The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 61 - TOUCH HIM 'THERE'

Azren's mind was no longer in place. It was floating in a space where he could only see his desire. Something within his body became hotter, and it felt like he was burning inside.

He suddenly could understand Gizach's feeling when the red-haired demon was controlled by the lust that pushed him to do something nasty with anyone he desired. Gizach probably couldn't hold back if the desire was this strong.

Azren was indeed a weak demon, but he still had a lust that had been buried deep inside his heart for two hundred years. Now his lust was awakened, and it was so hard to control. His mind became hazy, and his green eyes turned foggy. He couldn't see anything else but his excitement.

He couldn't hold back anymore, and he hurriedly moved his hands to capture Michy's hands on his thighs.

Michy seemed to be surprised by the movement as he peeped at the taller boy from the side. "What happened?" He questioned the demon in an indifferent tone, not noticing that the demon's sanity was getting killed even more when his voice grazed the demon's ear.

Michy's voice came out so soft, and that gentleness almost caused the death of the demon's rationality. Yes, it was 'almost' because the demon still managed to control his lust in the end.

"I need to use a bathroom, Michy. Can you let me go for a moment?" Azren's tone sounded so different in Michy's ears, and it caused the idol to furrow his brows.

Usually, Azren always spoke to the idol in a rather timid and unsure tone, but this time, his tone sounded so firm and stern. It sounded like the blonde was trying to suppress the 'monster' inside him. The innocent demon didn't have any choice other than to speak adamantly to the 'monster.'

Michy's hands were still in the blonde's grasp, and when he brought his gaze down to the hands, he could see Azren's hands trembled. He could sense something was not right with his assistant, and he tried to free his hands from the grip as he wanted to step forward to get a better look at Azren's condition.

But, to his surprise, Azren tightened the grip in his hands instead of letting him go.

"Just wait for me here. I will come back soon," said the taller man.

The blonde finally let go of Michy's hands, but with light speed, he rushed away from the young idol without turning to the idol.

Michy could only tilt his head in confusion as his blue eyes followed his assistant's departure. "What happened to Ren?" He didn't question anyone but air because he was alone in the spot right now.

Azren had gone to the bathroom without realizing that Michy had turned into his nice mode since a few minutes ago.

The innocent Michy could only stare in the direction where Azren left while furrowing his brows.

"Are you done practicing, Michy? Eh? But where did your handsome guy go?"

He could hear another voice greeting his ears, and when he turned his body around, he could see Vienna blinking confusedly at him.

"Who's my handsome guy?" The idol asked the makeup artist while tilting his head again.

The sight was too adorable, and Vienna almost reached out her hand to ruffle the silver hair if she didn't remember that it had been styled. The silver hair was a little messy now, but she knew that she shouldn't make it any messier.

"It's your assistant," the girl answered. "I think you were practicing with him earlier. Where did he go now?"

"Oh," Michy nodded his head after he could grasp what Vienna meant. "He rushed to the washroom just now. I think he wanted to pee because he kept his hands on his crotch as he ran toward the washroom."

The answer sounded so innocent, and Vienna gave the boy a puzzled look.

"You think that your assistant wanted to pee just because he kept his hands on his crotch while running to the washroom?" Vienna questioned the boy, and the said boy nodded his head innocently. "Did you also keep your hands on your crotch when you wanted to pee, Michy?"

The nice Michy was innocent, and he looked perplexed upon hearing Vienna's question. Vienna was not a stranger to him because he had worked with her several times, but today he couldn't guess what was on the girl's mind.

Moreover, Vienna seemed to be trying to suppress her grin, and he could only frown at the girl's antics.

"I think I didn't keep my hands on my crotch when I wanted to pee. Usually, I would just rush to the washroom without covering my crotch."

Another innocent answer came out of Michy's lips, and Vienna finally couldn't hold back her laughter. "You are so pure, Michy!" She stated as she wiped the tears on the corner of her eyes due to her overreacting laughter. "Now I want to ask you another question. What did you do to your assistant earlier before he rushed to the washroom?"

The young idol couldn't immediately answer the question, and he seemed to recall the memory before Azren left him to the washroom earlier.

"I didn't do anything bad to him," he finally replied. "I just taught him how to dance, and it was The Billy Bounce moves."

Vienna raised her curvy brows upon hearing the idol's answer. "The Billy Bounce moves? Do you mean the one that requires you to move your knees to come inward? How did you teach the moves to your assistant?"

The blue pupils moved to the top left corner of the eyes as Michy tried to recall the memory again. "Ren is a bad dancer, so I have to guide his movement by placing my hands on his thighs."

Another innocent explanation from Michy, and Vienna couldn't hold her hysteria this time.

"I didn't expect you could be this bold, Michy!" The girl suddenly exclaimed, and Michy flinched a little when he heard the sudden exclaim.

"What do you mean? All I did was help him, and I didn't do anything bold to him."

Vienna couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's innocence. She shook her head as she moved closer towards the idol. "I'm going to do your makeup again because the sun is ruining your makeup."

The makeup artist had stretched her hands out to touch Michy's face, but to her surprise, Michy suddenly backed away.

"You haven't answered my question, so I won't let you touch my face."

Vienna gasped again. The idol even dared to make a bargain with her?

But instead of feeling offended by the idol's retort, Vienna laughed again in amusement. "You are indeed interesting, Michy. No wonder you become so popular in no time."

Hearing the praise, Michy still didn't want to give in and kept pressing the girl. "Before Ren returns, can you tell me what you meant just now?"

"You even called him by a nickname, huh?" Vienna asked again with a hint of humor in her eyes. "If you don't want to see your Ren running into the restroom while covering his private area again, then you should stop touching him where it's dangerous."

"But I didn't touch him on purpose earlier. I only touched him because I wanted to help him."

The nice Michy was not only innocent, but he was also stubborn that made Vienna huff tiredly.

"Whatever it is, but you should behave yourself if you don't want to torture your handsome assistant. Don't you feel bad to see him like that? You know that men are sensitive around that area, right?"

The picture in Michy's head was a bit vague, but after hearing Vienna's last question, he couldn't help but blush. It seemed he finally understood what Vienna meant.

"I... I didn't think he would react that way," Michy replied as he drew his gaze away from Vienna. His face was tinted with rosy color now. "We both are men, so why did he react to my touch?"

Again, Vienna sighed helplessly upon hearing the idol's innocent statement. "You two are men, but do you think your bodies can differentiate the touch? Your bodies can't, Michy. As long as your body enjoyed it, then it could react that way. That's why you should control your hands."

Hearing the girl's reprimand, Michy lifted his hands and observed them intently. The hands had touched Azren's body earlier. They touched the hip and also the thighs area, and Michy knew that both areas could be the sensitive areas of the blonde.

"You understand now, right?" Vienna's voice was heard again, and the boy peeped with his blue eyes. "You can't touch Azren again unless..."

The pair of silver brows furrowed when Vienna suddenly paused her speech.

"Why did you stop? I can't touch Ren unless what?"

Michy looked curious, and it made Vienna smirk at him dangerously. She then brought her mouth closer to Michy's ears and whispered, "Unless you want to take the responsibility by touching him 'there' properly, Michy."

And the pair of blue eyes widened in surprise.

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