crazy for a while before talking." Luo Feng smiled.

"However, how long will it take to deal with them? It's not a solution for us to send so many people to stare at them every day." Chen Shao said.

"Just stare, I promised a lot of benefits to those brothers, and promised to give them a day more to get paid, so that they can stay at their posts and keep an eye on the enemy's every move." Luo Feng said.

"I see." Chen Shao nodded.

"Snake and hit seven inches, now we just have to wait with peace of mind, they will show up before they say seven inches." Luo Feng sneered.

"Uncle Luo, now we also know that A Hong will be with them. Do you want to follow this clue and figure out where they live?" Chen Shao asked.

"You have also learned to use your brain. This is a good thing, but you have to think clearly about how to do it well. They must also know that both of us are looking for this woman, so they will be especially careful to hide her. It’s not that simple to find her.” Luo Feng said.

"Then what should we do?" Chen Shao asked without giving up.

"You like that woman, I have no objection, but don't worry, continue to find someone to stare at her apartment, this is our only clue." Luo Feng said.

"I have been sending someone to stare at her apartment, but what if she doesn't show up?" Chen Shao asked helplessly.

"Then create an opportunity for her to appear. Although her apartment is not big, it is worth one or two hundred thousand. It will not be left there. Now you arrange for someone to check the lease or sale of that apartment online. If that The apartment is hanging at the intermediary, so everything is easy to handle." Luo Feng reminded with a smile.

"That's okay!" Shao Chen's eyes lit up, and he had to admire that Jiang was still hot and Uncle Luo was too good...

"Go and do it, in fact, the way to find that woman is far more than this one, but for your care, I'll help you." Luo Feng waved his hand and said.

"Thank you Uncle Luo." Chen Shao was extremely excited.

"Remember, you have to use your brain when you do anything. It's an idea not to pat your thigh. Also, even if you find this woman, don't disturb her. I have to use her to figure out what the other person is doing. Luo Feng warned.

"Well, I just need to find her whereabouts. I will never startle the snake." Chen Shao can only promise helplessly.

"From today, we are fully alert to the development of the God Realm Alliance, ready to start the battle at any time." Luo Feng ordered.

"Yes." The group replied in unison.

Luo Feng, who has a scheming plan, sits in town, and the Arrogant Alliance has entered a state of preparation in advance. The pitiful thing is that everyone in the God Realm Alliance still knows nothing about this situation...

They are now busy recruiting and training, as well as the construction of the base, everything is developing in a good direction.

Even Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang, because of trivial matters, didn't notice the slightest. The every move of their entire tribe has been fixed by countless pairs of eyes in secret!

A pair of huge magic claws are also slowly spreading over their heads...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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