The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 658: Security company

Over the course of the night, Mo Xie brought a few teammates to the dungeon and kept brushing up experience and equipment.

Since his other dungeon main task has not yet been completed, he just took this opportunity to finish it all. When the first dungeon came out, the harvest was still very rich, and he actually obtained two purple assassin suits.

And the big stars and sister Hong, because of the lack of level, can only continue to follow the tribe team in the field map to brush the strange experience.

However, they had already reached level 28 with Mo Xie, and it only took a day or two to reach level 30.

After the remaining four copies were brushed, Mo Xie gave all the spoils to Mo Xiaolang for distribution. At this time, there was not much time left to go online, and everyone chose to go offline.

Mo Xie was just about to walk to his room, planning to take a good rest.

Mo Xiaoyuan walked to him excitedly at this time and reported on the purchase of vehicles...

According to Mo Xie's request, now the studio continues to travel with vehicles, and Mo Xiaoyuan has selected three models based on economic conditions.

Two cars and a seven-seater meet the needs of the base and the studio management.

"Not bad, I have chosen so soon, how much money is it together?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Mo always said not to spend too much money, how can I dare to spend extravagantly to buy a luxury car, the total of three cars, including the road, is only less than 500,000, what do you think?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

"Yes, then go to the wolf wife to buy it according to your choice." Mo Xie thought for a while, the price is indeed not bad, then nodded.

"Then I will go to buy a car tomorrow. It just so happens that the boss and sister-in-law can both drive. We have three drivers here." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"Sister Jiao and I also have a driver's license." Mo Xie smiled lightly, waved him to rest, and walked to the room by herself.

He woke up too early this morning, and he is now slightly tired.

"Xiao Mo, good news, tomorrow our tribe can be upgraded!" Mo Xiaolang shouted excitedly as soon as he went offline.

"What, the tribe will upgrade tomorrow?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up in surprise.

You know, he has been waiting for the tribe to meet the upgrade requirements, this is very important.

After the elementary tribe is upgraded to the intermediate tribe, the system will increase a lot of new commands, the tribe buildings will also increase a lot, and the upper limit of personnel can be doubled!

More importantly, the tribe can finally be upgraded. As long as it is promoted to the intermediate tribe, the size of the alliance will not be far away...

"This period of time has kept us busy. The brothers are also great, and they are desperately improving the experience of the tribe, and they will be able to upgrade tomorrow." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"It's really good news. Upgrading to a mid-level tribe requires capital investment and constantly recruits people. Unfortunately, I can't help." Mo Xie smiled.

"Your business is just as important as tribal construction. Our division of labor is different." Mo Xiaolang said politely.

"That's OK, you continue to build the tribe. I will stare at the construction of the base and explore the new map by the way." Mo Xie nodded, with a new plan in his mind.

He plans to go to the Ghost Mountains from tomorrow and take the General Anode to the secret cave of the Iron Mirror Mountains to take care of him. In this case, if there are any problems in the follow-up tasks, he can also directly find the general to solve...

Going back to his room, quickly washed and changed, Mo Xie jumped into bed to rest.

All the rooms in the entire villa also turned off the lights one by one. After a busy day, all the studio members entered a rest state.

In the early morning of the next day, when the time came to 6:40, the cell phone rang, awakening Mo Xie from his deep sleep.

This time it was not a cell phone alarm clock, but a call from Uncle Liu.

After yesterday’s explanation, Uncle Liu sent people into the site in the afternoon to clean up the debris, and began to tear down some unnecessary buildings to make final preparations for the construction.

And he also contacted various materials everywhere in accordance with the requirements of the transformation plan, and told Mo Xie about the preparations early this morning.

That is, at this time of the call, Uncle Liu had already started a comprehensive renovation of the factory building with the construction team...

After finishing the call, Mo Xie quickly got up.

At this time, the teammates also walked out of the room and gathered at the restaurant on the first floor.

Mo Xie told everyone what Uncle Liu had said, which immediately caused a burst of cheers.

"Our base has finally started construction. I look forward to the day when it is completed, but I don't know what it looks like." Lianna was still worried about not being able to see the factory in person yesterday.

"I'll know if we go to see it then. If the environment there is good, we might just move over to make it more lively." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"By the way, Xiao Mo, after having breakfast in a while, my sister-in-law and I will buy a car first. What else do you want to explain?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked.

"Go early and return early, time is precious now." Mo Xie nodded and said that there was nothing to say.

Everyone chatted lively, Zhou Jianing and her bodyguard had already walked through the garden and came to the gate of the villa.

Her assistant Ding Ding seems to have been busy these two days, and has returned to the company to handle things, and is not with the big star.

When the two were seated, Mo Xie looked at Xiaodong like an iceberg, and suddenly thought of the security of the base.

"Xiaodong, what is the name of your security company?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Thunder Security." Xiaodong's answer is still so simple and cool.

"Thunder Security...This name is so familiar." Liana said with her beautiful eyes.

"I have heard of Thunder Group, one of the largest multinational groups in our country in the world. As for Thunder Security, I haven't paid attention to it before." Ouyang Jiaojiao said, shaking her head.

"You don't know that. Thunder Security is the business of Thunder Group. It is said that Thunder Security is the largest company in the industry. Even some politicians in other countries hire Thunder security personnel for personal protection." Zhou Jianing laughed.

"Miss Zhou is right, there is no doubt about the strength of our company." Xiaodong said lightly.

"That's good, we are about to hire a security company to be responsible for the security of the commercial base. I don't know how to contact your company?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Mo always asks the security guard, this is easy to handle, I will tell my supervisor in a while, and he will contact you." Xiaodong nodded and said.

"He contacted me?" Mo Xie didn't understand how they operated.

"Well, the price of Thunder Security is very high, and it rarely accepts small business, so I have to apply to the supervisor." Xiaodong replied.

"I'm going, with such a high threshold, I still don't accept small business..." Lianna was stunned.

"You don't know the scale of Thunder Security, they are powerful, let alone black and white, even the military has their relationship, those special forces recovered, basically were poached by Thunder Security." Zhou Jianing explained with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this." Everyone realized that this security company has strong strength.

Mo Xie was even more happy. Sooner or later, between him and the Chen clique, there will be a tough battle and a fierce battle to fight for territory. Once this falls out, they are not afraid of anything else, they are afraid that the other party will play hooligans.

But with the protection of Thunder Security, at least the personal safety of everyone can be guaranteed...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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