The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 997: Hold hands and never let go

Mo Xie was extremely excited, and quickly agreed with the guarding general the time to ambush, and the time when the enemy might arrive, and then agreed to this plan.

"The Governor has a major mission on his shoulders, and he will not dare to stay longer. Please prepare to go as soon as possible. This is an order for a long arrow. After the enemy enters the designated area, you only need to fire the long arrow and our generals will act immediately. "The guard general waved, and a golden arrow appeared in his hand.

"Understood, generals, please wait for the good news." Mo Xie excitedly took Ling Jian and put it into the package. After leaving the generals, he quickly rushed out of the hall and continued to deploy tonight's battle.

As soon as he left, the guarding general immediately ordered that the 30,000 army left thousands of people guarding the city gate, and the others secretly left the city gate and went to Yuanshoujian for arrangement.


The eagle flew in the air, flying over the tall tower south of the city, and then slowly landed towards a large forest map outside the city gate.

The road to the west of the city is not far away, just bypass a few maps and you can reach the military camp on the right side of Jinwu Three Towns.

Originally, the three towns of Jinwu were lined up in the west of the city, forming a triangle and other large defense lines.

Landing on the edge of the forest, two Jinjia generals and guards were waiting there.

When Mo Xie fell from the air, the two generals immediately led him into the woods and saw the 20,000 golden armored soldiers neatly arranged in the large forest.

"Two generals, I now ask you to divide your troops into two camps and go to two barracks for defense. When the guards leave, your task of 10,000 each is to guard these two barracks and not be snatched by the orcs." Moxie said. .

"What, just let us defend?" The two generals were a little disappointed.

"Two generals, you are the defenders of the city. The generals of the town nation have taken a huge risk by sending troops through you. If you are allowed to serve as the main attacking army, if you damage too much, won't you give the Protoss handle? So this time you As a defense, as long as the security of the barracks is ensured, it is also a great achievement! In this way, the Army of the Three Towns can kill the enemy with peace of mind." Mo Xie persuaded.

"Also, then we will guard the two military camps closest to the south of the city, and the Golden Crow military camp will be handed over to you." The two generals nodded.

"The main battlefield around the Golden Crow Camp will be very lively there..." Mo Xie said with a light smile.

According to his request, the two generals divided into two teams and continued to march west of the city to take over the defense of the two military camps respectively.

Mo Xie was already riding on the mount and quickly flew to the Golden Crow Camp in the west of the city...

Fly over countless maps, with the help of the flying speed of Xiaofeidian, less than half an hour, the vast map that originally took more than two hours to run, has all fallen behind him, not far from under the feet, at the top of the vast ridge, a huge The barracks stood proudly on the top of the ridge.

He flew quickly over the barracks, and suddenly only heard the sound of the horns in the barracks. The soldiers almost took him as an enemy sneak attack. The air defense reambows on the roofs of countless barracks have been equipped with arrow boxes, ready to launch into the sky at any time.

Fortunately, Mo Xie said immediately, and this resolved a misunderstanding.

General Jinwuzhen led a group of generals standing on the barracks square, watching Mo Xie land quickly...

"Your Excellency, how are things going?" the guard general asked.

"Everything went well. The general south of the city borrowed 20,000 troops and is going to two military camps to take over the defense." Mo Xie said.

"Great! As long as they take over the defense, the two guarding generals will send me flying eagle biography, and then they will quietly send troops to gather at the Golden Crow barracks." The guarding general said excitedly.

"This time must be mastered. The departure time of the more than 100,000 soldiers in the two major military camps and the time they arrived at the Golden Crow military camp are the key time periods for our battle tonight." Mo Xie reminded.

"Don't worry, this general has informed the two guarding generals of the information you have obtained. They also understand that the surrounding area has been monitored by the orcs. Not only will this dispatch of troops be very secret, but the arrival time will be very correct, and it will definitely not go wrong "General Jinwu nodded.

"That's good, I will bring my soldiers in the evening to confuse the sight of the orcs and let you safely go to the designated place to ambush, and then give them an unexpected surprise." Mo Xie smiled.

In the past, he was alone in the game, and he was proficient in all kinds of equipment, but he had never conducted team activities with so many players, and he had never commanded hundreds of thousands or even more army battles.

However, since the establishment of the alliance in the pending continuation, Mo Xie has become more and more adaptable to this new commander position, and as he has more combat experience, he commands more easily...

The seemingly complicated and messy battle situation is clear to him, how to arrange, how to avoid the enemy's sight, how to let the enemy be fooled, how to avoid loss, to him, he is already familiar with it now...

Seeing that the hour is about to end in the afternoon, now it is exactly 16 o'clock, there was still a long time to deploy, but in order to save enough time for the battle tonight, Mo Xie planned to go offline immediately and deploy on the line at 18:00.

Open the legion channel and say hello to all teammates, Mo Xie immediately chose to go offline.

The other teammates were still forming a group to practice leveling and spawning monsters. They upgraded their newly acquired super pets. After receiving the news from Moxie, they immediately issued instructions to let all the players of the God Realm League go offline. After a quiet rest, wait. The battle tonight...

With the helmet raised, Mo Xie sat up, and Sister Hong who was next to her also moved, and she was leaving the game.

"Let's go, take a good rest, I don't know how long to fight tonight." Mo Xie smiled and stretched out his hand to help the beauty.

"The hardest thing is you. I didn't really see it before. You have such a great commanding ability." Li Hong said with a smile.

"In reality, I have always been too inferior. It is because of you that I have changed so much." Moxie said.

"What? Because of me?" Li Hong's eyes widened, not understanding what he was saying.

"Because that night, I found that I was not worthy of you, but I was delusional to take responsibility for this matter. After entering the unfinished business, the only place I can make some money is games, so I have been desperately trying to be more Make money..." Mo Xie said sincerely.

"You stupid boy, what I value is not appearance and wealth, but someone who can treat me sincerely." Li Hong sighed and reached out and touched his hair, holding him to the door.

At this moment, neither of them spoke, but from their hearts, they could feel the love of the person next to them...

Click, just opened it, a group of people on the promenade stared with eyes widened, looking at Li Hong who was holding Mo Xie in surprise, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"No, you two are developing so fast?" Mo Xiaoyuan said, touching his head.

"Moxie, you kid gave us A Hong medicine, did you accept you so soon?" Lianna fussed and asked.

"The two of them have been abnormal. We asked and didn't say anything. It seems that we are worrying much." Ouyang Jiaojiao muttered silently.

"Everyone may have misunderstood...I just..." Li Hong reacted and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was clamped tightly by Mo Xie.

"I have never denied that I like Sister Hong. I didn't dare to say before because I am not worthy. Now I want to tell everyone that from now on, I will officially pursue Li Hong until she accepts it." Mo Xie mustered his courage. Finally said what was in his heart.

"Okay, I was right, this kid, now I finally dared to express my feelings, I thought you were going to hide it for a lifetime." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

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