The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 62 - LUST NOT LOVE

Azren's breath was still uneven when he washed his dirty hands on the sink. He looked at his reflection through the mirror, and it felt like he failed to recognize himself.

He used to be a calm and composed demon, and other demons often called him useless because he had never had enough desire and passion to do anything.

However, the desire within him today was overflowing and hard to control that it almost made him go crazy. His body reacted to Michy's touch, and that was something he had never imagined. Even Gizach's passionate kiss could do nothing to him, but Michy's touch gave him a huge effect that shocked him greatly.

Only two creatures had ever touched his body. One was a demon, while the other was a human. He didn't understand why his body chose to react to a human's touch. Was his body capable of distinguishing between a demon and a human's touch?

"Why did I react that way? Is it because I'm in a human form now? That's why my body only reacted to a human's touch?" He whispered to himself as his gaze was still on his reflection in the mirror.

He got a hard-on because of Michy, and he had to use his own hands to release the desire that accumulated on his shaft. It was the first time he even did something like that in his 200 years of life as a demon, and he couldn't help but feel dirty.

"But I didn't think that's the case. Demons can provoke humans' lust by their touch, so what just happened to me is not because I'm in my human form now. But Michy and I are both men, and a man is supposed to react to a woman's touch, right?"

Azren was still puzzled, and he kept asking questions that no one could answer. There was only him in the washroom, and he looked like a crazy man for talking to himself like that. Thankfully, no humans were around, so no one saw him in that state.

The blonde took a deep breath before turning on the faucet again and placing his palms under the stream of water before splashing the water on his face. His face felt very hot, and so did his mind. He needed something cold to cool his hot mind.

His face was wet now, and even the strand of blonde locks was soaked by the water as well. Green eyes fixated on the reflection as he kept searching for an answer to his questions.

"Why did I react to Michy's touch? Can someone give me an answer? Why did I react to his touch?"

Azren was so frustrated, and he even raised his tone at the end of his sentences. His hands, which were gripping the sink, trembled lightly, and his body shivered as well.

"Is it because of... love?"

That one thought dropped his heart to the deepest canyon of his conscience.

Love. That one word was the most hateful word for Lucifer, as well as for other demons in the demon world. He still remembered how Lucifer warned him before he was sent to the human world.

["Don't you ever fall in love with a human, Azren!"]

The mighty Lord hated love, and the human... the human was supposed to be his target, not the subject for the forbidden feeling.

The blonde refused to accept the possibility as he shook his head firmly. "No..." He whispered while gritting his teeth. "It can't be love, and it must be lust. Yes, I just want Michy's touch, and everything will be fine as long as I don't fall in love. And my king won't be angry with me either because it's just lust. He must be proud of me because I finally have lust in my heart."

Azren's confused eyes gradually vanished, being replaced by a proud look that he had never seen before. Yes, Azren was proud of himself because, for the first time in 200 years, he finally could feel that he was indeed a demon.

He didn't know why, but he could feel the flow of strong energy within his body as he realized that it was indeed lust that caused him to go crazy because of Michy's touch.

He brought his gaze to observe his body through the reflection, but he didn't see anything change with his body. Even so, a smirk still managed to find a way to decorate his handsome face. He was indeed a demon, and he could feel that he got stronger now.

"If I can get Michy to feel lust for me too, then that will count when I lead him to sin, right? His evil meter will increase, right?"

The thought came to his mind, and Azren was in a high spirit. He was sure that he could complete his mission soon!

With his high spirit that was even higher than the blue sky, he stormed out of the washroom and walked back to the spot where he was having a dance practice with the young idol earlier.

The spot was not so far from the washroom, and he could see Michy was still there, but the boy was not alone because a girl was fixing his makeup now.

"I'm sorry for making you wait."

His apology successfully attracted the two people's attention. The girl, Vienna, halted her movement and shifted her gaze toward him, and Michy was doing the same movement.

Azren didn't understand why the girl's eyes seemed to tease him, but he was more puzzled when he saw how Michy was staring at him. The pair of blue eyes widened, and his cheeks tinged with rosy color. In his eyes, Michy looked like cotton candy.

"Why are you two looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" The blonde questioned the two people as he brought his hands to touch his face. He was sure that he had washed his face properly, and his hands were all clean as well.

"Huh? There's nothing wrong with your face, Azren. You are still the handsome assistant of our dear Michy."

It wasn't Michy who answered his question, but it was Vienna. Michy remained quiet, and he even ducked his head and focused his blue eyes on the white sand. The gesture brought a big question mark on his head. What was wrong with Michy?

"I think Ramon will start the filming soon, so maybe you two still have five minutes to practice the choreography. I will leave you two so you can practice peacefully, alright?"

Both Azren and Michy had not even responded to the girl's statement, but the said girl hurriedly left both of them to go back to the tent. Both green and blue eyes stared at the girl's departure, but the owners of the eyes didn't say anything.

The atmosphere turned awkward all of a sudden.

"Do you think I need to practice the dance moves again, Michy?" Azren was the first one who broke the silence between them.

Michy finally shifted his gaze toward the taller man again. "Huh? I don't think you need more practice. You did quite well earlier, and I'm proud of you, Ren."

Azren finally realized that it was the nice Michy who was speaking to him. His intention to make Michy lust over him gradually dissipate. The nice Michy was pure like a newborn baby, and he didn't have the heart to taint the pure soul.

Azren thought that he finally had a steeled heart that could help him to become a perfect demon, but he wasn't completely right. He indeed had one of the demonic characters, namely lust, but the rest of him was still the same.

The green-eyed demon was puzzled. He was clueless as to what happened within him. Perhaps he still needed to train himself to get him the other characters of demons besides lust. Lust only was not enough. He was aware of it.

"The director will start the filming, and I think Vienna should put some makeup on your face, Ren. Let's go back to the tent."

Michy was about to turn his heels and walk toward the tent, but his arm was suddenly being held by something. He was stunned to see that it was Azren who was holding his arm.

"Uh? What's wrong, Ren?"

The green eyes kept boring a hole in the blue ones, and the owner of the pair of blue orbs squirmed uncomfortably.

"There are four back dancers that were supposed to teach me the dance moves instead of you, but you ended up teaching me the moves yourself. Why did you do that, Mich?"

Azren knew that it wasn't an important matter, and he shouldn't have asked the question to the idol, but he still voiced out the thought that kept bothering him since earlier.

Michy was stunned upon hearing the question, and the pair of azure eyes were shaken a little as they kept contact with the emerald ones.

"I.... I just wanted to get closer to you, Ren."

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