Lancelot was overjoyed that his goal had been achieved, at least the first step had been achieved.

The rest is to continue to operate steadily.

After today, there will be countless guests who will continue to come to Emerald.

And these guests from the kingdom of the system will bring him countless riches.

He is not gradually no longer relying on the golden rope given by the system mission.

The restaurant exploded in an instant at this moment.

Sweet and sour carp, braised carp, pot wrapped meat, braised pork, rice, oil noodles, knife-cut noodles, ramen, tiger skin pepper.

Shoot cucumbers, steamed custard, ground three fresh, french fries, boiled dumplings, soup buns, sweet and sour ribs, duck blood vermicelli, large plates of chicken…

Choose from dozens of dishes.

And, to the surprise of the guests, all the delicious dishes are free today.

The only requirement is to do what you can, you must eat it!

How much to eat, how much to order, no waste allowed.

Suddenly, the whole restaurant was completely lively.

Lancelot finally decided that the first meal was completely free, and repeat customers could apply for membership and spend 10% off in the future.

And there are long-term members, holding a long-term membership card, in the future Emerald consumption is all 10% off!

Whether it is food or entertainment, it is 10% off.

There are two sets of meals on the table, and the special running class teaches how to use chopsticks.

If not, then use a fork with a knife.

Drinks, fruit plates, vegetable salads, are also all free.

As long as you come to dinner today, you will enjoy the same treatment completely.

Samoyed’s eyes were red, and he hadn’t eaten all the dishes.

The next scene is to control.

Because those delicacies are so yummy, so delicious.

Many tourists who are playing, smelling the fragrance and watching the variety of delicious food, have suddenly fallen.

More than just a craving and curiosity about unknown cuisine.

That’s simply the instinctive pursuit of delicious food by living things.

For a time, the entire Emerald Hotel was overcrowded.

“If you want to eat, you can go, and I don’t want your money today.”

Samoyed laughed, “You said this as if I had eaten and drunk all day.” ”

But Samoyed is still very impressed.

He knew that Lancelot’s development was just beginning, and his desire for Goldenrod was no less than that of his own businessman.

But he was able to do it for free for first-time guests, which had to be admired.

“You are such a shrewd person, I have learned a lot, I definitely did not have this courage before, but after today, I think I have learned a lot of business methods.” 」

“You are not free, I am free.”

Lancelot means a lot.

Samoyed shook his head: “Not all, the family’s discipline of me is not strict, many things, I just haven’t thought about it.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Is it business, that’s it, everyone is mutually beneficial, Scalan, go inform the kitchen, send some food to the soldiers at the outer gate, they are not easy, bring some ice drinks, awning.” ”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

Samoyed gave a thumbs up.

He could foresee that what Lancelot was doing today would no longer require his help to promote Emerald.

Today, countless diners and merchants will come to visit.

“But Xiaolan, there are some things we can say, we are good friends, bicycles, mirrors, you can give me exclusive authorization in the future.”

Lancelot looked at the people of the Divine Kingdom who were riding bicycles and smiled, nodding his head: “No problem, who are we to talk to?” ”

Samoyed’s face was red with excitement and he was about to run to order.

Lancelot smiled: “After buying resources, all of them will be 30% off.” ”

Samoyed had a bitter look on his face: “I knew you weren’t at ease.” ”

He nodded and said seriously, “You can rest assured, with me in one day, the supplies of the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce will definitely not make you suffer losses, you are the highest priority.” ”

One goes every way!

Lancelot underestimated his strategy.

All the diners had finished their meal and it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon.

The orcs and dwarves are the kings of the big stomach.

Free food and drink, and so delicious that they lingered.

The old mage and some old people ate and ran directly to play chess and mahjong.

Usually, when the noble lady eats, she runs to try on clothes.

The number of books and manga reading is the highest.

There are also many people who love billiards.

There are also many gadgets that compete with the Nine Rings Kong Ming Lock.

Of course, there are also people who run to the gift house to buy souvenirs.

Music boxes and exquisite glasswork are a rarity.

Lancelot finished his meal and looked at these wandering Divine Lords and Nobles slowly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

It’s not time to let them go.

“Alzaris, how is the arrangement?”

“Lord Lancelot, the soldiers on patrol are orderly and ready to start playing.”

“Very good, go for it.”

Alsaris smiled rarely.

He liked Lancelot, the lord lord, and his head always had countless ideas.

Almost five minutes later, the whistle sounded.

Emerald warriors entered one after another.

In the middle of Emerald and the downtown area, an indoor basketball court was built.

At this moment, the Emerald warriors wore different colors of vests and pants, and slowly entered.

They are divided into Emerald Knight Pairs, Emerald Mage Team, Emerald Blacksmith Team, Emerald Ranger Team, Emerald Gunslinger Team, Emerald Scout Team, and Emerald Sand Lizard Team…

Several teams entered one after another.

Then start preparing for the game.

The referee and the interpreter were ready to enter, and the announcer began to introduce the teams.

as well as the rules of the competition, the points system, and the prizes of this competition, the dining vouchers of the Emerald Restaurant.

And before the game even started, the Cup of Life had already started singing.

This warm atmosphere immediately attracted the tourists of the system god kingdom.

Many young people gathered around and went to see the liveliness.

The Rose Sword Ji cheerleader, the mage crush cheerleader dressed in hot and flirtatious clothes.

The first to enter were the Emerald Blacksmiths and Emerald Knights.

The two sides fought on the field, shouted the slogan of ‘friendship first, competition second’, and then stood separately.

The referee began to blow the whistle, and the teammates on both sides instantly exchanged swords.

As the whistle blew, the referee threw a beautifully crafted basketball into the sky.

The next moment, the atmosphere exploded in an instant.

Emerald men jumped wildly, showing great physical fitness, grabbing, dribbling, passing, passing, passing, shooting!!!

The two sides ran wild on the field and played under the rebounds.

The idle people of Emerald Green all came to shout and cheer.

This fiery atmosphere instantly infected everyone, every pass, every shot, every rebound, all touched everyone’s heart.

“Oh, pass, pass.”

“Shooting, shooting, I… Shoot! ”

“Oops, what a shame, grab the rebound.”

Mercenaries, braves, knights, young nobles, and ladies from the realm of the system gods.

One by one, they shouted cheers.

They were all brought in by this warm atmosphere, especially the young lads, who wished it was themselves on the field.

Lancelot stood in the distance, drinking happy water, enjoying such a scene.

Some things, stable.

“Are you satisfied, Lord Lancelot?”

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