Next, Lancelot and Clariana carefully discussed the plan to buy the fiefdom.

Lancelot was willing to provide shelter for the canary and also to fund the Star-Moon Empire.

And this time he brought 3,000 cans of refined salt, 100 sets of plastic surgery mirrors, and 500 copies of “Emerald Fairy Tales”.

Anyway, what I wrote is mine, what copyright do you still tell me about in the other world?

Emerald Printing Workshop is very advanced.

The printing technology of the Haagen-Dazs continent is backward, and books are very expensive.

Lancelot didn’t plan to sell the book for much money, it was the initial attempt.

The first step in the cultural invasion, he wanted to see the absorption of fairy tales by the children of the Sands Empire.

If there is a market, hehehe, then in the future, story books, online articles, comics, toys will emerge in an endless stream.

Realanna looked at the list and nodded slightly, “My little Lancelot, I can easily get you livestock, but iron is really a little difficult, and the demand is so large…”

“This is not in a hurry, Aunt Leliana, metal resources are not in a hurry, whenever you have a stable channel, you can, be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years, and you are not in a hurry, you can start to get involved with the Sands bus, and the identity of the Canary Lady is the most important.”

“You’re right, my little Lancelot, I can rest assured that you’re better than I thought.”

She thought for a moment and said, “The metal and ore resources of the Dwarven Kingdom are very cheap, but the road is far away, and it is necessary to pass through the Duchy of Saint-Yonal, and I will find a way to help you open a trade line and help you solve this problem as soon as possible.” ”

“Thank you so much, Aunt Leliana.”

Lancelot has had a good few days, and the resources are constantly being transported, all of which are domestic animals.

And he, led the warriors to conduct an exploration.

They bypassed the guard post set by the Golden Sands Elder in the Endless Sand Sea, but the soldiers were indignant in their hearts.

Within Lancelot’s domain, Baron Raninhardt unscrupulously installed a guard post.

They were provoking Lancelot.

“Lord, are you so angry?”

Skaran, who had never said much, was annoyed.

Lancelot smiled and looked at Lanehart’s guard post with a telescope in the distance, and Lancelot was at peace.

“Rest assured, Scalan, after this trip, I will make him pay the price, the endless sea of sand is not something he can touch.”

A stinky politician, Lancelot wasn’t going to let him go.

He can’t come forward directly, and he is the face, but he has a vassal!

Now the commercial channels of Emerald and Canary are in crisis and are not safe.

While Lancelot supports Aunt Leliana, he also needs to hide his eyes and ears, creating the illusion that he has abandoned trade with the Sands Empire.

And this illusion needs to pay a certain price.

The barren sea of endless sand leaves him with few choices, even single choice questions.

Lancelot didn’t like multiple-choice questions, but he couldn’t help it.

To fall behind is to be beaten, and it is impossible to jump out of this strange circle at present.

100 chickens, 100 pigs, spices condiments, cloth, soda ash, baking soda.

A thousand gold iron, brass, quicklime, thousands of pounds of saltpeter, charcoal!

A large collection of books, including books on magic and alchemy.

Huge quantities of resources were loaded with desert sleds.

Lancelot began his return journey.

“Aunt Realana, I may not be able to attend your ceremony, and I hope that the next time you come, you will already be the Lady of the Canary.”

“Rest assured, you must pay attention to safety when you go back this time, and if you need help, you must tell your aunt.”


Lancelot gave the order to leave, and they were about to cross the snake bone pit and return to Emerald.

Celeanna stared at his distant back and let out a long breath: “Rest assured, little Lancelot, I will not disappoint you and live up to your trust.” ”

And this trip to Lancelot wasted twenty days.

With Bonarotti’s desert sledding, they shortened their trip.

Lancelot benefited greatly from this trade, but the situation became worse.

He needs to accelerate his development and use the resources at hand to the fullest.

Overall, everything was wonderful.

Lancelot is a sunny and confident big boy, and his confidence and sunshine have always affected everyone.

Emerald was proud of him.

He also bowed down for Emerald.

His near-homesickness is timid, only for the sake of Emerald, but also only for Huaxia, and he cannot go back to Huaxia.

Emerald was his only home.

The desert sleigh was galloping, the warriors were like arrows like him, and only Emerald was their happiest place.

But after they were infinitely close to Emerald, Lancelot’s irritable mood returned.

“Lord Lancelot, there is wolf smoke!!!”

“Wolf smoke?”

Lancelot chuckled in his heart, they were going home.

But, in the thick of the night, all the warriors stopped, because they had already seen it without binoculars.

That was the location of Emerald Emerald, and at this moment, the flames were soaring into the sky!

The smoke and dust continued to spread into the sky.

Lancelot’s inner uneasiness grew stronger.

“Go, speed up!!!”

“Do as you are told.”

At this moment, Emerald, a large-scale war, has reached a white-hot stage.

The entire perimeter of the Emerald Emerald was already stained red with blood, and thousands of sand lizard clans were going forward to carry out the project.

The walls were stained with blood and the flames were raging.

The bed crossbow fired wildly, and the archers fired in a salvo that did not kill.

Emerald kitchen knife team crazy chopping.

The knights launched round after round of charges.

The infantry phalanx was holding the gates, but the city was already on fire.

Under the overwhelming fire, Lancelot saw Beyoneta and Bonarotti directing the defense.

The entire city wall was filled with fire.

Emerald at this moment, can be described as a thousand holes.

Alsaris swung his sword like a dance in the middle of the battle, and wherever the sword blade passed, there must be countless casualties.

His armor didn’t even have time to wear it, and he was covered in blood.

Every time the bed crossbow was released, it was a line of blood across the battlefield.

When Lancelot saw this, he was almost dizzy: “My grass and mud horse’s !!!” ”

Lancelot roared like crazy, “Dolnigun, Scalan, Yang Yuki, kill me, kill me.” ”

Needless to say, these Emerald Aborigines were also furious one by one.

He had already taken the lead and rushed into the battlefield.

Shalapuzan was covered in blood, and his Imperial Treasure Jade was glowing blood-red at this moment.

[Host, the system has detected that Emerald has suffered a catastrophe, and the main quest opens]

【Main Quest: The Destruction of Emerald Emerald】

[System tip: This is the biggest threat to Emerald so far, clinging to Emerald

【Blood Battle to the Last Soldier】

【System rewards…】

“I also reward you Uncle!”

Lancelot, having gone mad, having ignored Rausch’s unreasonableness, jumped off the desert sleigh and drew his sword from his waist.

Taking out the snake-shaped necklace, the magic sand eight-headed python instantly landed and launched a fierce attack on the warriors of the Sand Lizard Empire.

Open your mouth is tens or hundreds.

One tail used to be hundreds of people.

His huge body occupies a huge advantage, and the core is not destroyed, he is an immortal being.

Lancelot was furious, Emerald was his hard work, and the Heavenly King Lao Tzu could not destroy Emerald!

The skeleton gems were radiant, and thousands of skeleton soldiers drilled out of the corpses and out of the ground.

Join the warband.

Lancelot raised his sword and shouted, “Sons, kill me, leave no one, kill me, kill, kill!!!!” ”

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