The Demon Shadow

Chapter 6 - Leaving The Family

"Congratulations you wer."

"You knew"

Maya interrupted Shadow in the middle of his sentence.

Shadow stoped smiling .

Both of them kept staring at each other without uttering a word.

Suddenly Shadow started moving towards Maya's direction .he had an expressionless face .Just when he was going to pass her he stopped and leaned closer to her"somethings must be kept a secret"he whispered into her ears.

She looked at him not knowing what to say but he was already gone on the stage . he expected it was his turn as the last participant left .

No one noticed Shadow as they all were happily discussing about Maya .

Finally ,only elder Luke noticed him as he was standing in front of him .

"Ahmm you can start by transforming some of your energy onside the ball" elder Luke said.

Shadow wasted no time .He stretched out his hand and placed it on the ball .he stood there without even trying to condense his energy because he knew he wouldn't be able to do so but still he came to the stage and acted like he was doing just like the other kids did. He knew all of this was planned by his father .he wanted everyone to witness how trash he is so he can get rid of him as soon as possible to spare himself from the embarrassment of his son in the future.

After a whole one minute elder Luke sighed and waved his hand to Shadow indicating him to stop .

Shadow stopped placing his hand on the ball .

People finally began to notice him .

"Hahaha what a genius little brother .it seems like there was something wrong with the talent distribution between you two siblings.I can't tell for sure whether heaven is fair or the opposite"Eric said disdainfully as he draw the attention of everyone towards Shadow .

"Tsk what a trash fairy Maya must feel embarrassed being related to him"

"If i were him i would just dig my head in the ground"

"How dare a cripple take part in the awakening ceremony "

People kept throwing disgusted looks towards Shadow but he never mind them as he was waiting for a certain someone to make his move.

Suddenly Edgar stood from his seat drawing the attention of the elders and the patriarch he spoke in a loud voice so everyone could hear him" patriarch our Raven family has always been one of the 9 great families and all of that due to the strict rules of our everyone can see I'm ashamed to say that this cripple kid is my son and as an elder in the family i will do my duties according to the rules regardless of someone's background therefore I demand sending Shadow to one of the branch families"

Lisa and Maya held each other's hands both of them feel angry while crying. They couldn't do anything with their current power .

Maya was staring blankly at her father's face .Suddenly her realization kicked in and that when she felt her heart aching she felt pain . She felt she was going to lose something inside of her yet on the outside she was perfectly fine.she turned her head towards her mother and Lisa when she noticed both of them crying. They were crying yet they seemed like they expected this to happen .she then realized something and quickly turned her head searching for Shadow's expression.

He stood there with an aloof face . He seemed alone yet he didn't care about anything in the world. She realized that everyone knew about this except for her. She was about to speak when suddenly the patriarch's voice rang out through the hall.

"Hmm good as expected from you Edgar always put the family's well being first,to be honest i was going to talk about this after the ceremony but you have already thought it throw " Patriarch Clark said while stroking his beard.

"Alright then , Everyone with talent lower than D rank shall be sent to the family branches " Patriarch Clark exclaimed while turning his gaze to the crowds.

' finally ,you'll be gone forever . I won't let you drag your sister's potential any longer ' Edgar said with a big grin on his face.

Maya was in shock from the events unfolding in front of her . She couldn't even process the idea of her brother leaving her .

Without her noticing him ,Shadow arrived beside her .He held her hand and proceeded going out of the hall .

Under a cherry blossom tree two youngsters a male and a female were seated on the bench .

The girl was crying furiously while the boy had a calm expression with a light smile on his face

"No pleasssee don't leave me alone please please do anything just don't go"

Maya cried her heart out while burying her face in Shadow's chest.

"We both know that's impossible ,this was destined to happen the from the moment i was born you should accept it too"

"What do mean accept it how can i see you again we might never see each other in our entire life what if something happens to you there who's going to protect you "Maya screamed at Shadow while hitting his chest with her small and delicate hands .

Shadow lifted Maya's chin and looked her in the eyes he smiled and and said " I promise you that we'll see each other again"

He continued and kissed her on her forehead .

After a while the sun fell to the horizon and the sky turned dark Maya was sleeping in her brother's arms .they were inside the house .Lana and Lisa were crying while preparing some clothes for him to take with .

After a while it was already midnight . three carriages were in front of the family's entrance.they were about to move .

It could be seen that some families were crying watching their kids going inside the carriages .

Shadow said his goodbyes to Lana and Lisa .

They promised him to get him soon once they become a little stronger .

Maya was asleep due to her constantly crying so Shadow preferred to leave before she wakes up. He knew she wouldn't let him go if she were to see him leaving.

Once the carriages started moving Shadow turned his head away from his family and looked at the road .he had a calm expression on his face .

'Haa i wonder if I'll ever come back here again'

After three days , in the dark of the night three carriages were moving with utmost caution . They were moving on the cliff road of the mountain

Two out of the three carriages had kids that were only five years old .each carriage contained 5 youngsters inside of it . The third carriage was a little bit bigger than other two and was taking m the lead .it had 5 guards they were assigned to accompany the youngsters to the branch family.

Three men and two women . They were in the late stage of body refinement while one of the women who seemed to be in her middle twenties was in the first stage of the spirit realm she was the leader of the group .

They were weak cultivators assigned to this mission because the Raven family didn't really care whether these youngsters died or not.

Shadow was sitting next to a girl and a boy and opposite to him was two boys and a girl they were all sleeping except Shadow.

He had a weird feeling the whole journey' i feel like something is missing .Edgar wouldn't just let me go this easily because I'm sure he knows Maya would come and find me soon ' just as Shadow was thinking of all the possibilities he heard a shout coming from outside.

Shadow leaned his head outside the carriage to see the driver's chest was pierced with an arrow .

Without second thoughts Shadow jumped out of the carriage and run towards the cliff edge.

He halted when he reached the edge of the cliff and turned to see ten silhouettes masked in black surrounding the carriages.

The gourds came out of the carriages to be surprised by the masked people's cultivation.

'Fuck they are all in the spirit realm' the leader woman said inwardly .

"Who are you ? We belong to the Raven family you should know that if you touch a single hair of us you'll be doomed " the leader woman shouted at the silhouettes .

"Hahahaha did you guys hear what she said?"

One of the masked man laughed out loud .

" do you think the family would investigate what happens here when they are the ones who gave the orders?"

The masked man said with a big grin on his face that was visible through the mask.

The leader guard's heart skipped a beat while the kids that woke up from the commotion were now shivering.

The masked silhouettes didn't stay still any longer . They headed towards the guards with a fast speed . The leader guard was surprised and before she could do anything she saw her group of guards decapitated .She turned to run but couldn't move then she lowered her head to see her waist was cut in half


Hear upper half fell to the ground .

The masked silhouettes continued their way towards the carriages. A silhouette conjured two balls of flames in his hand and threw it at the carriages.


"Ahhhh ahhhhh helpppp"

"Arghhhhh please "

Screamed of agony rang through the mountain range as the kids were being burned alive .

Shadow watched the scenes in front of him from afar and before the masked silhouettes could even realize his existence he jumped down the cliff .

Author's note: this is the end of the first volume of the story, the real fun is coming.

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