Lancelot’s lungs were about to explode, and he gritted his teeth and almost overturned his desk.

However, the system is still your home system.

He doesn’t speak, and you don’t have a problem with him…

Lancelot scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks for half a day, and for a time, he was completely interested.

Grandma legs, 15% tax, more than 1 million gold bumps 20%?

Why don’t you grab it!!!

Pity…… Silent cold violence is the deadliest of all.

Lancelot didn’t even have a throat break.

Lancelot kicked the leg of the table so hard that his tears were falling in pain.

Don’t play like this, your uncle’s!

Lancelot was hurt, and he wanted to find a warm embrace for comfort.

“In a bad mood?”

Lancelot didn’t look up either, and subconsciously muttered.

“Do you want to hug?”

“It’s the best.”

Then, a warm and soft embrace hugged Lancelot.

When Lancelot reacted, he was shocked.

He suddenly turned back to find that it was Bonarotti, and suddenly a clever one.

However, Bonarotti blushed and gently stroked Lancelot’s back.

“Actually, you can rely on us, you don’t have to be so tired alone.”

Lancelot gave up the struggle, and he quietly enjoyed the warmth of the moment.

Some words, he didn’t know what to say, told them I was robbed, or the system?

Forget it……

Lancelot lamented inwardly, saying that this embrace was so warm, soft, and soft that people couldn’t help but want to sleep.

He hadn’t slept comfortably in a long time.

Every day is busy, worried, afraid of another disaster.

It was an unbearable weight in his life.

“Little Ti.”


“It’s good to have you.”

“Yes, so am I, Lancelot, and it’s nice to have you.”

At this moment, it has nothing to do with the wind and moon, but it is warm and warm.

Lancelot slept and woke up with Bonarotti already gone.

He was covered with a blanket, Lancelot smiled, and life had to go on.

Beyonita, Bonarotti, Alzaris, and the Emerald Warriors, who never complained.

Why not be strong?

Isn’t it just a tax, just give it to you, as long as I earn enough, you deduct the tax.

Those who cannot defeat me will eventually fulfill me.

Time is enough, today is not the end of it…

Lancelot walked down the emerald road, and everyone smiled and greeted him.

It’s a thriving scene.

At this moment, the downtown area has also begun to take shape, with breeding farms, fish ponds, pastures, and horse farms.

It already has the appearance of a town.

Those vassal sand lizards, accustomed to civilized life, are just like ordinary people, busy with repairing fields and picking fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, many sand lizard tribes slowly adapted to life and began to learn human language.

Ability to communicate simply.

Even took the initiative to learn, and moreover, they began to learn to get dressed.

Love to bathe, pay attention to hygiene, has completely no open defecation situation.

Alsaris and his generals were busy distributing troops on the battlefield.

The Seal of the Military Soul did not have to be used in vain, and during this time, Alsaris continued to train troops.

1.6 million experience points have been stored inside.

With these experience points, directly switching the classes of the vassal Sand Lizard Clan can reduce the consumption of the Golden Crane by half.

It was also part of Lancelot’s grand plan.

The vassal Sand Lizard Clan is also the population of Emerald Emerald.

Since he currently lacks soldiers, let’s make up for it from the Sand Lizard Clan.

The Endless Sand Sea is his territory, and everything in the territory belongs to him.

“Lord Lancelot, here you are.”

“Alzaris, how are you preparing?”

“Lord Lancelot, at present, the sand lizard tribe training ground has a very limited number of troops, and at present it can only train large knife soldiers, crossbowmen, and spearmen.”

Lancelot nodded, “Alzaris, don’t worry, I need to make an appointment, it was my negligence.” ”


Lancelot nodded.

He chose the location: “System, build the subordinate government hall.” ”

【Allowed to build, please host conception style】

“Unify the Emerald architectural style.”

【Conception completed, construction executed】

A classical government hall was completed in an instant, and the vassal sand lizard clan was stunned one by one.

This magical scene, no matter how many times you see it, is so shocking.

“Shah Phusen!”

“The subordinates are in.”

