Lancelot squinted his eyes, and everyone felt the heat in his eyes.

They were all infected by him.

Speaking of… Also……

The death sandworm, if it can be surrendered, is a very good means of transportation.

Moreover, the combat power is explosive, this kind of magic beast is huge, very brainless, manic, and resistant to beating.

The most important thing is that it is poisonous, and the lethality is super strong, generally a hundred knights, when encountered, they can only run.

That’s pretty brutal.

Emerald can train a beast master.

However, if the beast master is not a magic beast can be tamed.

The Death Sandworm is a manic creature that they can’t control, and they simply don’t have the ability to seal the soul of the Death Sandworm.

So, want to tame… It was also necessary for the highest combat power of the entire Emerald Emerald to be dispatched.

Claude couldn’t help but raise a fire in his heart, which was funny.

He loved the challenge, he liked this ambitious lord.

“Hmm… After digging through, we need to send a gift, Xiao Bei, about catching the Warcraft Death Sandworm, you and Alzaris they will discuss and give me a set of battle plans. ”

“Yes, sir.”

Lancelot got up and went outside the Ruling Hall, where he called up the system menu.

【Taming Beast Base: Can be trained to recruit beast operators】

【Construction Capital: 5,000 Gold Scraps】

【Construction time:45 days】

【Limit the number of recruits: 2 people/month】

【Current Limit on Building Quantity:1】


Lancelot was surprised, this class… Limit the recruitment of 2 people a month?

At the thought of the desert marching ants raiding Emerald, Lancelot couldn’t help but snort.

No wonder, the beast master is very powerful, if it is a desert marching ant, the existence of the death sandworm, it is true that one can replace an army.

Pretty scary.

After Lancelot was gradually on track, he found that many buildings began to have hierarchical restrictions.

The level of the Emerald Ruling Hall needs to be upgraded, and there is no hint of leveling up at this time.

“System, build a taming base.”

【Does it cost 5,000 gold to perform the construction?】 】


Lancelot had just gotten up early in the morning, and before he could eat breakfast, Samoyed was pacing back and forth scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks.

“Oh, you’ve finally woken up, Lord Lancelot, you can’t do that!”

Lancelot looked puzzled: “Why can’t you do this?” ”

Samoyed pulled out a plan out of thin air: “Lord Lancelot, seeing the opening, our publicity has gone out, and as a result, you told me that it was a soft opening for half a month, limiting the flow of passengers by 100 people per day. ”

The first time Samoyed was in such a hurry, after experiencing countless storms, he lost his cool for the first time.

Lancelot was amused, it was not his improvisation, but a little calculation.

“My original first guests were 500 people, but for this opening, I called a lot of acquaintances…”


Lancelot suddenly knew that this was a death to face.

“Mr. Samoyed, you won’t tell them that the emerald things are delicious, but they must come and taste them…”

Samoyed was a little embarrassed, and he scratched his head helplessly.

“Oh, yes, Lord Lancelot, we are friends, and I will not hide from you, you know that our Samoyed Chamber of Commerce has a great cause, is the same as the benchmark of the industry, and among our guests, there are many braves, mages, mercenaries, dignitaries and nobles, and even the royal families of various tribes.

Lancelot was cunning in his heart, and he made a look of embarrassment and hesitated.

Embarrassed to say: “Xiao Sa, I don’t hide from you, although the problem of ingredients has been solved, but I am short of manpower, you also saw some time ago, suffered a big disaster, almost emerald is gone, I did not have time to train so many chefs, so I decided to limit the flow, at most a month I can solve the problem of cooks.” ”

Samoyed was stunned, this name is intimate…

Moreover, this is the truth, he does not doubt.

Lancelot patted his shoulder: “But you can rest assured, you see how this is, during the soft opening period, I will pay close attention to cultivating cooks, training professionals, you can bring people over, accommodation and entertainment problems I will solve, stagger the peak period of dining, to ensure that you are satisfied, and, during this time accommodation and entertainment is free, at most two hours, as long as the chefs have a buffer time?” ”

Samoyed hesitated, and the guests he invited were all big people.

Some were even very unpleasant, and Lancelot presented him with great opportunities.

Make them wait…

Glancing at the shopping street, Samoyed gritted his teeth: “You can’t pit brother me!” ”

Lancelot suddenly laughed, this boy, the upper Dao’er.

“Rest assured, I promise they don’t want to leave when they come.”

“That’s good!”

Samoyed gritted his teeth fiercely: “Tomorrow morning people will arrive one after another, you have to give power!” ”

During this time, he learned a lot of witty words with Lancelot, as well as some popular words.

I thought it was really fun.

Moreover, he is also very much looking forward to the commercial street.

Lancelot said that across the street from the commercial was an entertainment facility, but he could only go to the library for now.

Other entertainment facilities have never been able to catch fun.

Lancelot had been selling Guanzi and wouldn’t let him go, which aroused his curiosity.

“Then I’ll go back and prepare.”


“That’s right, Xiaolan.”

Samoyed became bold: “That telescope, can it be customized?” ”

Lancelot looked at him expressionlessly, “If you’re ready for a world of chaos, I don’t mind selling money.” ”

Samoyed became serious, and he smiled: “Xiaolan, the war has always existed, and we don’t need to prepare, including you, don’t want to fight, but don’t you have to fight?” ”

Lancelot did not expect that he had failed in pretending to be profound.

He smiled, “Well, let’s wait until we’re done for a while.” ”

Samoyed nodded, “Okay.” ”

Emerald was ready, and as he watched him leave, Lancelot roared inside.

Come on, Kimber, come on, the population I crave, those legendary heroes!


“Don’t be so loud, Lord Lancelot, I’m right next to you.”

Lancelot was a little embarrassed.

Beyonta also appeared beside him, one left and one right, warm nephrite, really wanting to reach out and hug these two exotic beauties.

“Are you all ready?”

Bonarotti nodded and said, “All the entertainment facilities are ready, I just did the last calibration test, no problem, I went personally, you can rest assured.” ”

Lancelot noticed that the last time he bandaged Bonarotti’s wounds, the handkerchief, which had been wrapped around her wrists, had been washed clean and tied with a bow.

Although it was only for a moment, Lancelot saw it.

His heart pounded: “Xiao Bei, what about the emcees?” ”

He did not dare to look at it, and quickly changed the subject.

“The toys are there, only the East Wind is owed, dear Lancelot, everything is training according to your arrangement, I personally tested it, I guarantee that they are the most professional.”

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