Lancelot wanted to surprise everyone by emptying the wallets of those guests from the System Divine Kingdom.

Keep their stomachs and keep their hearts here.

Better keep their people here too!

It is necessary not only to keep the golden squatter, but also to the people and the hearts of the people.

The system prestige store stuff cannot be sold, but can be used in Emerald Emerald.

Then spend money to buy people’s hearts, I Lancelot free to give, give you to eat, give you to taste!

“Lord Lancelot!”

By the time he reacted, Bonarotti had already wrapped his arms around him: “I want to hear the song you played, that Dragonborn Will is good, I love it.” ”

Beyonita’s face changed directly: “Little Ti, you let go of Lord Lancelot.” ”

“Why let go?”

Beyonta was furious: “Lord Lancelot is the lord of Emerald, you let him go, pay attention to your ladylike status.” ”


Bonarotti suddenly laughed: “Can a lady exchange love, I am pursuing a man I like, and whether he is a lord or not!” ”

Beunita exploded, “, you’re Lord Lancelot’s minion. ”

Bonarotti was also furious: “You are just, I am Lord Lancelot’s staff, who stipulated that I cannot pursue Lord Lancelot.” ”

“I said no, no!!!”

Beyonta hugged Lancelot’s other arm, and the two women glared at each other.

Lancelot one head two large.

But it feels… The liver of the old man who had made him a man of two lives trembled.

“You let go!”

“Why should I let go, you let go!”

“You put !!!”

“All right, you two, is it time for a fight?”

“Lancelot, you say, who do you let go!!”

The two women spoke in unison, glaring at Lancelot like tigers.

Lancelot couldn’t help but snort, a little confused at once, not knowing how to answer.

He could feel two eruptions of flames burning, almost burning him to the ground.

One answer is not good, offending two women, two great heroes of Emerald.

“Oh, my head hurts…”

Lancelot was in a hurry and suddenly covered his head.


Holding Lancelot to sit on the stone slab under the peach tree, Beunita and Bonarotti looked at him.

Lancelot was too tired, and during this time he had nothing but to eat and sleep.

Almost all of the time is spent planning for Emerald’s future.

But no one was stupid, and Lancelot felt his left and right arms being pinched.

Beyonta sighed in her heart, “I’ll go and pour you water.” ”

Bonarotti snorted, and as soon as Beunita left, Bonarotti hugged Lancelotte hard: “Lancelot, in fact, you don’t have to worry, you are the lord, the laws of the Golden Sands Empire can’t restrict you, Emerald will rise, in the future your law is the golden rule of the continent, who will care about you going to a few wives.” ”

Lancelot was stunned.

“Besides, the faith of Emerald is you, not the Holy Light Church, and the God of War Sect, which is not bound by their teachings here, and no one stipulates that you can have several princesses, only you can prescribe, under the supreme faith, no one will oppose your will.”

Lancelot swallowed hard.

What does Bonarotti mean by this?

The continent of Haagen-Dazs is the same as the Western countries of the world in which he lives.

Monogamy is due to the doctrinal constraints of various denominations such as Catholicism.

But in Emerald, it is not the same, and everyone believes in Lancelot alone.

He is the Fa, and no one will question His Fa…

What is the golden rule of the future mainland?

Lancelot’s head buzzed for a moment.

My decree is… The Golden Rule of the Continent???

Wouldn’t that mean conquering the whole continent?

When the time comes for Lao Tzu to be the first in the world, he wants a few women, a few wives, and shut up your ass?

Or do I say what is what!

Lancelot suddenly fell into a sluggishness, he felt that whether it was Beunita or Bonarotti, he was subtly giving him a kind of knowledge to manage, conquest!

Conquer them, conquer women, conquer continents!!!

When Lancelot came back to life again, Beunita put three glasses of ice cold happy water.

Bonarotti, on the other hand, handed a violin to Lancelot, and placed a richly wrapped book beside him.

“Today I want to hear ‘The Wolf and the Lilac Gooseberry.'”

Bonarotti looked at the book called The White Wolf, a novel written by Lancelot himself.

It tells the love-hate entanglement between the demon hunter White Wolf Geralt and the witch.

This is also the most completed novel by Emerald at present.

According to Lancelot, the story was invented by him and took place on a troubled continent.

Demon hunters travel the world, get involved in kingdom wars, and have a lot of love and hate with many witches.

Especially the complicated entanglement between Yennefa and Tris.

He lost his fertility, but was loved as much as his daughter.

Ciri inherited the mantle of the white wolf and eventually became a flesh-and-blood female king.

Geralt’s life was brilliant, saving countless people, but in the end he ended up dead.

And Ye Naifa died of exhaustion and exhaustion in order to save him, which can also be regarded as the most beautiful ending of this book.

Lancelot wrote the song after writing the series.

She and Beunita liked the song for the first time.

It was originally a female troubadour singing of sadness and gentleness, but it was sung by Lancelot to make people sad.


Lancelot did not refuse.

This is the most beautiful picture of Emerald since its establishment.

Alsaris sat not far away, on his drawing board, and a lord who played and sang on the harp.

Two beautiful women, one holding her chin, the other looking up in fascination, male and female.

All the people who saw this scene were listening to the song with their hearts.

They looked at this scene with a smile, Lord Lancelot’s womanhood, really good.

The next morning, the whole Emerald had already begun to mobilize.

Before dawn everyone gets up to pack up, and the food city has begun to prepare side dishes for the upcoming guests.

The emcees begin the latest round of rehearsals.

The musicians began to tune the strings, calibrate the scales, and rehearse them.

All recreational facilities are fully open, cleaning, checking equipment, dressing.

The bunny girl is ready, the Kanban lady is ready, the musician is ready, the cheongsam girls are ready, the running hall is ready, and the chefs are ready!

“Tell me, are you ready?”

The sky was up, and Lancelot finished the final review: “Ready. ”

“What is a customer?”

“The customer is God.”

“What is our slogan?”

“Satisfy God!”

“What if he’s not satisfied?”

“Fool the lame !!!”


Lancelot almost choked to death.

“Dolnigun, are you kidding me?”

Dolnigun was a little embarrassed, he had already changed into a tuxedo: “My lord, this is the determination of the warriors to stay in the guests. ”

Lancelot rolled his eyes, but seeing the smiles of the soldiers and the people, Lancelot also smiled: “Very good, everyone, Emerald Food Street, Commodity Street, Entertainment Street, open the door to welcome guests!!!” ”

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