The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 165 - YOU DON'T LOVE ME?

Azren felt relief when he and Michy finally arrived at the penthouse again. Today was so tiring for him. Not only did his body that felt like breaking apart, but his mind was tired as well.

If he could say the truth, then he would say that his mind was more tired than his body.

Everything started to be complicated since he bumped into the mysterious man when he was walking aimlessly in the hallway. Right after he felt troubled in his heart because of the man's words, he had to deal with Michy who was offended because of his 'rejection.'

Azren didn't mean to reject Michy, but he just thought that it was not a good thing to 'touch' Michy like that.

He was a demon, and he was supposed to taint Michy just like how Lucifer instructed him, but the mysterious man's words seemed to be having the power to hold him back, making him reject Michy who was offering his body for free.

Michy was upset because of rejection, and he decided to follow his uncle's orders to have Trissa come up to the stage as a special guest. The orders sounded simple, and no one expected that the simple order would bring disaster.

That was why Azren kept blaming himself, and even if he managed to save Michy from Tallie's slap, he still felt guilty for what happened to the young boy.

Even if Michy didn't refuse it when he boldly held the boy's hand, he still felt the tension between him and the boy.

And even after they finished discussing with Felice and MC, the tension was still there.

After parting with the two girls, Azren and Michy didn't talk to each other. And even when they arrived at the penthouse again, the silence remained faithful to envelop the two of them.

Azren expected that Michy would head to his room directly because the idol looked tired as well, but he guessed it wrongly because Michy threw his body on the couch in the living room instead.

Now Azren could only stand awkwardly not far from the idol, and even if he dared to look at the idol's face, he didn't know what the boy was thinking right now.

He wanted to head straight to his room, but he couldn't do that because his boss did not say that it was okay for him to have some rest in his room. Thus, Azren could only wait for the next order from the human.

Michy was looking at the floor for a moment, but then the pair of blue eyes shifted to another direction until they met the pair of green eyes.

Azren squirmed under the gaze because he could see that the gaze was beyond cold, and that was why he didn't dare to challenge the idol's gaze.

"Are you happy now?" The idol suddenly threw one question out of the blue, and Azren reflectively replied with a "What?"

The clueless answer made Michy roll his blue eyes before moving his hand to pat the vacant spot beside him.

The blonde wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, but when he saw Michy glared at him fiercely, he decided to step forward and place himself next to the idol.

Maybe the idol nonverbally asked Azren to sit on the empty spot next to him, but for Azren, it was like the idol was calling him for execution.

"I'm not dating Trissa anymore, so are you happy about that?" Michy finally elaborated what he meant as he stared intently at the blonde man.

The pair of blue eyes were like a deep ocean with strong gravitational force. They pulled Azren deeper and deeper, and he could only let his heart be embraced by the strangely warm ocean. Yes, the blue ocean was strangely warm, and the warmth even managed to touch the coldest part of Azren's heart.

"I'm not happy," Azren replied, and Michy widened his eyes in surprise when he heard the reply. "How can I be happy when that girl ruined your career like that, Michy? You have worked hard to clean your name, and that girl easily dirtied it again just because of her jealousy. If her feelings for you were sincere, she wouldn't do that kind of thing."

Michy finally understood Azren's meaning, and he secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he drew his gaze away from the taller man. "It's because of Carmen," he replied weakly. "I don't want to put the blame on my own cousin, but she's indeed in the wrong. I wanted to scold her, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt her."

Lately, Azren had a belief that the 'nice' and 'evil' Michy no longer existed. Unlike when he just started working for Michy when the idol kept switching between the two personalities, Michy was more stable now. Therefore, Azren believed that the two personalities didn't exist anymore.

'Maybe there's no longer the evil and the nice Michy, but it's just Michy now. For some reason, Michy has stopped switching between the two personalities for a while now.'

Azren didn't know the reason behind the end of the random switch, but Michy indeed stopped switching. He could no longer see his favorite innocent and cute Michy, but Azren was so thankful because the current Michy was reasonable and mature.

"Talking about CM..." Azren spoke again with a slight hesitation in his voice. "Did she tell the truth, Michy? Do you... love me?"

Azren still remembered CM's words before he and Michy left the showcase venue earlier. Even if Michy didn't give the girl any response and chose to drag him away from the girl, the words spoken by the female idol kept ringing in his head.

["Do you think I don't know that you love the person who's holding your hand tightly right now, Michy?"]

Azren was the one who was holding Michy's hand, and he knew that CM was talking about him. The girl even sneakily glanced at him, so of course, the person who was being the subject of the talk was him.

"So what if I love you?"

Michy didn't even deny his question, and Azren was slightly taken aback by it. The idol boldly challenged his green eyes with his pair of blue eyes, and Azren felt he couldn't breathe. The young idol had stolen the air around him.

"You can't answer my question, huh? So what if I love you, Azren?" Not only questioned him again, but Michy also landed his smooth palm on Azren's cheek, causing the demon to shiver uncontrollably.

Just the contact of their skin was already difficult to handle, and Azren's mind went blank.

Azren couldn't answer. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but it was because he didn't know how to answer the question. 'So what if Michy loves me? What should I do if Michy indeed loves me?'

The blonde man was in turmoil, and all he could do was just stare at the silver-haired boy while furrowing his brows.

Michy could see that he pressured the other man, so he decided to let go of his hand from the man's cheek and maintain the distance from the man. Without looking at the man, he then asked, "Do you love me too, Azren?"

The word 'too' was enough to confirm that Michy was indeed in love with the blonde demon, and the demon somehow felt his heart getting warm upon hearing the idol's question. It was the first time someone confessed his love to him, and he was stunned by the confession.

Ah, love? That was something Lucifer hated the most, but the idol indirectly confessed that he loved him. Not only that, but the idol also waited for his answer. Azren knew that in the human world when a human confessed to someone, that person had to give an answer for the confession. Now Azren was in the position where he needed to answer Michy's confession.

'Love? Do I really love Michy? But what about my king? If he finds out about it, he will punish me for sure.'

Azren was troubled once again, and he couldn't answer Michy's question. The latter noticed that his blonde assistant was confused, and he felt hurt in his heart. "You don't love me, Azren?"

Michy was hurt. Michy was once again hurt by Azren's 'rejection.' It wasn't really a rejection because Azren did not even say that he didn't love Michy, but perhaps the latter took his silence as an answer.

Michy was hurt, and Azren was also hurt when he saw the bitter expression on the idol's face. 'I don't care anymore! As long as Michy is happy, then I don't care about anything else!' Azren made a resolute decision as he immediately grabbed the idol's cold hands.

He stared into the pair of blue crystals deeply, getting ready to answer the idol's confession verbally. He had opened his lips, and his brain had sent the instruction to his mouth to voice the feelings in his heart.

However, no sound exited from his lips.

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