The Demon's Angelic Love


It was already in the middle of the night, but Azren had not gotten a wink of sleep since the moment he lied down on his bed.

Today he got lots of surprises. The first surprise was when he was invited to the meeting with the important people of Seventius. He was just nobody in Seventius, but he got the chance to be at the same table with those rich people. He could only remain silent at that time, but that was a new experience for him.

After that first surprise, he got more surprises that kept him awake tonight. Probably not all of them were real surprises because it was just him who didn't know much about Michy. Just like the matter related to Willem Shelton, he didn't know about that because he didn't gather enough information about the silver-haired idol.

He could put aside the matter related to Willem Shelton because his curiosity had been answered, but the matter related to Lea Lennon was a new and shocking thing for him.

Lea Lennon was not Michy's relative, and Lucifer didn't give him any information about the lady, meaning that the lady was not an important object for his mission in the human world.

But something that he saw with his own eyes today proved that the lady indeed had some roles in Michy's life that he couldn't ignore.

He had been the assistant for the young idol for more than two weeks, but he was still clueless about the idol in some aspects. He felt like he was failed in being the idol's assistant, and he wanted to know more about the idol from now on.

He indeed got more information about Michy from the mysterious blue-haired boy earlier, but was the information accurate? The boy told him that Michy indeed sold himself to some people in the company to be able to debut, but was that true? Did Michy need to do something like that?

And to his surprise, Lea Lennon was not the only 'buyer' in Michy's 'shop,' but the idol had sold his body to some trainers in the company as well. Azren had never met the trainers in the company, so he had never seen Michy's interaction with those trainers.

Michy had such a reputation in the company, and that was why the employees in the company treated Michy like someone full of dirt. Even if Michy was Willem's nephew, those employees still dared to look down at Michy. That was probably because Michy wasn't blood-related with Willem that they dared to treat the boy so badly.

Azren could see the situation better, but he couldn't understand why did such a rumor ended up spreading in the company. Yeah, Azren still called it a rumor because he still didn't have any proof for that.

In Azren's eyes, Michy was quite talented and charming, causing him to gain lots of fans even if he was just making his debut. So why did that boy need to sell himself?

Things got more complicated, but it was because of his complicated mind as well. If only he could ignore everything and just focus on his mission, he wouldn't feel this way tonight.

Ah, his mission. Instead of completing his mission, he kept collecting new information that wasn't directly related to his mission. If he kept his tracks like this, he probably wouldn't be able to complete his mission.

"Yes. Maybe I just need to ignore it because it's unrelated to my mission. I don't want to get a nightmare again," the blonde decided in his heart as he felt his body shiver.

Lucifer only visited him in his dream, but he was traumatized by it. He couldn't imagine if the demon king visited him in the real life.

Azren had made a resolute decision, and he actually wanted to sleep soon. Unfortunately, his throat suddenly felt dry, and he groaned in annoyance before deciding to get up.

He was thirsty, so what could he do except for getting up from his bed and heading to the kitchen? It wasn't like his thirst would be satisfied if he didn't do anything about that, and he had to postpone his plan to get sleep once again.

That was why Azren finally got up from the bed despite being lazy. The human body was quite bothersome. He needed to rest when he was tired, he needed to eat when he was hungry, and he needed to drink when he was thirsty.

"Even if I'm just a useless demon, I still prefer being a demon," he grumbled as he walked towards the door.

His hand stretched out to reach the doorknob before turning it, and he pushed the door open afterward. The situation outside his room was bright despite it being in the middle of the night.

Michy told him not to turn off the light even if the rooms were unused, so he didn't dare to turn off any lamps in the house. He wasn't the one who needed to pay for the electricity bills, after all.

He was about to continue walking toward the kitchen, but then his ears caught a strange sound coming from the other direction. It was like a rustling sound or something, and it was quite strange because it was in the middle of the night.

'Is it ghost? A luxury place like this is haunted by ghosts?' The young demon couldn't help but wonder.

He was a demon himself, and he wasn't afraid of ghosts. That was why he decided to walk in the direction of the 'ghost' instead of continuing his steps toward the kitchen. His curiosity mattered more for him now, after all.

His long legs brought him to the living room, and he finally found the 'ghost.' It was such a cute ghost who was pouting his lips as he kept throwing the ball of papers randomly. Yes, it was indeed the balls of paper because the idol crushed the papers before throwing them to the floor.

The sight was beyond cute, and Azren's thirst miraculously vanished. He didn't expect that he didn't need to drink even if he was thirsty. He didn't need water, and watching how the 'little ghost' acted cute in the middle of the night was enough for him.

Bringing his long legs closer to the 'ghost,' he tried so hard not to make any sound. He wanted to surprise the 'ghost,' but the ghost's voice surprised him instead.

"What are you doing in the middle of the night, Ren?"

The blonde froze in his spot. It was 'Ren' again, so the little ghost was the nice Michy. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief despite not being successful in surprising the young idol.

Smiling a little, Azren continued his steps toward the silver-haired idol again. He ruffled the young idol's hair before sitting next to the idol.

"I should have been the one to ask that question, Mich. What are you doing in the middle of the night? You have a schedule tomorrow, and you're supposed to be asleep by now, right?"

Azren was still taller than him even though they were in a sitting position, and Michy had to look up at him as he answered the question, "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to draw. But all my drawings are a mess, so I'm kinda angry now."

Another cute pout, and Azren tried to hold himself back because he wanted to kiss Michy now.

Distracting himself from his perverted thought, Azren shifted his gaze to the floor to find the crushed papers splattered all over the floor. He bent down his body to grab one of the paper and opened it. His green eyes caught a drawing of small white flowers in the group, and he was stunned.

"You drew well, Mich. How come you said that your drawings are a mess? I don't even know that you have a talent in drawing."

Azren was quite amazed by the drawing in his hands. It was just a pencil drawing colored by the pencil coloring, but it was so pretty in Azren's eyes.

But, to his surprise, the young boy suddenly snatched the paper away from him and crushed the paper once again.

"The drawing is so ugly, and it's not good for your beautiful eyes, Ren."

Another irritating statement came out of Michy's thin lips, and Azren couldn't help but chuckle. Michy was beyond adorable, especially when he was in his nice Michy form.

Eh? Did he just think that even the evil Michy was also adorable?

Shaking his head to brush off his crazy thought, his gaze coincidentally made contact with a painting that was hanging on the wall in the living room. He brought his gaze to his surroundings and only now did he notice the wall was full of flowers paintings.

He thought he recognized the painting style, so he abruptly turned his head to Michy again.

"Did you paint all the paintings in this room, Mich?"

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