The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 60 - HE WAS HARD

The famous idol Michy suddenly became a dance instructor for his assistant. Azren regretted his rushed decision, and he ended up learning how to dance from Michy because of his hurried decision.

He should have refused the request, but he became a yes man once again and decided to do the opposite. He did want to help the silver-haired idol, but if he had known beforehand that he had to dance with the idol, he would have definitely said 'no' instead.

He thought that he would just be a cameo who would appear for a few seconds in the music video, but reality betrayed his expectations. He was not only a cameo in the video, but he had to be a back dancer for the idol! That was a disaster!

Azren regretted his reckless decision, but he knew that there was no turning back for him. In the end, he had to accept Michy's private lessons now.

"We only have half an hour to practice, but you can't even memorize the simple moves?" The blue-eyed youth scolded the blonde for the nth time today.

Michy was a dance prodigy, while Azren was a dance tragedy. Some moves that seemed simple to Michy, were disastrous to Azren. Things got even worse because Michy was still in his grumpy evil mode until now.

And for real! The director only gave him half an hour to practice all the dance moves when he had never danced before! He did have a pretty good memory, but his body couldn't remember all the dance moves!

Should he ask Michy to find another backup dancer? They were on the beach, and some of the visitors might be able to dance, right?

"The choreography is not that hard, Azren!"

He had just thought of a better idea, but Michy's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, forcing him to bury the idea.

The young idol kept calling him by his name, and that pressured him even more. The sun was almost in the middle of the sky, and they were practicing right under the blue sky. Sweat was starting to line their foreheads, but Azren couldn't even master the basic moves.

"Let's start with The Bust Down again!" The idol gave him another instruction while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

The idol was sweating profusely, and Azren was sure that the idol would need to apply more makeup later. Even his silver hair that had been neatly styled now looked limp after losing to the scorching rays of the sun.

Michy was just talking about a dance move. The idol had told the blonde the names of the dance moves, and the blonde could easily remember the Bust Down theory. Yes, he could only remember the theory because he couldn't dance properly until now.

"First, use your right hand to grab your belt, and then raise your left arm in the air," Michy instructed him, and he did as instructed. However, his movement looked so slow and stiff, and Michy couldn't wait any longer.

The silver-haired idol walked behind Azren and immediately raised the blonde's left hand in the air before grabbing the blonde's right hand and placing it on the blonde's belt.

Azren's body turned even stiffer because of Michy's unexpected movement. Michy was much shorter than him, and he knew that the idol was having a hard time teaching him right now. His rigid posture will probably make it more difficult for the idol.

"Now you can try to move your hand on the belt up and down while moving your hip too. Bend your legs a little as you dance so you won't look so stiff like a robot."

Michy was no longer touching him, but the idol was still standing close behind him. Under the cold gaze of his supervisor, Azren started to move his body as instructed. He tried so hard, but the next thing he heard was Michy's scream.

"You looked like an electric pole trying to dance, Azren!"

The blonde stopped his movement immediately. 'Is there an electric pole trying to dance?' It was a stupid question, so Azren knew he didn't need to voice it.

He winced again when he felt a pair of warm hands on his hips. His body froze again, and his breath even hitched.

"Relax your muscles and just let me guide you how to move properly."

Michy asked him to relax his muscles, but how could he relax when the pair of warm hands were still so close with the most sensitive part of his body?

His right hand was still on the belt, and he slowly could feel Michy's right hand start enveloping his big hand. The size difference was obvious, but he could care less. He could care less because Michy's right hand started guiding his right hand to move up and down. When it went down, it was so close to his sleeping member beneath the fabric.

And Michy's left hand didn't make him feel easy either as it kept pushing his hip to move. Not only that, but he could also feel how the hand gave him a dangerous squeeze that almost made him moan shamelessly.

What kind of obstacle was it? Was he the only one who felt this way? Michy was standing behind him, so he couldn't see the idol's face at all. Did the idol blush too? Did the idol also feel embarrassed?

"Try to do it yourself now. We don't have much time left."

All the warmth in his body vanished as soon as Michy finished giving him another order. The young idol positioned himself in front of the blonde demon again, observing the young demon's every move.

The pair of blue eyes were on him all the time. To be precise, they were on his body all the time as they supervised Azren's moves. The young demon tried not to be affected by the intent gaze as he kept moving his body as instructed.

"Still not good, but at least you've improved!"

He could hear Michy speaking again, and he stopped his movement, not forgetting to bring down his left arm because it started to feel sore.

"Now we will practice The Billy Bounce."

Michy had told him about the move as well, and it was as popular as the move he had previously learned. Michy's new song was no less catchy and addictive than the previous single, and the choreography in the song was also catchy and addictive.

"For that move, the main points will be your thighs and your knees. Your knees need to come inward on each bounce rather than just up and down. Do you understand?"

If it was just a theory and not a practice, then Azren could memorize the human's words so easily. If it was only a written test, then he surely would fill up the answer sheet so easily.

Unfortunately, it was not a written test in the school or the college, and he needed to apply the theory with his body moves. It was not only his brain that needed to work, but his body needed to work as well. It meant his brain and his body needed to be synchronized first. That was the challenging part.

"I just need to move my knees to come inward like this, right?"

Azren started to move his knees, but Michy gave him a look full of disgust. "Now you look like an ugly squid," he commented harshly.

The blonde stopped his movement and sighed heavily. He indeed had a good-looking face and a nice body, but he had no talent for dancing at all. He wanted to go back to the demon world and forget about all bullshit in the human world.

He would rather get scolded by Lucifer or Orgonel than dance under Michy's instruction.

"You also need to move your hands, and bend your body a little when you dance," Michy gave another order while walking to his back again. "And don't put too much pressure on your thighs. Take it easy."

'Do you think I can take it easy when your hands are on my thighs now?' Azren screamed inwardly as he could feel a pair of warm hands on his body again. They were on his thighs this time, and they were so close with his sacred area!

"Just relax your thighs muscles and let me guide you."

Azren felt like crying. How could he relax when Michy's hands were moving on his thighs right now? The smooth hands were pushing forward and pulling apart the thighs in a rhythm, and Azren could feel his sweats on his forehead turn into a layer of cold sweats.

Michy's hands were so dangerously close to his private area, and gradually he could feel something in his body harden because of the touch. He had never felt this sensation before, not even when Gizach kissed him sensually some time ago.

But Azren was not stupid. He knew that he was hard right now.. He knew that he was hard because of Michy.

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