The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 859: Strange task

"Brother Wolf, something strange happened..." Mo Xie smiled and told his companions about the incident.

"What? Spending money to buy the first place, is he crazy or something wrong, didn't he say how much to give?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"It's a big tone, let me make the price myself." Mo Xie smiled.

"Wait, this matter is a little strange. You can try it for a while and quote a sky-high price to see how he reacts." Mo Xiaolang's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something.

"What do you want?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"If you quote a sky-high price and he still accepts it, then this number one will be very important to him, but I haven't heard of any official rewards. You can talk to him first and I will find out about the situation." Mo Xiao Said the wolf.

"Okay." Mo Xie nodded, knowing that Mo Xiaolang was going to his circle of friends to inquire about the benefits of being ranked first.

At this moment, the other party replies, and a new message pops up on the interface.

"My friend, let’s be honest. The first level is related to one of my important tasks. I am willing to pay 5 million gold coins. We can sign a contract. Once I take the first one, the system will automatically send you 5 million, so you can rest assured. Right?"

Five million gold coins!

Just to buy the first...

Mo Xie's heart shook, the other party is a local tyrant, so willing!

However, what task is related to the first level is something I have never heard of.

Moreover, the opponent's main city is the Scorching Sun City, which is located below the sunset city according to the location, and belongs to the main city next door. It is not far away, but the players between the main cities cannot directly communicate.

"What is the task, must be ranked first?" Mo Xie asked again.

"Brother, are you selling or not, why are you asking for such a detailed question?" The other party seemed to send a message impatiently.

"I'm sorry, my friend, a large number of brothers here are helping me level up. If I sell this number one, I am afraid they will be unhappy, so you have to give me a suitable reason. Don't blame me for not reminding you, my experience value It's going to rise again, and it will soon rise to level 50. It's impossible for you to buy it." Mo Xie smiled and issued a warning message.

"Don't, stop quickly and I will tell you the situation." The other party sent a message really nervously.

"I'll stop, you continue to mob, I won't be so stupid." Mo Xie smiled and sent a message.

"Then let me put it straight, I received a quest, I must get the title of the first rank of the faction, that is, the first player to become level 50 in the Sun Empire, in order to continue to complete this quest, otherwise the previous ones will be for nothing. Now." The other party sent a message helplessly.

"You still haven't made it clear, who on earth requires you to reach level 50 in order to continue the unfinished mission, you get the title of first level, what do they want you to do?" Mo Xie believed and asked more curiously.

"You... I said, you stop first, it is the request of the Protoss. As long as I get the title, they will give me clues on the next mission. It is estimated that I should go to the Human Race Mountain to find the holy princess to hide. Look for her whereabouts. Brother, it's okay, this is just my exclusive task. If you don't take the task, you won't be rewarded if you get the first one." The other party sent a message.

Uh... Holy Princess clue!

Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise. The other party was right. This was a request for an exclusive mission. It looked like this guy, who did a good job in the main mission of the Protoss, actually opened a secret plot!

You know, the unfinished main line of the Sun Empire camp is actually divided into two completely different opposite mission routes.

In the first main task boundary line, players are faced with two different choices of assassinating the anode general or escorting the anode general.

Obviously, the opponent chose to assassinate the anode general, and then proceeded all the way down the Protoss main line, but his mission is different from the general main line. It seems that he encountered some adventure and accidentally opened the hidden plot before proceeding all the way. The current mission stage.

The opponent is now the confidant of the Protoss, and is helping the Protoss to investigate and find the whereabouts of the holy princess!

And Mo Xie is also looking for clues to the holy princess, but he is completely opposite to the other party. One is to help the Protoss find the holy princess, the other is to help the Human race find the holy princess, one is to protect, and the other is to kill the holy princess...

"My friend, I have already said it, so please be kind and sell me the number one. Anyway, the reward for the number one is just a title. If it doesn't work, I will give out 10 million gold coins, no more." Can't wait to send a message.

Mo Xie looked at his message and didn't know how to answer for a while.

The price of ten million gold coins is indeed enough to make people's hearts excited, but in a reasonable sense, he can't give him this first.

"Friends speak, I have to take this number one, or the task will be stuck. Besides, you can see the leaderboard, it was only when I triggered the task that it appeared. Otherwise, how can you get the first place? Buy 10,000 gold coins first, you are a good deal..." The other party has sent messages anxiously.


Mo Xie looked at the information and was dumbfounded again.

It turns out that the so-called system prompts and ranking lists are the information that only appeared after this guy started the task!

Moreover, this guy was deliberately unpredictable, and deliberately chose to start the task at 12 o'clock, just to fool the competitors and let him rush to level 50 with peace of mind...

The predictions he and Mo Xiaolang had just now turned out to be all wrong. This has nothing to do with the official or the system.

"Brother Wolf, don't ask, I know what's going on." Mo Xie quickly contacted Mo Xiaolang.

"I just asked a friend who works in the official position. He said that the first level only has a title, and there is no actual reward. The official has not set any level notification information." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I already know, the situation is like this..." Mo Xie told him all the information sent by the other party.

"Damn, this can't even be sold to him. If he takes the first place and helps the Protoss kill the Saint Princess, how can you continue your mission?" Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"I think so too. If the Protoss gets the whereabouts of the holy princess and kills the holy princess in advance, then my task will be very difficult." Mo Xie nodded, and immediately had a plan in his heart.

"Sorry friend, first I can't let it, my brothers don't agree, no more gold coins will be sold." Mo Xie sent a message.

"Soul Dan, take the first place to die, don't be sad, I remember you, don't let me run into you next time! Bastard..." The other party quickly replied a message, one can imagine the anger Mo Xie, who was looking at a series of swear words, shook his head, simply closed the private chat interface, and pulled this guy into the blacklist, not accepting any of his applications.

He understood very well that this time he had offended this person severely. If he didn't block him, he would probably scan the screen for a day.

"Brothers, hurry up and kill monsters, let's take the first place!" Mo Xie shouted loudly.

"Okay, don't worry, boss. You can't run first." All the players responded excitedly.

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