The timely appearance of Lancelot turned the situation on the battlefield in an instant.

Thousands of skeleton soldiers, even inserted into the heart of the enemy, although the attack power is not high, but they resist beating!

Moreover, the magic sand eight-headed python has successfully turned the tide of the war.

Lancelot left crossbow and right hand sword, at this moment, not caring about his own safety, directly into the enemy position.

The totem of fear unfolds in an instant.

He regretted it, and he should have left the totem of fear to Alzaris.

“Zhu Rong, help me!”


Xiao Zhurong did not have any bargaining this time.

Lancelot instantly transformed into a Flame Demon God and slashed directly.

“It’s Lord Lancelot, protecting Lord Lancelot.”

“Protect your uncle, kill the enemy for Lao Tzu, kill the enemy!”

The fire elves became his greatest guarantee, and no warrior of the Sand Lizard Empire could get close.

He must take his life.

Alzaris rushed to his side desperately and guarded his back.

The two Junchen and Junchen joined forces to kill a bloody road.

The fierce god roared up to the sky, as if Lancelot’s anger, and in that instant, the terror overwhelmed the earth.

The originally morale of the Sand Lizard Empire was all frightened.

In particular, the existence of the magic sand eight-headed python made them feel like they were being eaten by thunder.

The skeleton soldiers slash and kill tirelessly.

The whole emerald emerald poured out.

Lancelot had nothing else in his eyes but killing, constantly venting his anger and venting his anger.

“Alzaris, I order you not to run, all those who surrender are tied up for me, all those who run are cut down for me, one less, Lao Tzu cut you !!!!!!!”

Alsaris didn’t answer, he just kept killing, killing a bloody road, and then silently gave the order.

In this battle, Emerald suffered extremely heavy losses.

Eight thousand sand lizard tribe troops, about three thousand from the sand lizard empire, five thousand from the lower sand lizard clan of the endless sand sea.

The mage used 500, the archers 1000, and the rest were spearmen.

The only thing to be thankful for was that their bows and arrows were too rubbish, otherwise, Emerald would have been gone.

And the Sand Lizard Mage, thanks to Beyunita and Bonarotti.

Beunita performed a miracle, otherwise, Emerald would have collapsed under the first round of magic.

Thanks also to Shala Puzan, his timely return has maximized his ability to rule the Precious Jade.

Sharaphuzan almost became loyal.

Although the Dominant Treasure Jade can control 5,000 low-level sand lizard clans, it requires the consumption of powerful spiritual power.

After Shalapuzan launched the Baoyu, he only controlled more than a thousand.

Because those low-level sand lizard clans were controlled by the mages of the other side.

He had exhausted almost all of his mental strength, and by the time he had fought, he had been bleeding profusely.

There is more air in and less air out.

If Lancelot doesn’t return in time, they’re done.

The terrible thing is that they have been subjected to super annoying forces this time.

Because Emerald was attacked by desert marching ants!!!

Man-controlled desert marching ants!

The East revealed the white of the fish’s belly, and the battle was over.

Xiao Zhu melted into a flame demon god, and the magic sand eight-headed python and her left and right, blocking the way of all the sand lizard clans.

All the Sand Lizard Clans are fighting in two arms.

Lancelot had never noticed that under the blessing of his incomparable anger, the shadow of the poor Qi had never dissipated.

Instead, he stared viciously at every sand lizard on the battlefield.

Carrying a blood-dripping sword, he suddenly came to a nobleman of the Sand Lizard Empire, one of the commanders of the battlefield.

When Lancelot returned, he was sitting in his chariot, commanding the works with great arrogance.

Lancelot didn’t say anything.

He stuck the sword directly into his foot, and then twisted it around vigorously.

Blood spurted straight out, and Lancelot’s body was already stained red with blood, as the sun rose.

His body was covered with steaming heat, making him feel like Shura.

“Don’t, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I’m a royal nobleman of the Sand Lizard Empire, you can’t… Ahhh…”

Lancelot cut off his toes one by one.

“How many follow-up troops are there?”

“No, no, no, no, no, no… Ahhh…”

Lancelot was expressionless, and his eyes were only left with Sen Leng, one finger, two fingers, three …

“Aaa No, please, I’m telling the truth, it’s all the truth, ah…”

This terrible scream is like a magic sound of death.

