The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 996: Dispatch troops out of town

Mo Xie strode forward, and before he was near the gate of the barracks, a group of soldiers in gold armor swarmed over.

"Stop, the military camp is heavy, don't approach it at will!" a leader of the Jin Jiao shouted loudly.

"By the order of General Zhenguo, come to meet the guard general of the Chengnan Military Camp." Mo Xie didn't talk nonsense, and directly raised the golden general token.

"It turned out to be the envoy of the general, please come with me." The Jin Jia commander hurriedly bent over to salute and waved his hand. The soldiers hurried away from the horse, revealing a straight passage.

Under the leader's lead, Mo Xie walked straight into the barracks gate and walked on a long street.

On both sides are countless military barracks and garrison buildings, and you can see the open playground at intervals. Groups of soldiers are training in formation, making waves of mighty shouts.

Across the long street, a large building complex appeared in the middle of the barracks ahead, and a golden plaque hung high above the gate.

Guard the generals!

The six golden characters were shining brightly, and two rows of soldiers guarded the gate neatly. On the high steps, the majestic main hall opened the gate.

"Report! Enlighten to guard the general, the town general has an envoy to visit." The Jin Jia leader strode forward, kneeling at the gate and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of footsteps sounded in the hall, and a group of burly figures of golden armored generals stood on both sides of the gate in surprise, and a taller guard general wearing a black armor and red cloak strode out the door.

"Go down, guard the entrance of the barracks, no one is allowed to approach." The guard general glanced at Mo Xie, who was holding the token in his hand, in surprise, and immediately issued an order to let the commander continue to return to guard the entrance.

"The governor, please enter the hall for discussion." The guard general pretended to be disapproving and said with a hand out.

"Respect for the order of the general." Mo Xie immediately stepped forward, and under the gaze of a group of generals, walked up the steps and entered the hall gate.

Cang Dang!

He had just entered the hall, and the sound of closing the door immediately sounded behind him, and a group of generals quickly blocked the door.

The guard general was already sitting not far away, headed by a long wooden table placed vertically, looking at Mo Xie with wide eyes.

"What's the command for the general to order you?" the guard general asked.

"Return to Lord General, this time I am under the command of General Zhen Guoda to come to Chengnan Military Camp for secondment of 20,000 soldiers." Mo Xie told the truth.

"Borrowing soldiers? Do you know that the Imperial City Guard Corps has never been allowed to transfer outside, even if the town country general comes in person, this general can not accept this order." The guard general sneered.


Listening to the other party's unkind words, Mo Xie was taken aback. Could something happen? They didn't even listen to the general's words?

"But General, the matter is urgent now, and the General Zhenuo has no way to issue a military order. I hope you can accept the order immediately." Moxie said.

"The situation is complicated now. The Chengnan Military Camp is under the command of this general. There are only 50,000 horses in total. Now one order is about to transfer my 20,000 soldiers. Who knows if this is a conspiracy or another trick?" The guard general sneered.

"Excuse me, General, what do you mean by conspiracy? Do you think that General Zhenguo will deliberately conspire?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

Could it be that this guard general is at odds with the town general, and now dares to openly confront?

"Who knows if you were ordered by the General Zhenuo, or you stole his token to serve for the Protoss? In short, the General Zhenuo would not dare not follow the instructions, but to transfer troops, the general must come in person. Nobody will talk about it!" the guard general said coldly.

At this moment, Mo Xie finally felt relieved, thinking that the guarding general had some grievances that he would not obey the command. It turned out that the other party was also afraid of being fooled by the Protoss, so it was impossible to transfer soldiers without seeing the general.

But Mo Xie was not worried. Before coming here this time, the General Zhen Guo had also said that if the guard general in the south of the city was unwilling to borrow troops, he could show the crusade documents and general orders to the other party to check, and the other party's trust would be obtained.

"Master General, this task is urgent. The three towns of Jinwu outside the city have been tricked by the Protoss. Tonight, they will fall into a bitter battle. If you refuse to transfer troops, then the three major barracks will also be in dire straits!" Mo Xie reminded helplessly. Holding up the crusade documents and the general token...

"What! The general ordered the crusade against the orc army... when did he become so decisive?" The guard general stood up in surprise, and the group of generals behind him also made waves of discussion in shock.

It can be seen from their expressions that these generals are eager to clean up the protoss sooner.

"It should not be too late. Please transfer the soldiers quickly. I will take these soldiers out of the city before the Protoss finds it, and help defend the three towns of Jinwu." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, as long as it is to deal with the Protoss, the dispatching of troops out of the city can be left to us, but the special adult please stay a moment, this general has important questions to ask." The guard general said.

"Also, as long as you quickly move the soldiers out of the city, I will accompany you to talk to you." Mo Xie nodded.

"According to the general order, 20,000 elite soldiers were secretly dispatched to leave the city quietly, standing by in the forest south of the city, and obeying the full command of the governor at any time. Regarding the deployment of troops, two commanders of 10,000 each will follow the instructions of the governor respectively." The general shouted with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, the last two will personally lead the troops." The two Jinjia generals bent over and saluted, immediately opened the door and rushed out.

The door closed, and a group of generals immediately gathered around and sat on the long table opposite Mo Xie.

"The Governor's Special Envoy, how can the general take the initiative to issue a crusade this time?" the guard general asked.

"This is because the matter is serious. First, the Protoss colluded with Holy Moon Empire spy agents and asked them to secretly build the teleportation altar outside the east gate, but they were accidentally discovered by Xia. Now the three major military camps in the west of the city are also secretly monitored by the Protoss, and they may launch attacks at any time. Destroying the Jintang defense line, so in this case, the general had to take the initiative, otherwise the situation is very critical!" Mo Xie quickly picked up the key points and described what he knew...

"Ah, it turned out to be like this!" A group of generals were angry.

"The Protoss is attacking the west, intending to use the Holy Moon Empire's sneak attack, triggering the three towns of Jinwu to deploy troops to return, and then occupy the three military camps in one fell swoop, annihilate all the imperial regiments, and then only the guardian army of our outer city will be left. Huangcheng Mountain and the outside of the city should be integrated, and our human race will be completely finished!" The guard general frowned.

"My Lord General’s analysis is correct. Once the three towns of Golden Crow are lost, no matter how many legions from the three major cities come to rescue, they will fall into the encirclement of the Protoss. The Royal Family of the Human Race will indeed be wiped out! The Protoss does not even need to consider the divine curse contract. I have already controlled the entire Sun Empire!" Mo Xie nodded.

"It's no wonder that you are young and average, and you are able to assume the duties of the governor. He is really a wise and wise man. Also, as long as the governor can lead the enemy from the west of the city to the south, the general promised that I will lead the remaining 3 Ten thousand soldiers lay in ambush in the south of the city, and the enemy will come and see no return." The guard general said.

"Okay, why didn't I expect this... As long as the Generals set an ambush, I will definitely be able to attract them." Mo Xie smiled.

"Your Excellency, please see, this is a topographic map of the south of the city. At the junction with the west of the city, there is a gloomy canyon map. As long as you introduce enemies into this canyon, they will die without a place to be buried!"

The guard general waved his hand and a dazzling light shone.

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