Lancelot took out a copy of the imperial appointment document out of thin air and signed it directly.

“Sign, this is your reward, from now on, the lower sand lizard clan is my Lancelot vassal state, although now it is only a small town, but he will become a legendary civilization species in the desert, Shala Puzan, I, the king of the endless sand sea, appoint you as the admiralty of the Emerald Jade vassal state, the king of the sand lizard clan, the lord of the sand lizard, you are now the consul of the lower sand lizard clan, and you will be the king of the sand lizard country in the future.”

Everyone was stunned.

Alsaris was intimidated by Lancelot’s boldness.

After a brief lapse of concentration, Sharapuzan knelt down on his knees and reverently accepted the letter of appointment.

“Sharapizan obeys the orders of Lord Lancelot, and from now on, before saddling and after the horse, bow down and die.”

Lancelot features the opening of the ruling hall of the vassal Sand Lizard Clan.

He found that all buildings were the same.

Moreover, Lancelot was pleasantly surprised, because except for the Sand Lizard Barracks, almost all the other buildings were exactly the same.

Whether it is consumption, construction time, or even upgrade requirements.

However, the houses of the Sand Lizard are called Yaju.

As long as the barracks are built, he can perform the upgrade of the subordinate government hall.

【Sand Lizard Barracks: Barracks of the Sand Lizard Clan】

【Construction Amount:500 Gold Bump】

【Construction time:30 days】

Lancelot did not hesitate to build the barracks.

Before the system caravan came to take orders, Lancelot directly chose the prestige value of 3000 to increase the construction speed.

The Sand Lizard Barracks is completed in an instant!

Lancelot took a look at the lower Governing House, and an upgrade option had emerged.

However, Lancelot found that the upgrade of the lower ruling hall was more expensive!

It turned out to be as high as 8,000 gold bumps.

Lancelot gritted his teeth, “System, raise the rank of the lower Ruling House.” ”

【Does it cost 8,000 gold?】 】


【Upgrade Complete】

Lancelot couldn’t wait to open the lower council chamber to check.

【Level 2 Lower Ruling Office】

【Affiliation: Emerald Emerald】

[Consul: Shah Puzin]

Unlocking buildings is the same, but there are more buildings exclusive to the Sand Lizard Clan.

【Unlock Buildings: Sand Lizard Clan Wizard Tower】

[Sand Lizard Clan Wizard Tower: Can awaken to recruit Sand Lizard Clan Wizards]

【Construction Amount:3000 Gold Scraps】

【Construction time:45 days】

Lancelot was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Sand Lizard Wizards are a profession specializing in BUFF, which is a good thing, but it is still precious!

Fortunately, we are not short of money now.

With a big wave of his hand, Lancelot executed the construction.

Clicking on the sand lizard tribe’s barracks, Lancelot’s smile suddenly brightened.

【Sand Lizard Clan Barracks: Unlock and recruit vassal Sand Lizard Clan troops】

【Monthly Limit Recruitment:30】

[Unlocked classes: Sand Lizard Clan Knife Soldier, Spear Soldier, Archer, Shield Soldier, Mage, Rider]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Spearman – Lancer, 60 Golden Hammers/Person]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Archer – Crossbowman, 60 Golden Hammers/Person]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Great Knife Soldier – Knife Maker, 80 Golden Blades / person]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Mage – Fire Mage, 100 Golden Hammers/Person]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Shield Soldier – Tower Shield Soldier, 120 Golden Bumps / person]

[Advanced: Sand Lizard Clan Rider – Porcupine Knight, 150 Golden Bumps/Person]

Porcupine Knight…

Lancelot felt a headache at the thought of those huge porcupines, and all of them were killed.

Not because of anything else, but because he simply can’t afford to feed it!

Eat too much, one person eats a hundred and ten people’s things, you can’t afford to hurt.

“Alzaris, you see, tell me about your decision.”

Alsaris smiled, “Lord Lancelot, there are 5,000 people in the Sand Lizard Clan, and we have an army that can traverse the desert!” ”

“That’s right, Alzaris, it’s time to conquer the Endless Sea of Sand.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

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