Coupled with that vicious poor shadow, all the remnants of the Sand Lizard Clan were killed.

Lancelot stuck the sword directly into his mouth: “One last chance! ”

The nobles of the Sand Lizard Empire were frightened, and his tears flowed out.

Alzaris suddenly grabbed Lancelot’s hand: “Your Honor, he is telling the truth, there is no need to torture him anymore, we should count the war losses, pacify the soldiers, and clean up the mess.” ”

Lancelot looked at Alsaris expressionlessly.

Alzaris looked tired and shook his head slightly at him, “I’m as angry as you. ”

Lancelot took a deep breath and barely managed to squeeze out a smile: “Well, count the battle losses and report the results.” ”

Carrying the blood-dripping sword, he gently patted the face of the Sand Lizard Empire’s royal family: “You have successfully angered me, very good, Sand Lizard Empire, very good, you guys, very good!!!” ”

Outside the Emerald Green City Wall, more than 800 skeleton soldiers were standing there in unison, surrounding all the Sand Lizard Clan captives.

The magic sand eight-headed python is full of deterrence.

The fire elf returned to its normal size, and she could feel Lancelot’s anger and remorse.

She didn’t dare to talk nonsense, so she just stood there, watching over these damn stinky lizard people.

She was a little afraid of Lancelot, because Lancelot was too scary now.

The shadow of the demon beast from the ancient era made her very uncomfortable, it was the pressure from the bloodline.

He seems to have a lot of secrets hidden in his body…

Alsaris was holding the papers, and the fighters were almost all wounded.

Beunita, Bonarotti, Yang Yuki, Dolnigun, Scalan, all stood behind Lancelot with a heavy heart.

Alsaris was holding the papers, his hands were fighting.

“Rose Sword Regiment, zero battle damage.”

The Knights of the Rose were named after Beyonita, who had a bad premonition in his heart after he left.

So she used up the summoning scroll.

She has the providence of heaven, the top female soldier, Rose Sword Ji.

Wearing heavy armor, sword shield, steel helmet, and many skills.

“Emerald Ranger, war damage… 57。 ”

Lancelot’s body trembled a little, and hearing the number, he struck the sand lizard imperial commander hard.

A large tooth was interrupted by him.

“Emerald Lancers, Battle Damage… 43。 ”

Lancelot smashed another tooth of the Sand Lizard Royal Family.

“Desert scouts, war damage… 40。 ”

Another tooth.

“Emerald Knight, Battle Damage… 60。 ”

Alzaris’s voice was trembling.

Lancelot smashed a tooth hard.

“Go on, what are you shaking, you’re my Imperial General, go on!”

“Emerald people, war damage… 20。 ”

It was another tooth, and Lancelot had almost shattered his mouth full of teeth, his flesh and blood blurred.

“Emerald Kitchen Knife Team, Battle Damage – 200 …”

Lancelot was about to crush his teeth.

He couldn’t wait to cut down these damn maggots of the Sand Lizard Empire right away!

But he didn’t.

“All the soldiers were wounded, the walls were badly damaged, and the buildings were damaged to varying degrees.”

After Alzaris finished reading, his bloodshot eyes were completely bloodshot.

He hated the same and wanted to immediately behead these lizardmen for public display.

But he has to hold back, he can’t lose his manners.

“Captured 1,200 lower sand lizard tribes and 1,500 higher sand lizard tribes.”

Lancelot’s blood-red eyes were about to burst into flames: “Tell me, Alzaris, how did they get here?” ”

Alsaris took a deep breath: “Lord Lancelot, they set up camp near the Mobisvu Mountains, they are far smarter than we thought, they enslaved the lower lizardmen, broke through several waves of troops to tempt, and then they dug a tunnel and caught us by surprise, and besides, they also have higher rank warriors, beast masters, who control the desert marching ants.” ”


Lancelot clenched his fists deadly.

Beyonta sighed, “I’m sorry Lord Lancelot, I set the fire in the city, the desert marching ants are too terrible, if I don’t set the fire in time, Emerald will be gone.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Your judgment is correct. ”

Now, Lancelot is almost back to the pre-liberation period.

“Arsalis, collect their weapons and show me the beast-.”

“This is it!”

He looked at the commander of the Sand Lizard Empire’s royal family.

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