The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 960: New pet hunting ground

The so-called monster siege welfare event is a large-scale official event that the system rewards Mo Xie for the first to reach level 50 and then choose to start.

Monster siege, as the name suggests, is an activity where monsters attack the city, and it is also a large battlefield attacking Sunset City!

Although it is a welfare activity, there is no official explanation for the activity. The official will not give out specific activity rules until after 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

As long as the players are online, they can see the specific content of the event rules.

It was not early at this time, but there was still more than an hour before the offline, Mo Xie was idle and had nothing to do, so he chatted with Lianna privately and asked about the situation of the Royal Hunting Ground...


Only a few seconds after the private chat application was sent, did the other party respond.

As the interface pops up, the environment where the other party is located is also revealed. It turned out to be a green grassland under a beautiful blue sky and white clouds. In the background, you can see numerous animals, including wild horses, wild deer, and various large animals.

"Are you still on the hunting ground?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I have been busy catching the mount. Brothers have to level up, so we need to catch more." Lianna replied with a smile.

"How about it, it's easy to catch the mount, I'm here to help too." Mo Xie immediately looked for the position of the pet instructor in the imperial city.

"Okay, come and catch pets together. There are many rules here." Lianna said excitedly.

While letting the character automatically walk towards the position of the pet instructor in the imperial city, Mo Xie asked about the specific method of capturing advanced pets...

It turned out that the system set up a special copy space in the imperial city, specifically to provide players with advanced pet capture methods.

Players only need to find the pet instructor of the Imperial City, pay one hundred gold coins, and then enter the special dungeon map called the Royal Hunting Ground.

There is a vast grassland map. There are various creatures for players to catch. The riding pet eggs caught are all more advanced riding pets, which are faster than the original low-level pets. Give a part of the attribute bonus.

As Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao found the royal hunting grounds, Mo Xiaolang asked them to keep catching pets, catching as many pet eggs as possible, and giving them priority equipment for the Knights of the God Realm League. .

Only with advanced cavalry pets can the cavalry exert greater combat effectiveness...

While understanding the situation, Mo Xie quickly entered a small square and came to a beautiful woman in a white dress.

Looking at the name of the senior pet tutor on top of this beauty, Mo Xie immediately chose to start a dialogue...

"Dear Mo Sad, did you come to me to learn how to get a high-level riding pet?" The senior pet instructor asked gently.

"Yes, mentor, my pet is getting weaker and weaker, and I need a stronger pet to help me fight." Mo Xie replied.

"I just found a place where high-level pets live freely. You only need to pay a hundred gold coins, and I can send you to that place. You can choose the pets you want." The senior pet instructor smiled and said .


An interface popped up in front of Mo Xie, but there was only one line of names on it.

Royal hunting ground transmission fee: 100 gold coins.

If you are someone else, you must pay the fee immediately and then catch the pet. But Mo Xie always feels that there should be at least a few options for such an interface, why is there only one option for the Royal Hunting Ground?

"Excuse me, instructor, we can only catch high-level riding pets in the Royal Hunting Grounds, so where do we need to get more advanced battle pets?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Sorry, players are not sad. The pet capture space you can open at present is limited to the Royal Hunting Ground. If you want to capture more types of pets, you need to redeem the pet space transfer token through the merit points between the camps. , Then I will open an exclusive pet space for you." The pet instructor said with a smile.

"Does the pet space token need to be exchanged for merit?" Mo Xie opened his mouth in surprise. This was something he didn't know before.

"You only need to find the master of merit and exchange it with your merit value, and he can provide you with the corresponding pet token. You can go to the designated capture space when you come here to give birth to the token." said the pet instructor.

"I understand." Mo Xie nodded, chose the Royal Hunting Ground, went in to see the situation, and then decided whether to exchange it.


As soon as one hundred gold coins were deducted, a white light flashed in front of Mo Xie's eyes, and when the beam of light disappeared again, he was already standing on a verdant grassland with a middle-aged man in knight armor standing beside him.

This person can open a shop and buy various high-level pet potions from it.

Mo Xie immediately chose to open the store. In the future, the pets needed a lot of potions, lest he had to go back to the city to resurrect each time. He simply bought two sets of pet life potions and resurrection pills at once.

After spending hundreds of gold coins, Mo Xie looked into the distance. In the distant grassland, he saw a large group of wild horses gathered together, as if they were fighting.

And the map clearly shows that there is the location of the two beauties.

Mo Xie rushed up. After running hundreds of meters, she was surprised to find that the two beauties were surrounded by dozens of wild horses. Amid the hissing roar, countless wild horses were attacking the two of them. hoof……

The two beauties seemed a little embarrassed. Ouyang Jiaojiao constantly wielded her staff to attack, while Lianna stood on the side and found that the wild horse had less than half its health, so she immediately launched her capture skills...

In the light shining, a pet flew in front of Lianna.

It turned out to be arrested like this, the same as before.

Mo Xie saw the situation clearly, and rushed to the two with a smile.

"Xiao Mo is here, and there happens to be a helper." Lianna smiled.

"Come and help me block them." Ouyang Jiaojiao also shouted with a smile.

Mo Xie immediately rushed to Ouyang Jiaojiao to help her withstand the furious attacks of several wild horses, and at the same time check the specific attributes of these wild horses...

Elite Monster

Level: 50

No wonder the two beauties looked a little embarrassed. It turns out that these wild horses waiting to be captured are all level 50 elites!

"I said you two, how many pet eggs have you caught here?" Mo Xie hurriedly helped stop the wild horses and launched an attack in a frantic manner.

"We didn't count, anyway, no less than a few hundred." Lianna replied.

"I have caught so many, what kind of pets are here?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"All of them are riding pets, none of our battle pets have been caught, and the entire environment has been searched. All the monsters that fall out are riding pet eggs. It only depends on the quality." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Yes, if you're lucky, you can still catch blue pet eggs, usually green pet eggs." Lianna said.

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