The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 85 - WHORE? SLUT?

Azren always believed that Michy was such a talented human for his ability to sing and dance like a professional. He didn't know much about Michy's biological parents, and he wasn't sure whether Michy got the talents from his parents or not.

Azren also didn't know what kind of trainers had taught Michy how to dance and sing, but he knew that the blue-eyed idol was indeed talented. Michy was very talented, and the idol deserved his current popularity because he had worked hard to sharpen his talents.

The blonde demon knew nothing about singing or dancing. No demons ever sang or danced, and there was no such thing as a celebrity in the demon world. The only entertainment in the demon world was the erotic dance performed by the demoness, and Azren had never been interested in such dances.

Azren had never sung before, but he believed that his singing voice would sound like thunder, not the real singing. His voice was a bit deep, and he might sound like a rumble of thunder if he tried to sing.

And when it came to dancing, he was also embarrassed by his dancing skills that looked like stiff electric poles. Michy could dance easily despite his petite body, and that made him envious. Maybe dancing had nothing to do with height, and maybe he couldn't be so proud of his height all the time.

He thought that God had been so unfair to give the idol those talents, and if the idol confirmed that he was the one who painted the paintings in the living room, then Azren didn't know what else to say.

"Yes, I painted all of the paintings."

Michy's confirmation caused him to stare at the young idol in admiration. Indeed, he was speechless after learning that Michy was indeed a multitalented idol.

'God is indeed unfair. No wonder our king loathes God so much,' the young demon thought in his heart.

Even without the drawing and painting skills, Azren had admitted that Michy was very talented. And now with confirmation that Michy could also draw, Azren believes that God had spoiled the idol too much.

He had mistaken Michy for a little ghost before, and maybe the idol was indeed a ghost due to his inhuman talent.

"I've never known that you could draw, Mich," the blonde man finally responded after he was done grumbling in his heart.

The blue-eyed idol giggled before starting to make another sketch on his sketchbook. His gaze was no longer on Azren as if the sketchbook in his hand was more attractive than the blonde.

"You told me that you know a lot about me when I interviewed you, but I think you only know the internet version of me. You only got the information about me from the internet, right?" Michy questioned the blonde without looking at the blonde.

From his tone alone, it could be heard that the idol was mocking his blonde-haired assistant.

'You are wrong, Michy. I got information from my king, but maybe my king got information about you from the internet.'

It was a foolish thought running through Azren's mind, but yes, he did suspect the King of Hell. At first, he thought that the information about Michy he got from Orgonel was reliable, and he was also confident when he said that he knew a lot about the blue-eyed idol.

But it turned out that the information he got from the king was just general information about Michy, and he couldn't help but think that Lucifer only got that information from the internet.

The idea was indeed stupid, and Azren knew that Lucifer would not steal information from the internet because the king had the power to gather information without human help.

"I'm sorry, Mich. I should have tried to get to know you better. I just found out today that Willem Shelton is your uncle, and I feel so stupid not knowing it."

Azren didn't mention Lucifer even though it was the king who had given him limited information about the idol, and instead, he chose to take the blame. Michy didn't know Lucifer, so why should he mention Lucifer to the idol?

Meanwhile, Michy's right hand was still nimbly dancing on the sketchbook, and he smiled gently at the blonde's statement. "You were gossiping about me with Felice, right?" He questioned the man without looking at the man. "But it's fine even if you don't know about my relationship with my uncle before today. Sometimes I feel shameless for still staying as his nephew even though my adoptive parents have died. I should have left the Shelton family too, but I'm still taking advantage of the family's kindness here."

Michy sounded gloomy all of a sudden, and Azren felt so bad in his heart. Perhaps he shouldn't have brought up the topic related to the boy's family, but now that he had brought it up, he knew that he couldn't pull his words to his mouth again.

All he could do was comfort the gloomy idol, and he did, "It's not your fault if you want to stay, Mich. Your foster parents have adopted you, so the Shelton family is your family too. You don't have to feel shameless."

Another wistful smile displayed on the idol's face, but he still wouldn't look up at the blonde. "But other people think that I'm shameless, Ren," he replied in a low voice.

The answer was barely audible, but the young demon still managed to catch him. That was why he frowned as he continued to stare at the young idol. Her emerald eyes glimpsed how Michy's grip on the pencil tightened, and he knew that the idol wasn't feeling well right now.

Another suspicion came to his mind, and Azren contemplated whether he should voice it out or not.

"Is that the reason why the employees at the company treat you like you are the plague?" In the end, Azren couldn't help but connect the two dots.

The employees of Seventius dared to look down on Michy even if the idol was Willem's nephew, and Azren thought that it was related to Michy's status as the adoptive child in the Shelton family.

It was a cliché fact in the human world. The issue of the origin of blood was influential in the human world. If the blood flowed in the body was the same blood as some noteworthy people, then other people would respect the owner of the body.

But if the blood in the body was only the blood that flowed from ordinary people, then people would not look up to that person highly.

Hearing Azren's question, the idol finally looked up from the sketchbook, and Azren could see the sad look in the idol's azure eyes.

"So, you noticed their attitude toward me."

"I would be very dense if I failed to notice their attitude, Mich."

Michy smiled wistfully again before bringing his eyes to the sketchbook again. Azren didn't even know what Michy was drawing, so he could only stare at the hand's movement silently.

Michy's hands were very thin, maybe half the size of his big hands. If the idol didn't have something dangling between his legs, people might mistake him for a girl.

"Many people think that I don't deserve my position now. They think that I should leave the family after my adoptive parents died. That's why the people in the company don't like my presence there."

The skinny hand was still dancing on the sketchbook, but it didn't hinder the owner to start his narrative.

"But your foster parents' relatives love you sincerely, right? CM cares a lot about you, and I saw Mr. Willem cares a lot about you too. Your relatives love you, so the people outside the family don't have the right to bother your life."

Azren could feel the anger in his heart after knowing the truth from the young idol. Humans' relationship tended to be complicated and was full of drama. Humans tended to be busybodies as they kept minding other humans' business.

Those employees were not even Michy's relatives, but they dared to comment about the Shelton family matter.

"I'm the one who's experiencing it, but it seems you're angrier than me, Ren."

Azren didn't even realize that Michy had looked up from the book again and had stared at him with his pair of beautiful eyes. The cerulean eyes made him nervous again, and the owner of green eyes decided to end their eye contact.

"I'm just upset," the demon stated. "They kept talking behind your back, and they even called you... they called you..."

Azren couldn't even bring himself to utter the word in front of the nice Michy. If it was the evil Michy, things might be different. But it was the nice Michy in front of him, so he didn't have the heart to say that word.

"Whore? Slut?" But Michy decided to say the words for him, and he was stunned once again.

"Michy... I know that you are not―"

"Do you think I'm a whore and a slut, Azren?"

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