The Demon's Angelic Love


It was already late at night, and Michy had been sleeping since dozen minutes ago.

He went outside again earlier to buy dinner for the young idol, and he didn't make a mistake again this time as he bought a proper meal for the youth. Michy seemed to be craving seafood, and he bought seafood to satisfy his boss's stomach.

There was no seafood restaurant near the hospital, and Azren had to hail a can to head to the seafood restaurant. He had to cry inwardly when his money left his wallet and his wallet became so thin now.

He had to sacrifice his money if he didn't want to see the young idol act grumpy again and keep slandering him with harsh words.

Ah, he had not even forgotten how their conversation ended earlier in the afternoon.

["You've kissed me, and just now you dared to call me your wife?"

Azren couldn't give an immediate reply and could on gape at the idol's question.

The nice Michy was the one who came up with the role-playing idea, but how should he explain it to the evil Michy?

"Don't you remember what happened earlier, Michy? We were only role-playing here, and I wasn't calling you my wife just now."

Even if he mentioned the nice Michy, the evil Michy wouldn't believe that. The evil Michy didn't even realize the weirdness within him, and the evil idol would just scold him if he still insisted on telling the truth.

"You're already this old, but you're still playing like a kid? Don't you feel embarrassed of yourself?" The evil Michy was mocking him without realizing that it was his other side who wanted to act like a kid.

Azren received another blow, but he chose to swallow the mock. If he countered the idol's attack, then he would only offend the idol more.

Meanwhile, Michy's eyes remained on him for a moment, but then his blue eyes shifted to the cabinet near the hospital bed. "And you even fed me this rubbish when I'm still recovering from the incident earlier? Are you out of mind, or do you just want to kill me?"

Another attack hit him, and Azren huffed heavily before bringing his body down from the bed. He silently grabbed the remaining burger from the cabinet and was about to leave the room.

"I'll throw it away now, and I'll go outside to buy you some food. You just need to wait for me here," the demon spoke weakly before walking toward the door.

Today was so tiring, and both his body and his mind were so tired. He just wanted to sleep, but he still need to feed Michy with another food.

The pitiful demon was about to reach the doorknob, but then he heard Michy speaking again.

"A perverted man like you doesn't deserve a wife. You won't ever get a wife in your life."]

The last statement from Michy was like a curse that haunted him for a few hours. Michy was not only scolding him because of the friendly gesture and also the burger, but the idol once again dug the topic about him being a perverted man. 

Was he perverted? No one would call a lustful demon perverted in the demon world, but the 'pervert' word was common in the human world. Someone who got a hard-on just because of someone else's touch would be called a pervert, and he was that someone.

'That's just a simple issue, but it bothers me so much. Is it because I'm in my human form now that I'm too sensitive?'

Michy said that Azren wouldn't get a wife, but it shouldn't matter for him because a demon didn't need a wife. Demons could still have sex without marriage, and not having a wife was not a big deal.

Azren felt stupid for feeling bothered by that. He was lying on a small bed inside the VIP room. He was lucky that the idol stayed in the VIP room, and instead of staying on a couch, he could rest his tired body on the bed.

But, the bed was too small for his big body, and his long legs couldn't even be accommodated by the small bed. His legs ended up dangling on the floor, and it wasn't comfortable at all.

He had to fold his legs so that he could sleep more comfortably, and he turned his body to the side as well. He ended up facing the sleeping Michy.

The idol was sleeping soundly on the bed. The quilt covered him up to his chest, and his blue orbs hid beneath the eyelids. From this distance, he could see how peaceful Michy was. It made him smile a little.

"You made me feel weird, Michy," he whispered as he kept his gaze at the sleeping idol. "For the first time, I finally feel that I'm a real demon because I finally can feel the lust inside my heart, but on the other hand, I feel that I'm not a real demon because I feel something strange in my heart. I'm confused now, and it's all because of you."

Azren was like a madman as he kept talking alone in the quiet night. The hospital was quiet at night, and it was a bit scary for a normal human. But Azren was not a human, and he wasn't afraid of ghosts or anything.

Michy was sleeping soundly right now, and before the idol fell asleep, the idol was in his evil mode. The evil idol was like a big burden to him, and Azren was thankful because the idol immediately fell asleep after drinking his medicine.

If it wasn't for the medicine, then the evil idol probably would still haunt him with his harsh words until now. He really couldn't understand why Michy kept switching between the two sides until now.

Sighing heavily, his long hand suddenly stretched toward the idol, seeming to be wanting to reach the sleeping idol, but the idol wasn't within his reach.

Perhaps that was the real situation between him and Michy. Michy was there so close to him, but he wouldn't be able to reach the idol because they were two different beings. Michy was a human, and he was a demon. Demons couldn't be with humans, and demons couldn't fall in love with humans either.

["Don't you ever fall in love with a human, Azren!"]

The warning was still vivid in his memory, and Azren was not stupid to ignore the warning. He couldn't fall in love with a human, and he couldn't neglect his task either.

"I indeed feel something strange in my heart, but I'm sure that it's not love. I'm a demon, and I won't easily fall in love because I was born with natural hatred in my heart. Maybe it's another feeling that I got aside from the lust. Yeah, it's just another feeling, and it's not love," the demon talked to himself in a low voice as he tried to comfort his chaotic heart.

Lucifer sent him to the human world to learn how to be a real demon, and when he started feeling some foreign feelings in his heart, that was probably just a part of the lesson he had to learn to be a true demon.

Yeah, Azren didn't have to think too much about that.

The demon pulled his hand back again and clenched it into a fist. He couldn't let his heart change just because of Michy. Michy was evil and not good, and the idol didn't deserve something called love from him.

Upon making a resolute decision, Azren nodded his head. He wouldn't let his heart waver again, and he better be careful because Lucifer and Orgonel might find out about what he was hiding in his heart. That would only bring more troubles for him.

The small bed was not comfortable for him, but he tried to drift into the dreamland because his body was indeed tired right now.

His body was no longer facing Michy, and now he faced directly to the ceiling. The emerald eyes started hiding behind the eyelids, and the demon fell into the dreamland immediately.

Who said that demons couldn't even have a dream when they were sleeping? Just like humans, demons also could dream in the dreamland. The dreams were no different from humans as well, and dreaming something in his sleep was not new for Azren.

But his dreamland tonight felt so different. Azren knew that he was dreaming, but he looked confused as he brought his eyes to scan his surroundings.

The area around him was filled with blackness. If it wasn't for his red eyes that looked like lasers, he wouldn't be able to see his surroundings at all.

The place was black and dark, and it was like a void place that didn't have an ending. The place was not familiar to him, and it was the first time he had this kind of dream.

Until finally, he could hear a series of familiar laughter that immediately froze his whole body.

Was that Lucifer's laughter?

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