The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 74 - DO YOU WANT TO DIE?

"You... how come you know that I met someone on my way to get you this burger?"

Azren could feel his heart pounded loudly after hearing Michy's unexpected statement. Gizach was invisible, and he even brought the redhead to a deserted place to talk earlier.

So, how come Michy managed to find out that he met someone earlier? Who was Michy? How come he knew about Gizach?

Gizach was having a complicated thought, while Michy's expression suddenly changed drastically as he said, "So, you admit that you met someone earlier? Was that the reason why you came back so late earlier?"

Azren gasped. Michy looked angry now, and he even suspected that the idol had returned to his evil side again. He was worried, but he still tried to keep calm as he didn't want the idol to suspect him even more.

"How come you know about that, Michy? Did you follow me earlier? Did you... did you see something strange with me earlier?"

The blonde demon almost squeezed the remaining burger in his hands because he was too nervous. If Michy indeed had the ability to see Gizach, then the idol must be someone extraordinary, right? Was Michy not a normal human?

Azren couldn't help but think about the possibility, and he didn't know what he should do if his suspicion came true. Perhaps it was related to the idol's weird personality. Michy probably acted weirdly because he was not a normal human?

The blonde created several scenarios in his head, and he was nervous as he waited for the idol to reply to his question earlier.

Michy was still staring at him, but the gaze looked so cold and distant. His heart kept pounding behind his ribs, and he really wanted to urge Michy to say something before his heart exploded.

"Just admit it first that you cheated on me!" Michy was still so stubborn as he kept pestering him instead of answering his question, and Azren rubbed his face harshly. He started to lose his composure.

"I didn't cheat on you, Mich! I only met a friend earlier. Alright?"

Gizach was his friend? Nope. That was a complete lie, but he didn't care about that. He only wanted to get an answer to his question earlier, so he just used a random excuse to dodge the idol's suspicion.

"You even start calling me by my name again, huh? My husband doesn't love me anymore because I'm just a sick person who can't even eat by himself. Boohoo..."

Azren fell speechless. Michy was still acting? It was still the nice Michy all along?

The young idol suddenly spoke rudely to him, and he thought the idol had returned to the evil side. But the blue-eyed boy suddenly acted childish again, and Azren was dumbfounded.

The demon could feel his head spinning. Dealing with Michy felt like dealing with a toddler. Not wanting to see more drama, the demon finally got up from his seat and positioned himself on the edge of the bed before placing the burger on top of the cabinet. He then stretched out his hands and started embracing the idol, who was acting like he was bullied right now.

"I didn't cheat on you, alright? And I still love you."

Azren didn't understand why, but his heart suddenly beat loudly when he uttered the word 'love' to the idol. It was just acting, so he didn't know why his heart acted that why.

The word 'love' was the most ridiculous word for demons, and all he said to the idol was just acting.

'But why did my heart act weirdly just because I uttered that nasty word? Is it because my heart hates that word so much that it started acting strangely?' The demon kept wondering in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud because his questions might confuse Michy even more.

Meanwhile, Michy's body was a bit stiff in his embrace, but then the idol slowly moved his hands to return the hug.

"You've promised me that you would stay by my side for the rest of your life, so you can't back down even if you find a better man than me."

The blonde couldn't help but chuckle. He was still embracing the silver-haired youth, and the hug felt so warm as if he was in a place called a sauna. He had never been in a sauna before, but he knew how the place looked like from the television.

He stupidly compared the hug with the sauna despite not knowing how would it feel when he was in the sauna.

"I will still choose you over anyone else, so can you please tell me how come you know that I met someone earlier? Did you follow me?" Azren still needed to make sure. If Michy indeed followed him earlier, then the idol probably just saw him talking alone when he was talking with Gizach, right? There wouldn't be a worse possibility, right?

He didn't immediately get a reply from the blue-eyed boy as the boy carefully pulled himself from the hug. The boy then looked up at him with his big blue eyes.

"I didn't follow you," he finally answered. "I was just waiting for you here like a good boy, and after a long time, you finally came back. But I swear that I didn't follow you."

Azren was a bit relieved upon hearing the boy's honest answer. He exactly knew that it was an honest answer because the pair of blue crystals that stared at him didn't look like they were hiding anything. Those crystals were so clear and pure, and he didn't see any dark clouds shadowing any secrets.

He finally could remove the suspicion from his head. Michy was just an ordinary human, and he knew nothing about Gizach and the demon world.

He also could breathe a sigh of relief after confirming that the idol couldn't see demons. Michy was just an ordinary human, after all.

Demons were not like ghosts. He knew that some humans were able to see ghosts because of some supernatural powers inside the human body, but he never heard any story about humans being able to see demons.

Humans wouldn't be able to see demons and angels, and Michy was just a normal human who only knew demons and angels like the fairytales.

Azren was relieved because everything related to Michy was not extraordinary, and he didn't need to worry about it anymore. He then rewarded the honest answer with a loving stroke on the silver locks.

"Then, how come you found out that I met someone earlier?" Azren asked another question with a smile plastered on his face.

That probably would be his final question because that was the source of his curiosity.

He expected Michy would give him a direct answer, so he furrowed his blonde brows when he saw the idol suddenly ducked his head.

"I didn't find out about it. I just made a random guess, and it turns out that I guessed it right."

The young demon was astounded once again. He had been panicking internally just because of his worries that Michy was actually not an ordinary human, but it turned out Michy just made a random guess all along!

If he had known about this, then he didn't need to feel panicked all this time. Michy was just a kid, and he shouldn't he believed in what the idol said.

The blonde demon sighed heavily before stretching his hand to ruffle the silver locks again.

The first time he did the movement, he felt so awkward that his hand froze on top of the silver head. However, now he could casually touch the idol's head because they were still acting as a husband and a wife.

It felt like he was taking advantage of the idol's innocence, but he couldn't hold himself back and decided to surrender to his desire. He also didn't care that he was acting too familiarly with his boss right now. All he cared about was the content feeling in his heart.

"You don't need to make a random guess like that again because I only have you in my heart. Even if I meet someone better than you in the future, I will still stay by your side, my wife," Azren finally could play his role relaxedly again after he made sure that Michy was just an ordinary human who knew nothing about Gizach.

They went back to their scenario as a husband and wife again, and he expected that the idol would snuggle closer to him before they would start cuddling like a happy couple.

But, to his surprise, the silver-haired youth suddenly swatted his hand from the silver head before bringing his blue eyes to glare at him.

Azren had a bad feeling about it.

"How dare you touch my head and even call me your wife. Do you want to die?"

Yes, Michy had returned to his evil side again!

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