Master I want also, Lancelot looked at the mage who respected him, and his body and mind were much more relaxed.

He found that the power of his faith had risen again.

During this time, the power of his faith continued to increase.

It’s 510,000 now!

But the Faith Shop, Lancelot checked out, and there was nothing changed in the merchandise, nothing he needed for the time being.

But there was one thing that piqued Lancelot’s interest.

That is, after the power of his faith exceeded 500,000, there was one more commodity.

【Life Extension Fruit: Increasing Life Expectancy by 10 Years】

【Price:500,000 Faith Force】

Lancelot was astonished, was this a channel that gave him immortality?

Unfortunately, even if he didn’t need the goods of the faith store for the time being, he didn’t dare to buy them.

Because the miracle of the Faith Store was so precious that it could save countless lives, he had to stay on the fiercest battlefield.

Most critically, he wants to unlock the Turtle Camel Fortress!

Lancelot glanced up at the sky, and after such a long time, Aunt Leliana must have become a canary lady, right?

At dinner in the evening, Claude explained Lancelot in detail all aspects of the map.

The endless sea of sand is so barren that there is hardly any green space.

There are only a handful of oases.

And there are dangerous monsters everywhere, hordes of desert jackals, huge desert rattlesnakes.

Grumpy wild bulls, desert marching ants wherever they go.

Especially this one!

Claude pointed to several locations on the map: “Lord Lancelot, these places are the most terrible, there are dead sandworms, all dark, we have seen the largest is more than twenty meters long, see we are observing, these terrible guys have catapulted into the air, the height is more than a hundred meters, if we do not react in time, they will be eaten by this thing.” ”

Claude had a palpitation: “And his skin is as hard as steel, and his mouth is full of steely mouthpieces, I once read in an ancient book, their mouthparts can bite steel, and the leather armor is extremely hard, immune to magic.” ”

“So powerful?”

Claude nodded, “We tried a round total, and to be honest, Lord Lancelot, although it was broken, it was fatal and quite difficult.” ”

Lancelot had some scalp tingling, and the death sandworm he hadn’t heard of.

In the world of Huaxia, there are also records of this thing, almost imaginary creatures, huge, disgusting, and highly toxic!

I can’t imagine that in this world, it is so hanging, and it can still be immune to magic?

“What about this?”

Lancelot pointed to the map and asked.

“This is the native species of the Endless Sand Sea, it is a very powerful magic beast, Lord Lancelot, the magic scorpion, this kind of shoe is the same as the death sandworm, the general magic can be immune, the only drawback is in the abdomen, it is difficult to deal with, fortunately, we are still far away from the desert hinterland, if we are against these guys, it is really, too difficult.”

Lancelot was suddenly a little shocked: “Why do I feel that if a dead sandworm comes, we will finish playing Emerald?” ”

Everyone was stunned and then fell silent.

Lancelot chuckled.

They fell into a cold sweat.

Desert Marching Ants!

Sand Lizard Clan Beast Master!


Lancelot’s tongue was dry: “The Sand Lizard Empire has no army coming, right?” ”

Claude smiled: “We came back to investigate deliberately, I am afraid that they will not come in the short term, according to the information we got from the Mobiswu Mountains, these lizard people seem to have very clean hands and feet, see who wants to fight, the country is now in war, generally can not be distracted.” ”

“Perfect, Claude.”

“Thank you for your compliment, Lord Lancelot.”

Claude likes dumplings, likes braised meat, likes pot meat, and after coming to Emerald, he found that it was a torment not to eat these for a day.

“Can I have another plate of dumplings?”

“Okay Mr. Claude.”

“I want leek egg filling.”

“Look how good you are.”

“Alzaris, Sharapuzan, Claude, how sure do you think we are if we go and play with these dead sandworms, the scorpions, the Mithril snakes and the like?”

Shalapuzan likes to eat instant noodles, and he sneaks a sip and drinks the soup.

“Stun him, or find a way to get me close to him, try the Ecstasy Dafa, and if you can’t, cooperate with the Slave Scepter, but I think the grade of this kind of magic beast is generally very high, and it should not be easy to control.”

Claude took a bite of the braised meat: “Lord Lancelot, I don’t recommend this, if you can control it, of course it will become a huge fighting force, but it is very dangerous, first of all, we have no place to feed these guys, and secondly, the death sandworm cannot be a means of transport, nor can it be a mount, they are highly poisonous, they can corrode the land, which is not funny.” ”

Lancelot was a little reluctant: “What about the Demon Scorpion?” ”

“Not either!”

Claude directly rejected Lancelot’s proposal: “Lord Lancelot, the inside of the Endless Sand Sea is full of dangers, even if you overcome all the problems, their food is difficult to solve, those guys, the stomach is difficult to fill the stomach, and the death sandworm and the magic scorpion, even the Mithril Demon Snake, are very fast, they are the native monsters of the Endless Sand Sea, walking on the sand, we Emerald have nothing to catch up with them!” ”


Bonarotti, who was full of food and drink, suddenly laughed: “These are easy to do, death sandworms, very powerful magic beasts, I remember when I walked the desert and got lost, a great mage planned to catch a very high-ranking death sandworm, I know how to restrain the death sandworm, and this thing is very fast, it needs a considerable dose of anesthetic herbs, once tamed, put his mouthparts on the hoops, the scales that release the poison gas are saddled, fixed with steel welding, that thing can be used as a mount!” ”

Lancelot was suddenly moved.

Beunita also put down the cake and savored it for a moment before she spoke, “Yes, Lord Lancelot, let me do my part, my Holy Light skill can blind his worm eyes, the nervous system of the death sandworm is seven inches, with the joystick installed, it is the best chariot, and, Lord Lancelot, you forgot, we can train the beast trainer!” ”

Lancelot was stunned, yes, how to forget this stubble!

He can train a beast trainer!

The Beast Trainer’s Secret Seal Orb can seal the soul of the Warcraft and control the Spirit of the Warcraft.

Sleepy Grooves, there are such anti-heavenly troops, God help me.

Beyonta gently kicked him under the table, “However, Lord Lancelot, don’t be too happy too soon, the Death Sandworm is a high-level magic beast, very ferocious, ordinary beast trainers can’t hold it at all, and it really needs to mobilize the highest combat power of Emerald to assist in hunting.” ”

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