The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 958: The mysterious black wind valley

Fortunately, it was already sunset, and the sun outside was not particularly dazzling, which relieved the earth spirits from too much pain.

You know, according to the settings of the system, these earth spirits have no eyes and can only live under the dark ground for a long time. If they appear in broad daylight, the lives of these earth spirits will also be very dangerous.

Although there is no dark night in the Evernight Imperial City, it still follows the three light patterns of sunrise, noon and sunset, but it will rise again immediately after sunset.

Mo Xie led a large number of earth spirits to move quickly along the side of the Jinwu Mountain Range, without worrying about the dangerous moment of sunrise. The high ridges helped them block the sun.

In a short while, they walked along the corner of a mountain range and finally arrived in front of the fortress on the left side of the Golden Crow Barracks.

At this time, several generals had been guarding the fortress for a long time. Seeing Mo Xie's arrival, they immediately opened the gate of the fortress, allowing him and all the earth spirits to quickly rush into the cool bunker.

At the request of Mo Xie, the general guarding the bunker quickly sent someone to inform the general guarding the barracks.

Not waiting for twenty minutes, I saw the guard general leading a dozen military camp generals to the fortress, discussing the situation tomorrow night with Mo Xie.

Knowing that the Protoss had set up a two-wing ambush among the three towns of Jintang, a group of generals were shocked...

"Fortunately, the Governor General brought the news. Otherwise, we still don't know that the enemy has made such careful arrangements!" The guard general turned pale with fright.

You should know that the two-wing ambush set by the Protoss is completely aimed at the defensive deployment of the three towns of Jintang. Once they send troops to leave the barracks without their knowledge, then the three barracks may be occupied by the enemy instantly!

Moreover, there is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides, and the defense of the barracks has been lost. Then the fate of the 200,000 people army can be thought of with toes...

In addition, seeing the appearance of these earth spirits, it is very simple for the Protoss to set up secret underground palaces around them. I don't know how they still deploy?

"Damn gods, I didn't expect them to be so cunning!"

"Fortunately, the Governor found out in time, otherwise we guys would be dead!"

"Thank you Governor, it is our blessing to meet you!"

A group of generals were grateful for their gratitude, but they made Mo Xie embarrassed...

"My lord, now that the three towns of Jintang have lost their natural dangers, the Protoss may attack us at any time, what should we do next?" the guard general asked.

After receiving Mo Xie's warning this time, no one questioned his ability anymore, and they were willing to follow this little guy's dispatch.

"I have deceived the city lord and convinced him that there will be a human army to take the imperial city tomorrow night, and according to the secret order sent by the city lord to the orc army just now, they are going to take advantage of you to leave the barracks and take the opportunity to be in the wild Surround it and completely occupy the three military camps." Mo Xie said.

"But now they have the upper hand, and they have broken our defense line. We lose no matter how they fight." A general asked nervously.

"You are right, but we will not be passively beaten. Now we know the location of the enemy's two-wing ambushes. By tomorrow night, I will send a part of the army to help fight. It is not certain who wins and who loses." Mo Xie faintly smiled. .

"Your Excellency, what are your tricks?" the guard general asked.

"It's still early, what's the current exploration situation of the scout brigade you sent?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Don’t hide the Lord Governor, we have carefully observed all the maps west of Jintang Three Towns. If there are no hidden military points such as underground palaces, we have locked at least 5 dangerous areas and confirmed that there are Protoss strongholds. One of them. The place called Blackwind Valley is the strangest place. There are many guards inside, and there are spy agents around. Our people dare not get too close. But this general suspects that it is probably the place where the governor wants to find a prison. "The guard general said.

"Black Wind Valley, what terrain is that?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up and asked curiously.

"That is a mountain covered with dense forests. The Black Wind Valley is hidden in the corners of the two mountains. The surroundings are covered by dense forests. If you don’t look carefully, you will not be able to discover the existence of this valley. Our people are still I stumbled across this valley by accident, but was killed by the hidden enemies around him. Only one came back with serious injuries and reported the situation." The guard general replied.

"Since our people have been discovered, isn't it the time to start and startle the snake?" Mo Xie said worriedly.

"You can rest assured, the governor. Our scout search maps never wear armor. They are all camouflaged with Orion or other decorations. Even if they are discovered by the enemy, it is difficult for them to doubt." The guard general laughed.

"What's more, the Protoss now thinks that they have eaten us, even if they know that we find there, they will be very happy to wait for us to send an army to throw themselves into the trap." Another adult general laughed.

"That's right, throw yourself into the net..." Mo Xie's eyes flashed again, and a strange look appeared on his face...

According to the two generals just now, in the wild west of the city, the Protoss has almost mastered the initiative. Even if someone finds out where the Elf King is being held, they will definitely figure it out, hoping to use the Elf King as a bait to attract More enemies come to die!

After all, the three towns of Jintang are a major concern for the Protoss. In order to annihilate all the emperor regiments stationed in the three towns of Jintang, they must have tried their best.

As long as the emperor regiment does not leave the three barracks, even if the number of orc legions under the Protoss is twice as large, it dare not easily launch a fierce attack. Only drawing out the enemy is the best combat plan.

In this way, Mo Xie had a great idea in his heart!

However, he still needs more terrain information.

"Master General, who has the complete topographic map of Black Wind Valley and the complete road map to the Black Wind Valley?" Mo Xie asked.

"We all have this, please consult the Governor." The guard general waved his hand politely, and a huge white glare suddenly gleamed in front of Mo Xie...

I saw in front of everyone, a huge virtual sand table terrain constantly appeared, and it turned out to be a huge military sand table exercise map.

The environment above is surprisingly the western map in front of the entire Jintang Three Towns...

"This is the plain area in front of our barracks. Going forward is the hilly map..." The guard general has already begun the introduction of the terrain.

Mo Xie stared at the topography of the sand table without blinking, which was far more real than a flat map, and it also allowed him to figure out the enemy's environment.

The ambush areas of the five Protoss were all accurately marked by the guarding generals. Four of them were located on both sides of the map, and the location of the Black Wind Valley was at the end of the four ambush points, as if it were tightly protected.

Looking at this situation, Mo Xie immediately understood the importance of Black Wind Valley and looked at the terrain there more carefully.

As the guard general introduced not long ago, Blackwind Valley is indeed located in a mountain map, at the boundary between two mountains, but because of the dense forest and intricate slopes, the narrow front of the canyon is completely blocked by dense forest, only After entering the dense forest, you can find this hidden valley that is getting wider and wider and hidden deep in the ridge.

The location of the other four ambush points is also very strange. The first two are near the two valleys in front of the mountain.

The latter two are set on both sides of the front of Black Wind Valley and are the tops of the two mountain packs.

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