The Demon Shadow

Chapter 7 - System Awakening

In a large dark forest filled with magical beasts, a handsome teenager who seemed to be 16 years old with sharp facial features was hiding his presence while standing on a big tall tree .

He was looking at the magical beast below him waiting for it to get closer to the bait .

The magical beast resembled a mixed creature of wild boar and was 2 meters tall .

The magical beast got closer to the bait which was placed 10 meters away from the tree the teenager was hiding in .


Once the magical beast reached the bait a sharp knife pierced right between it's eyes .


The magical beast dropped on the ground without making a move .

The teenager boy got down from the tree and walked leisurely to the corpse .

"Sorry pal nothing personal but I'm hungry too" the boy said to the corpse .

He carried the corpse and kept walking towards the cave that was situated near the river .

The teenager boy was non-other than Shadow .

After Shadow jumped the cliff he fell in the river . This river was situated in the dark forest which was known as one of the most dangerous places in the kingdom of Gavaria.

It had countless number of magical beasts roaming it. People rarely entered the forest due to it's immense danger .

After surviving the fall, Shadow woke up three days later on the bank of the river .

Shadow had read a lot of geographical books so once he examined his surroundings he knew where he was .

'Hmm the Dark forest . A dangerous place filled with powerful magical beasts . No one would dare enter the forest unless being familiar with it. Lucky for me i have enough knowledge to avoid the areas of the strong magical beasts . Besides I don't really have a choice at the moment I'm very weak .if i were to be spotted by one of the family I'll be killed instantly as they already think I'm dead anyway'

After making his decision, Shadow lived in the Dark forest for 11 years . Despite not being a cultivator, Shadow refined his combat skills to the maximum level a normal human being would get .

' I got lucky today i guess I won't need to hunt for another week ' Shadow said while cutting and cleaning the skin of the magical beast in the river .

He lit a fire in the cave and started grilling the boar like magical beast .

sniff sniff

'Haa it smells so good ' Shadow said while drooling and waiting for the food'

Just when Shadow was about to take a bite he heard a loud roar that shook the entire forest.

"What the hell was that"

Shadow didn't wait any longer and started making his way towards the direction of the roar.

Shadow reached to the source of the roars and was bewildered by the scene in front of him .

A 4 meters magical beast with 3 dogs like heads was attacking a black dragon .

Two of it's heads were already severed but it kept attacking the dragon with all it's strength.

The dragon was injured but not by the other magical best . It looked like it was injured from the inside .

'What the hell does a dragon doing here ' Shadow mumbled to himself.

Dragons were the most powerful magical beasts . They were sought by all species and hunted down thousands of years ago . Most people believed that they went extinct by here is one in front of Shadow.

'What the hell does a dragon do here ' Shadow mumbled to himself.

Dragons were the most powerful magical beasts . They were sought by all species and hunted down thousands of years ago . Most people believed that they were extinct but here is one in front of Shadow.

'Why is the dragon not escaping' Shadow noticed the dragon not moving.

The dragon looked very old so Shadow guessed this was the end for it but for some reason he felt his heart clenching.

'What's this feeling ? It's like something is telling me to help the the dragon '

'Fuck it , this is so annoying but I can't just turn and leave' Shadow took out a pouch from his pocket . The pouch contained a red substance .

He took his knife and soaked it in the pouch .

'It's either i hit the jackpot or face my doom here '

Shadow rushed to the left of the dog like magic beast but before he made contact with it he fired an arrow which exploded near the magical beast's head . The little explosion produced a blue powder that surrounded the head of the magical beast.

' this is my chance '

Shadow leaped towards the head of the magical beast after being blinded by the poisonous powder .

Shadow aimed his knife at the head of the beast . The beast's instinct kicked in as it felt it was in danger . The beast quickly slashed it's claws to the direction of Shadow.

Shadow dodged the attack swiftly and kept dashing to the head of the beast .He thrusted

his knife as hard as he could but with his current strength he barely managed to pierce 2 inches into the head of the beast .


Even though the cut was small but the poison on the tip of the knife was enough to make it scream in agony .


After a good minute of roaring madly and furiously the magical beast dropped on the ground .

Shadow checked the magical beast just in case but the beast was already dead.

'This is so exciting . I feel my body filled with adrenaline. I never get bored of this thrilling life ' Shadow said .

Shadow turned to go to the direction of the dragon when suddenly a feminine voice resounded in his head.

Ding ding ding

'System requirements are met '

'Congratulations for the host for killing 1000 life '

'Demon system installation is going to start'

'Demon system installation is in progress '




'Demon system installation completed'

' Demon system is launched now'

Shadow felt dizzy and his eyes kept on shutting down until he fell unconscious .

Sometime later Shadow woke up and his vision was blocked by some red panel.

Shadow was taken aback after remembering the events that happened to him but after a few moments he smiled.

'There is no coincidence. A system? This can't be a coincidence, i was starting to believe that my meeting with the old man was just a dream but after this i have no doubt about it now. He must have given me this kind of ability based on my memories in my old world '

Shadow thought to himself.

'Let's give a try '

'System, Show me the stats menu ' just when Shadow finished speaking, The blank red panel changed to a new one .

Player level 1: 5/50 XP

Host's name : Shadow

Strength(STR) : 11

Agility : 9

Stamina(STM) : 8

Mentality(perception): 12

Defense (DEF) : 9

Charm : 12

Speed : 10

Bloodline : none

System points: 0

"This is so unbelievable. With the system i can finally change my fate "

Shadow looked at his stats and couldn't hide his excitement. He knew that from today onward his life will be filled with adventures the life he coveted so much.

'System show me the quests menu' Shadow interacted with the system without uttering a word he knew what to do as the system was basically built according to his memories from reading novels in his past life.

Three options appeared in front of Shadow .

Daily quest: do 100 push ups , 100 squats ,run for 10km .

Rewards: 5 system points

Side quest : become a cultivator .

Rewards : +5 system points + shop option unlocked.

Monthly quest : locked

Yearly quest : locked

''Now let the fun begins '' Shadow said with a big grin on his face .

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