Many people have resisted the temptation to start preparing to take a break first.

They didn’t plan to stay long, but this elegant and comfortable environment, especially the bathroom, can run, can rinse.

And soap, what shampoo, shower gel …

It’s just addictive.

Especially after someone has experienced that Simmons bed, it is simply comfortable and outrageous!

I just lie down and sleep.

There are already ladies asking for a bath break.

The waiters served earnestly and taught them how to do it.

Those big masters also can’t help but be curious to wash it.

After all, human beings are full of curiosity about the unknown.

It didn’t matter if he tried it, all of a sudden, almost the people who had tried it fell in an instant, just two words, one more thing: “Shutan!” ”

So, for the next hour or so, I didn’t come out of the hotel.

Samoyed gritted his teeth in disgust: “Xiaolan, you are not fair, when will the business center install tap water and showers for me!” ”

“Don’t worry, you’re already being transformed.”

“That’s pretty much it!”

Samoyed already loved it, and after he had tried the Emerald Seven Days Inn once, he hardly wanted to go home.

An hour later, one after another people came out, led by the tour guide.

They began to visit Emerald.

Moreover, Lancelot gave the privilege this time, and all the first food on the food street today is free.

Never seen fruit, canned, dried fruit, drinks, shaved ice, dried melon seeds and peanuts.

Oh my God, any late arrival in the mouth is incredibly comfortable and unforgettable.

Some people have begun to sigh, is this a wonderland! Is it the Kingdom of Heaven!

Although the number of food is not very large, it makes people can’t stop talking.

The ladies couldn’t help but be attracted to the big world of Emerald clothing.

Because it was full of mirrors, there were beautiful clothes everywhere.

They can try on, oh my God, they can try it on!!!

But unfortunately, the big world of Emerald clothing is temporarily closed to the public.

Clothing is not sold, but is sold for internal sales of Emerald Emerald and is only available for try-on.

But this also made the noble ladies excited one by one, and the clothes were so beautiful.

Emerald Emerald maids are all better dressed than they are.

On the other hand, although they are dressed luxuriously, they make people feel bloated.

Which has a big world of clothes to look good…

Why are they all non-sellable and can only be tried on?

The tour guides gave an explanation that the big world of Emerald clothing is still in preparation and is currently out of stock.

What can be tried on now is actually the ingenuity of Emerald Emerald’s design master, just for viewing.

The finished product has not yet been mass-produced, which can satisfy the appetite of the majority of ladies.

The same is true of fellow men, many men from the Systematic Kingdom of God like such clothing.

After trying it on, the whole body is light and fluttering, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Moreover, how to see how to feel the style!

Those mirrors can clearly see how they are dressed.

Is this the mirror of the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce’s recent hype?

Emerald is dozens of times smaller than the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce, but it has taken a high price of 3,000 gold.

But supply still outstrips demand!

I couldn’t imagine that Emerald Jade had such a big side, and the whole person could see clearly from head to toe.

To their surprise, it is said that Emerald’s gift house actually sells mirrors, and it can even be customized!

The savvy guides immediately followed suit, and as a result, someone informed Lancelot at the first time.

Lancelot was surprised.

Samoyed is not rude, 500 sides, sold six times the price?

But Lancelot said nothing.

Quietly let people go to the gift house to change the custom price of the mirror, do not sell, only accept custom-made!

He understood that Samoyed could not be held accountable because they were mutually beneficial.

Without Samoyed, Lancelot couldn’t do a lot of things.

For a time, the food street was overcrowded, and the commodity street was also full of people.

And Lancelot’s plan was realized step by step, all in his calculations.

The Emerald Library was also full of people, and among the five hundred people who came this time, each chose their favorite area.

In the corner of the library, a troubadour dressed as a troubadour is now playing and singing “Wolf and Lilac Currant”.

After he finished singing, he saw that the people he was attracted to were almost complete, and began to tell the story of the white wolf Geralt and the witches.

His sensational performance instantly attracted many people.

The shelves were filled with more than a dozen sets of “Demon Hunter” novels, and for a time, many people began to flip through the books and read them endlessly.

The same was true before the book stall, where someone simply took a book and sat on the table, enjoying the happy water.

I read novels and comics, and I watched them with relish.

The milk tea hut and cold drink shop are also full.

Milk tea, shaved ice, octopus balls, kebabs, oh my God, fairy-like little life.

Paired with that fascinating graphic novel, it’s a lot of fun.

Soon hundreds of people were immersed in it.

Many women are obsessed with the big world of clothing, waiting in line to try on clothes, and even start asking for prices.

Ask when you can go into mass production and make custom garments.

The attraction is not yet known.

This trip came a lot of people who like to play.

After arriving at the entertainment street, many old mages were induced to go to the chess and card room for the first time.

That’s right, the chess and card room, where there are Emerald exclusive actors today.

They were playing mahjong, poker, chess.

Go, Checkers, Checker, Backgammon.

After a few couldn’t help but stop, they couldn’t wait to play two.

After this period of professional training, the Emerald tour guides have a sharp eye and deliberately guide those guests with different preferences to different areas.

You see, an old mage saw chess and played happily.

When playing chess, someone served tea for free, and the tea was all the best tea exchanged by the Lancelot system.

Also, a young man dressed as an aristocrat, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks with nine consecutive games.

The guide called him several times, but he refused to leave and had to be solved.

A little sister of the elven clan holding Kong Ming’s lock face was red, but she didn’t know how to untie it.

There is also a billiard room, where the noble ladies and sons and sons and daughters play with it.

There was also a group of old mages playing croquet.

Yesterday was still lonely and cold three blocks, at this moment, it is already overcrowded.

A small number of half-beasts are very interested in novels and cockfights.

They read novels and comics and play cockfights with people.

Dwarves love mahjong and poker.

Mages love to play chess.

The aristocracy enjoyed snooker.

The elves, on the other hand, are full of curiosity about everything, whether it is beautiful clothes or delicious food.

Especially those cake desserts, which are fatal for women and elves.

When Samoyed saw this scene, he immediately smiled bitterly: “Xiaolan, your kitchen is not impossible to put down, you have ulterior motives.” ”

After getting acquainted, the friends matched, and privately Samoyed directly called Lancelot Xiaolan.

But in public, he was still honored as Lord Lancelot, Lord Lord.

Lancelot laughed and said nothing, he did have other intentions, and, now that the scale was not that large, it was serious to stagger the flow of passengers.

Leave their hearts, stomachs, golds, and even people!

It’s all serious.

“It’s almost time for dinner.”

As a result, a strange scene appeared.

The lovers of the chess and card room want to play another round of mahjong, and the old mages want to finish the game.

The ladies of the big world of clothing have not yet lined up to try on clothes.

Reading novels and reading comics is already a matter of not letting go of the volume.

More than five hundred people came, and less than two hundred people went to the restaurant first.

They haven’t forgotten the purpose of this trip, to eat!

Yes, the main thing is to eat, and it is not too late to do anything else after eating!

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