The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 959: Battle for time

Looking at the sand table carefully, Mo Xie slowly developed an adventurous tactic in his heart.

"Generals, since the Protoss is looking forward to us sending troops to the Black Wind Valley, then this time, we will satisfy them." Mo Xie said with a smile looking at the topographic map.

"My lord, there are four ambush points to protect the Black Wind Valley, and the valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we rush over, the situation will be very dangerous!" a general said in surprise.

"Yeah, the terrain there is far away from the barracks. As long as our army leaves the barracks, the orc army will launch an attack. At such a distance, we will be flanked back and forth by them. It is possible that the entire army will be annihilated." The general shook his head.

"Your Excellency, can you tell us your specific tactics?"

The guard general has been silent,

Knowing that there is a problem with this strategy of sending troops, but Mo Xie still wants to do it, then he must have some countermeasures...

"I will definitely not give the Protoss the opportunity to attack us actively. This time I plan to move quickly to make a time difference so that they have no possibility of surrounding us, and the barracks cannot be lost. When the time comes, let the orcs taste it. The set defense strategy..." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What do you mean, the barracks still have to leave a part of the guard, we quickly send troops to occupy the four ambush points and Blackwind Valley, and then turn around to meet the Orc Legion?" The guard general seemed to understand his plan.

"Yes, according to the defense of the three towns of Jintang, 10,000 soldiers should be reserved for each barracks, which should be enough to defend against their onslaught. As long as we can persist in the defense for two hours, our side can definitely be deployed successfully." Moxie said.

"In two hours, we can guarantee to win the Black Wind Valley and four ambush points?" A general was obviously skeptical.

"Let's put it this way, the departure time is up to us. When the orcs react, our large forces have already set off for a long time, plus 2 hours. We have plenty of time."

"What's more, you generals have already investigated the situation of four ambush points. How long do you think it will take to concentrate firepower to destroy one ambush point?" Mo Xie asked.

"According to the enemy's deployment of the four ambush points, give me 50,000, and I can take it within an hour!" A general smiled, waving a shield.

"Then it will end. We first pulled out their four teeth at lightning speed, and then replaced them with our guards, and then sent a part of the army to storm the Black Wind Valley. When the time comes, even if the orcs are chasing, we only need to defend. At the mouth of the gorge, lead them to rush in, and then the inside and outside should be combined and wiped out." Mo Xie pointed to the topography of the valley where Black Wind Valley ended.

"This is a good plan, but if we divide our forces like this, there won't be much left in the main army in the end."

The guard general thought about the strength of his troops, but he still felt a little weak.

"Sir General, please rest assured, I was prepared for this a long time ago. The General Zhen Guo promised to give me 10,000 troops, plus my own alliance, and can send 10,000 to 20,000 troops."

"At that time, the Golden Crow barracks will be guarded by the ten thousand army of the generals of the country. I will supply some manpower to help defend. The other two barracks are not within the combat range, as long as my people are there to guard." Mo Xie has a confident mind. Said.

"It seems that the governor is very strategizing and has already set a cool plan. We only need to follow and cooperate." The guard general smiled excitedly.

"Although I have thought about the link, the specific battles are still under the control of the generals. If we take the four teeth and spend too long with the Black Wind Valley, we will be flanked back and forth by the opponent." Mo Xie said worriedly.

"Please don't worry about this. We will definitely rush to the forefront and take down the four ambush locations in the shortest time. But Black Wind Valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack. No one knows how many troops are stationed inside. This is a bit troublesome. "The guard general said truthfully.

"Black Wind Valley..." Mo Xie looked at the hidden valley between the two mountains. The terrain was narrow and steep, and there was no advantage in the number of troops there.


At this time, a group of earth spirits were curiously observing the environment around the fortress.

It seems to be thinking about digging a hole in that place to rest.

"Didn't we have earth spirits? We will bring them tomorrow. If the Black Wind Valley has a strong defense, let them help dig the hole, so that the enemy's defense can be easily broken down." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Yes, with the help of the Earth Spirit, it seems really not difficult to pass through Black Wind Valley." A group of generals were suddenly excited.

"Then it's settled, I will come here early tomorrow and start together, try to make the Protoss reaction slower, and leave me plenty of fighting time." Moxie said.

"Understood." All the generals were very excited.

They are waiting for the battle, they have been waiting for a long time...

Moreover, the success or failure of tomorrow's battle is directly related to the future rise and fall of the entire empire, and it also makes them full of fighting spirit.

But having said that, the battle that will begin tomorrow is a battle between the Imperial Legion and the Protoss.

But the two sides of the battle were a decisive battle between the human race and the half-orcs, and did not affect the relationship with the **** race. In general, it was a private battle.

Leave the earth spirits to the generals to take care of, and Mo Xie immediately rushed out of the gate and rushed along the canyon towards the location of the spy.

He has to complete the task assigned by Lord City Lord, and must hand over the secret letter to this one.

Although this sealed letter could not be checked, Mo Xie understood that this was an arrangement made by the city lord to deliberately confuse himself.

In fact, the real spy had passed the news to the orc barracks, and now maybe he was returning to the imperial city.

Quickly rush to the middle of the canyon, find the location, call the secret letter to receive the reward, and the task of Lord City Lord has come to an end.

You have to wait until level 51 at the latest before you can continue to receive the main storyline.

Using the city return scroll, Mo Xie rushed back to the imperial city for the first time.

Then open the private chat interface, inform Mo Xiaolang of the current situation, and let him prepare early...

"Don't worry, Xiao Mo, my side has already been deployed. All the elite legions are working hard. The minimum can guarantee that the number of people entering the main city tomorrow will be no less than 30,000!" Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Very well, the activity will be held tomorrow, and then look at the big man, when will you come to inspect." Mo Xie smiled and nodded, closing the private chat interface.

Now that all the deployments are basically in place, just wait for tomorrow night to start the large-scale battle here.

Tomorrow's two major events, one is a welfare event, and the other is related to the future of the studio!

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