The Demon's Angelic Love

Chapter 86 - DO YOU HATE ME?

For Azren, the nice Michy's question felt like a stack of needles pierced into his heart. It was the nice Michy before his eyes, and the nice Michy looked so fragile as he voiced out the question.

Perhaps Azren would feel a different sensation if it was the evil Michy who asked him that question, but he felt bad when he heard the question from the nice Michy.

For the evil Michy, words like whore and slut weren't uncommon because the evil Michy was originally harsh and rude, but when the nice Michy uttered the two words, it was like a baby was the one who said those words.

The physique was the same, but the blonde demon still felt different when the nice Michy spoke those words. He even felt bad for making the idol utter the two bad words.

"I still remember how you were talking with Felice earlier, Ren. You questioned my relationship with Mrs. Lennon, right?" Not getting a response from his assistant, Michy continued questioning the assistant.

The question froze Azren once again. The one who snapped at him when he was talking behind the idol's back earlier in the Seventius building was the evil Michy, but he had to remember that the nice and the evil Michy were in one body. He didn't know how something like that could happen, but the two characters were still Michy.

The evil Michy immediately glowered at him earlier today, but the nice Michy was nice enough to ask the question softly. The blonde demon once again felt a pang in his heart when he saw how pure the nice Michy was.

"I'm sorry, Michy. I didn't mean to talk behind your back, but I was just curious about that matter," the blonde ended up apologizing because he knew that he was in the wrong.

Azren felt guilty, but Michy just sighed as he went back to the unfinished work in his hands. "It's okay," he responded without looking up from the sketchbook. "Something that happened in the meeting room was indeed 'interesting,' right? I can understand if you're curious about that."

The nice Michy decided to describe the event with the word 'interesting', but Azren preferred the word 'horrible' to describe the event. A young boy was being touched by an older woman, and the touch was no ordinary touch. There was lust in every touch, and there was a desire in every grope.

Azren would say that it could be considered sexual harassment, but because the idol gladly accepted the treatment, he couldn't say that anymore. It wasn't like Michy was being forced by the blonde lady named Lea Lennon.

"Can you tell me what happened between you and that woman, Mich? You told me that she's your sugar mommy, but are you serious with your words? And earlier, I also met someone in the building. Just like the other employees in the company, he also said something bad about you."

Azren's question sounded interesting in Michy's ears, and the boy looked up again at the blonde. Michy gazed at Azren weirdly, and the latter finally realized that he had crossed the line.

"I don't mean to pry into your private life, Mich. If you want, then you can share your burdens with me. But if you don't want to, then I won't force you to say anything."

Azren suddenly felt uneasy when he received the weird gaze from the silver-haired idol, but to his surprise, the idol simply smiled at him before replying, "I'm not mad at you, Ren. Why are you panicking all of a sudden?" He even giggled to ease the tension between the two of them. "But, you said you met someone in the Seventius building, right? Who was that person? And what was that person talking about me?"

Azren could heave a sigh of relief that Michy wasn't mad at him. After all, it was a nice Michy who had a chat with him. Maybe the nice Michy couldn't even get himself mad at him.

"I don't know who it is," Azren replied while furrowing his brows. "But he dyed his hair blue, and his height was about the same as yours. At first glance, he looked like you. Is he your other cousin, Michy?"

"I don't have any cousins other than CM, Ren," Michy answered the blonde's question immediately. "But you said he dyed his hair blue, and his height was about the same as mine, right? I think I know who he is."

Azren was a bit taken aback when he heard Michy's answer. The mysterious boy indeed looked like Michy at a glance, and he was even believed that the boy was Michy's relative.

But if he thought about it again, it seemed that the boy indeed wasn't Michy's relative because he seemed to really hate Michy. And the boy even said that he had no whores as his cousins.

"I think the boy who bumped into you today is Nino Fiser. He's one of the trainees in our company," Michy finally mentioned a name after hearing the boy's description from Azren.

Nino Fiser. Azren had never heard of that name before, so he didn't show any reaction when he heard the name. He could only listen to Michy's words earnestly.

"It's normal if you don't know him because he's still a trainee, but what did he say to you, Ren? He didn't harm you, did he?" Michy continued questioning the taller man because the man remained silent.

Azren expected that Michy would ask him the first question, but he was quite puzzled by the second question from the silver-haired boy. "Why do you think that Nino would harm me, Mich?" He asked the idol back instead of answering.

The question seemed to take the young idol by surprise, but then the idol took his eyes off the blonde again before replying, "Can you answer my question instead of asking me back, Ren? You seem fine, so I'll assume that he didn't hurt you today. Now you can answer my first question? What did he tell you?"

The nice Michy could be stubborn as well, but the stubbornness looked adorable in Azren's eyes.

"Alright, I'll answer your first question now, my dear Michy," he replied to the boy, and the said boy blushed when he heard how Azren addressed him. The nice Michy looked even more adorable when he was blushing, and Azren wanted to treasure the sight.

"I hope my words won't hurt you, but Nino told me that you sold yourself for some important people in the company, including Mrs. Lennon."

Azren expected Michy would be surprised by his answer, but it was him who was surprised in the end. He looked puzzled when he saw the idol display a small smile on his face.

"So, he was only telling you the same old news, right? I thought he had new material to slander me."

"Huh? The same old news? What do you mean, Mich?"

"Yes, the news about me selling myself to important people in the company is old news. Do you believe the news, Ren?"

Michy casually responded to his question, but Azren was still furrowing his brows. "Is that really news, or that's just a rumor, Mich? You are this innocent, and I can't believe that you did sell yourself for whatever reason."

It was true that Michy could be evil sometimes, but the nice Michy still gave him an impression that the idol was innocent.

"But I indeed sold myself to those people, Azren."

Michy's confession stunned Azren. "What? Did you sell yourself to those people for real? But why, Michy? It's not because of money, is it?"

It was the nice Michy, and the nice Michy wouldn't tease him or lie to him. So, when Michy finally confirmed the rumors, Azren knew that the idol was telling the truth.

"It's because I want to be an idol, Ren."

The blonde brows raised upon hearing Michy's strange answer.

"What do you mean, Michy? I know that you have a dream to be an idol, but why did you sell yourself to those people? You have the talents, so you don't need to sell yourself to debut. What happened, Michy? Why did you sell yourself to those people?"

Azren wasn't sure whether he looked overreacting or not, but he was indeed curious about what happened to the young idol.

Michy was still gazing at him, and the look in his eyes looked so pitiful. Azren wanted to hug the idol, but he held himself back because it was not the time to take advantage of Michy.

"You are too innocent, Ren," the idol commented. "In the entertainment industry, people are willing to do anything to reach their goal. I'm just the same as those people.. I want to be able to debut soon, so I decided to do that kind of thing. Do you hate me for what I've done in the past, Azren?"

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