The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 858: Spend money to buy first

The opponent has just increased the experience value, it seems that after the team spawns the monster, the monster's entire death will only settle the experience value.

The other party can only get 4 experience points at a time, which makes Mo Xie feel a lot relaxed.

According to his current efficiency, only waiting for the death of these monsters, he can gain more than 6 percent of experience, and there is no problem in surpassing the opponent.

And on the side of the first legion, the monsters refreshed again at this time, and the players started to attack again, but before Moxie didn't go back, how could they keep the monsters, and wait for him to join the team before starting the final killing.

In this way, Mo Xie can quickly gain a certain amount of experience. Although he does not participate in killing monsters as much throughout the process, it can also accelerate the efficiency of the upgrade.

"Xiao Mo, how is the situation? How much experience is there now." Mo Xiaolang's voice sounded, and he hurriedly finished lunch before rushing to check the situation.

"It's fighting, it seems that only one person is competing with me for the first place..." Mo Xie immediately sent him a screenshot of the leaderboard before him, and then briefly introduced the current situation.

"Under what circumstances, there is a ranking?" Mo Xiaolang was stunned.

"Yeah, it jumped out inexplicably, and according to my estimation, this is the information prompt sent by the system at 12 o'clock." Moxie said.

"What are the officials doing... Is this a message sent automatically by the system, not a message from the technical department?" Mo Xiaolang wondered.

"What do you mean?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly as he attacked the monster.

"That is to say, the information you received is a prompt issued by the system based on the player's level in the server, not a notification given by an official technician. In other words, the player's level at this stage automatically triggers the system's prompt , It will be automatically sent to the five players closest to level 50 on the hour.” Mo Xiaolang analyzed.

"That's pretty much the same." Moxie suddenly became excited. In this case, there is only one competitor who knows the news.

After all, in the entire region, the system only sent prompts to the five players who are likely to be promoted to level 50 fastest. Others can't see it. Only one person can see it, and no one can notify the other three.

"This is a good opportunity, let's get rid of the only one." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I'm working hard. This batch of monsters will die soon." Mo Xie said with a smile.

A few minutes have passed, and the blood of the monsters has dropped rapidly in the players' offensive regardless of the cost, and the killing efficiency has set the fastest speed after they entered this underground palace!

In recent days, it took less than ten minutes to kill a wave of monsters, but now, it only takes about five minutes to kill these monsters...

On the heads of the large group of monsters around Mo Xie, the health value dropped to the last 10, and they continued to decline rapidly under the intensive attack!


Accompanied by the harsh screams, countless black lights kept shining in front of Mo Xie's eyes. The blood bars of each monster were all emptied, and the thumping corpse fell to the ground, resounding through the entire stone hall.

Ding Ding Ding!

Countless coins were evenly divided by the team players, and the trophies that shone all over the ground burst out instantly.

Mo Xie and all the players immediately jumped out of a long string of green experience points...

But he didn't have the time to look at the rate of increase in the experience bar, and he turned his body and rushed towards the entrance of the stone hall quickly.

The shield walls of the players hurriedly separated, gave him a channel to pass quickly, and went to another venue to continue to farm...

He rushed out of the stone hall and continued to drive in the original direction. Mo Xie took the time to glance at his experience column...

After a wave of monster experience bonuses, his current experience bar jumped up a little bit again, and it is now level 49 and 87!

Sure enough, the experience percentage of 6 has increased, his prediction score is not bad, and his ranking has once again rushed to the top of the list, leading the second place by a full 6 percentage points!

"The boss is coming soon, the monsters here have only half of their health left!" When the commander of the First Legion sent out an invitation, he also reminded excitedly.

"I see, I will be here soon." Mo Xie accepted the invitation and returned to the first legion team again.

He rushed to the entrance of the stone hall, in the passage where the brothers let go, he once again rushed into the dense monster group in the stone hall, and began to violently rush past...

Covered by the intensive offensive, the large group of beetles has only half of their health left. In less than five minutes, the battle is almost over here.

The Fourth Legion had already begun to switch to the Stone Hall, because after Mo Xie killed the monster here, the refresh time there had not yet arrived, they could only adjust the leveling location to help the boss increase the experience value as soon as possible.

Tens of thousands of people helped Mo Xie alone, which made him extremely moved...


Suddenly, when Mo Xie was hitting the monster with peace of mind, a private chat application suddenly jumped out.

In the private chat application, the head of the character was blank. It was not a message from a friend, but Mo Xie was taken aback by the applicant's.

Heroes without tears, bears without faces, level 49!

This one……

Mo Xie glanced at the ranking list subconsciously, and ranked second behind him, isn't that the name?

Unexpectedly, the second place actually sent a message, what did he want to do?


Mo Xie wanted to know what the purpose of this guy's application was.

A black light flashed in front of me, and a private chat interface popped up. Since the two parties are not friends, the video and voice functions cannot be used, and the remote transaction function cannot be used.

"Hello there."

Two words popped up on the interface.

"Hello, what can I do?" Mo Xie quickly lost a line of font.

"You are the number one at the moment, Mo sad. I would like to ask you a favor. Can you give me the number one? Of course, you can make a price for how many gold coins you need." information.

Spend money to buy first?

Mo Xie was even more surprised when he saw his request straightforwardly.

It seems that rank No. 1 except for the privilege of starting system activities in advance in the main city, there is no special reward for the player himself. Why does he spend money to buy such a boring No. 1?

"What are you doing first?" Mo Xie sent out a message curiously.

"Don't ask, just say no, how many gold coins do you need?" The other party did not answer and sent the message again.

"If you don't tell me the purpose of taking the first place, we have nothing to talk about." Mo Xie smiled coldly and sent a message.

He became more and more weird. Why did the other party spend money on the number one? Is this number one so important?

He received a private chat from a competitor, and when he opened his mouth, he would automatically withdraw money from the first-level competition, which made him feel very confused.

But after he sends out a message, asks the other party for the first purpose, and if you don't say it, you can avoid talking.

The other party seemed to be thinking about it, and no new news was sent for more than ten seconds.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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