The Demon's Angelic Love


["As a Prince of this kingdom, you know that you have a responsibility, right?"

The young Prince of Nuvora received a question from his father, the King of Nuvora. The family of three was having dinner. The King, the Queen, and the Prince were enjoying the delicious food cooked by the palace cooks before the King's voice broke the silence.

The King had spoken, and the Prince wouldn't dare to ignore the question by continued eating. Putting down the silver spoon on top of the table, the prince brought his blue eyes to stare at the King as he answered, "I know, Your Majesty. I'm not only the Prince of Nuvora, but I'm also the Crown Prince here. I will be the next King of Nuvora, and my responsibility is to give prosperity and safety to our people."

The Prince was the first and only son of the King, and thus, he became the Crown Prince. A Crown Prince would ascend to the throne if anything happened to the king, and that was why the Crown Prince had been learning about how to rule the kingdom since he was very young.

He was still seventeen years old now, but he already had such a heavy burden on his shoulders. And as the Crown Prince of Nuvora, his demeanor was actually far from the elegant Crown Prince.

He was very smart and diligent, but he didn't have the charm as the next King of Nuvora. Instead, he was quite childish and loved playing so much, and the people in the palace often shook their heads when they saw how the boy behaved.

Of course, the young Crown Prince would still study with the royal teachers, but after he was done with his responsibility, he would immediately run to the yard or even to the sea to play.

Yes, Nuvora was a kingdom that was located near the sea, and that was why the young Crown Prince could play on the beach every day. He couldn't swim, so he didn't dare to go further to the sea and just would only enjoy playing on the beach.

But, despite having a child-like character, the young Crown Prince managed to answer his father's question so well, and his father looked satisfied with the answer.

It was like the principle had already been engraved in his heart, and no matter how childish he was, he still remembered the belief to think about the people the most.

"Then, you won't refuse if I arrange a marriage for you, right?" The King continued questioning the Crown Prince, and even if the brows of the Crown Prince twitched a little, the Crown Prince wasn't completely surprised by the question.

Arranged marriage in this era was not a new thing, especially between royal families. In the royal family, there was no marriage without advantage. If a Prince got married to a Princess, then there must be an advantage taken by the two kingdoms of the Prince and the Princess.

The Crown Prince was already seventeen, and the age was not too young to talk about marriage. That was why the Crown Prince wasn't surprised when the King talk about marriage.

"I won't dare to object, Your Majesty," the Crown Prince replied humbly.

"That's good," the King responded with a small smile on his face. "Our people need an assurance that they will be able to live well in the future, and that's why I have a plan to arrange a marriage between you and the Princess of Sacelon. She is a very beautiful Princess, and I know you will like her. You have never liked anyone in your life, right?"

The Crown Prince knew that he didn't need to answer the King's question, and he chose to remain silent. Indeed. He had no experience in terms of love. All he knew was study and play, and there was no girl who managed to steal his attention so far.

"Since you already agreed with the idea, then we will visit Sacelon in a few weeks to discuss the marriage," the King spoke again.

"Isn't that too soon, Your Majesty?" The Queen finally chimed in. "The Crown Prince still had some lectures to attend in the next few weeks, and I think it's better for him to attend those lectures first before we can depart for Sacelon."

The Queen was concerned about the Crown Prince's education so much, and of course, she would oppose the idea of the Crown Prince skipping his lectures.

"His lectures can wait," the King replied sternly. "I have promised the King of Sacelon to give him an answer within two weeks, and I can't go back on my words, can I? And I think the Crown Prince doesn't mind the idea," he added while glancing at the young Crown Prince who remained quiet.

"I don't mind the idea, Your Majesty," the Crown Prince finally replied. "But, can I go to the sea tomorrow after finishing my lectures? I was busy studying in the past few days, and I didn't have the time to play on the beach. Can I do that, Your Majesty?"]

The pair of blue eyes flashed open as the owner of the beautiful crystals breathed heavily. When he brought his eyes to scan his surroundings, he could see that he was still in the VIP ward in the hospital.

The ray of the sun penetrated the window in the room, and the boy knew that it was morning already. It was six in the morning, and it was still quite early. He should have slept until seven or eight, but the weird dream forced him to open his eyes.

Indeed. The dream was so weird. He was in a place that looked like a palace, and some people were talking at the dining table of the palace. They were talking about marriage, and nothing seemed unusual with that.

However, there was one thing that bothered the young idol, "Why did I become the Crown Prince in the dream?"

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