The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 194 - CALL ME MASTER

Michy's mind was still preoccupied with a lot of things when the door of the VIP room was opened from the outside. He expected it to be his assistant, but he ended up frowning when he saw his uncle instead.

It was still six in the morning, but his uncle was in his room already. He remembered Felice told him that his uncle couldn't visit him yesterday because he was outside the city, and perhaps his uncle rushed to the hospital immediately after coming back to the city.

"How is your feeling, Michy? Felice told me that you were unconscious for hours, and I was worried about you," Willem immediately questioned his nephew right after he arrived near his nephew's bed. "I'm sorry because I couldn't visit you immediately. I had some business to deal with yesterday."

Willem seemed to be true with his words because his face indeed displayed a worried expression. Michy could see it, and he smiled as he replied, "You don't need to apologize to me, uncle. I feel better now, and maybe I can go back home today."

Even if his uncle didn't tell him the details about what kind of business he was dealing with yesterday, Michy had known from Felice that the older man was indeed busy with some matters yesterday.

"You can go back home today?" Willem asked again. "Are you sure you're feeling better now? If you still feel sick, then you should rest here for a few more days. We better let the doctors take care of you here until you're healthy again."

Most people wouldn't like it if they had to stay in the hospital for too long, and of course, Michy was one of those people. Being sick was not something he expected.

He was indeed stressed because of everything that happened recently, but it wasn't like he didn't think about his health that caused him to get sick.

Perhaps it was his body that was too weak, but Michy hated the fact that he could fall sick easily.

"I'm fine, uncle," the silver-haired idol replied again. "I will continue resting at home, so you don't have to worry about me."

Hearing his nephew's stubborn statement, Willem sighed heavily. "How come I not worry about you when you're like this, Michy? I'm indeed upset with you, but it's because I care about you. I was against your idea to go public about your sexual orientation, but it's because I care about your future. You can understand my intention, right?"

Michy indeed could understand his uncle's good intention. Coming out to his uncle was one thing, but coming out to the public was another thing.

He had been hiding in the closet all the time. He always knew that he wasn't interested in girls since a long time ago. One day when he was in school, instead of spending time staring at girls with dreamy eyes, he chose to peep at some handsome boys.

He did all that in secret, of course, but he came to the realization that he was into boys because of that. He was in denial for a long time, but as he grew older, he finally could accept the reality that he was different from most people in the world.

However, even if he had passed the stage when he was in denial, he still couldn't bring himself to come out of the closet for a long time. Even in front of the people who were very close to him just like Felice, CM, or Willem, he never had the courage to come out for so many years.

But, everything changed the moment he met Azren for the first time. He didn't know why, but he fell for Azren in instant.

["So, your name is Azren Theophane?" That was the first official question uttered by Michy in the interview session.

He was being harsh, he was being rude, but it was just his way to cover his feelings.

He had lots of male friends in his school, but none of them looked as dazzling as the man who applied for his assistant position.

Blonde hair, a pair of green eyes, fair skin, and an athletic body. He loathed the blonde hair, but it did not stop him from admitting that the man had outstanding look despite his timid attitude.

He knew that he couldn't let other people see how star-struck he was when he saw the man's face, so he decided to act ruthlessly to the man.

"Yes, sir," the one who managed to cause Michy's heart to thump louder finally answered the question.

However, the simple answer caused Michy to raise an eyebrow. 'This hot guy dares to call me 'sir'? I prefer him to call me 'master' instead.'

Michy had the naughty thought in his mind, but of course, he managed to put on a cold facade as he replied, "Sir?" He even raised his tone. "I'm not even 18, but you call me sir?"]

The memory suddenly flashed in his mind, and he unconsciously pulled the corners of his lips to form a smile. Willem was still standing by the hospital bed, and he displayed a confused expression on his face when he saw the smile.

"Are you listening to me, Michy? Why did you suddenly smile like that?"

The small smile on the idol's face vanished the moment he heard his uncle's question. He became awkward as he stared at the older man. "I'm listening to you, uncle," he answered sheepishly. "I understand your intention, but I'm not a child anymore. I know what I'm doing right now."

Michy was still stubborn. Even if he was still weak on the bed, he was still faithful with his decision.

But then the idol looked like he just realized something as he brought his gaze to scan his surroundings once again. Frowning when he wasn't able to find someone he was looking for, he decided to ask his uncle, "Do you know where Azren is, uncle?"

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