Lancelot felt that he was getting closer and closer on the road to invincibility.

“Alsaceris, tell me your choice!”

Alsaris smiled brightly, he pondered, and then pulled out the Seal of the Soul of the Army.

1.6 million experience storage, half price recruitment fee!

Very good.

Alsaris made his decision: “1000 sand lizard crossbowmen!” ”

Lancelot nodded, “System! ”

[Host, 1,000 Sand Lizard Clan crossbowmen will spend 1.5 million XP and 45,000 Gold Hammers]

【Do you perform advanced?】 】


Lancelot almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He quickly broke his finger and calculated, ordinary archers recruited 30 gold knots, advanced crossbowmen 60 gold knots.

Directly advanced to the Golden Hammer Drop by half…

But also 45 gold bumps, 45×1000 = 45000!

Instead, he forgot that it was necessary to add up to half the price, not to recruit the highest class at half price.

In the end it is still too young.

Lancelot frowned slightly, and he smiled: “Good, advanced! ”

Under the shroud of the system’s divine light, the 1,000 vassal sand lizard clans were instantly enveloped by the divine light.

The next moment, a lightly armored sand lizard crossbowman appeared on the scene.

Metal rings, light leather armor, crossbows, more humane eyes.

The corners of Lancelot’s mouth went up, soldier, isn’t this just money?

“System, implement Zhuge God crossbow.”

【Execution of the installation, the completion of the installation】

In an instant, the entire Sand Lizard Clan crossbowman unit had only undergone a major change in temperament, and everyone had a Zhuge God crossbow that was handsome enough to drop slag.

A team of a thousand people, a super five-shot line!

With Lancelot clenched in his fists, the plan to conquer the Endless Sea of Sand could begin.


“Lord Lancelot, long-range fire coverage, mage 1000!”

Lancelot gritted his teeth: “System! ”

[Host, the Seal of the Soul is inexperienced, the recruitment will be recruited at the original price, determined to execute? 】

Lancelot took a deep breath: “Execute. ”

【Execution Complete】

Under the divine light, 1000 sand lizard mages appeared on the scene.

Everyone wears a mage’s robe and holds a cane staff.

Deduction: 150,000.

【Sand Lizard Clan Fire Mage】

[Skill: Arcane Shield, lasts 360 seconds, resists 5 attacks, limits 3 times per day]

[Skill: Fireball, range 300 yards, limited to 6 times per day]

[Skills: Flame Sputter, Range 200 yards, Sputtering Range 10 yards, Burn armor and skin, limit 3 times per day]

The money is worth it!

“Alzaris, go ahead!”

“Tower Shield Soldiers, Lord Lancelot, 500 Tower Shield Soldiers are enough to withstand any impact, and they will form an indestructible shield wall!”

“System, 500 tower shield soldiers.”

【Perform advanced, consume 90,000 gold】

500 Sand Lizard Clan Tower Shield Soldiers suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The huge tower shield of 1.5 meters, coupled with a height of two meters, and the superposition of five hundred tower shields will block all attacks.

【Sand Lizard Clan Tower Shield Soldier】

[Skills: Defensive Barrier, inability to move within five minutes, immunity to Elementary, Intermediate Magic, Arrows]

[Resisting the charge of the same level of troops, higher than their own level of troops will cause a defense]

[High-level spells can break through defenses, but not deadly]

[Skill: Shield strike, able to shoot down and knock down cavalry]

[Skill: Tower shield charge, rapid impact on the enemy, after the impact into 5 seconds stiff, but will crush the enemy formation]

Enough, these tower shields on the battlefield will become the strongest defensive line.

With them, Lancelot had the ability to be invincible in the war.

Don’t forget, he has a lot of holy relics, many, many holy relics!!!

“Arceris, go ahead.”

“Lord Lancelot, the knifeman’s ability to break the defense is above the gunners, how do we want 2,000 knifemen?”


The system had been too lazy to follow the inhuman Lancelot consultation, directly executing the order.

【Advanced Completion, Cost: 240,000】

Lancelot’s breathing was frozen.

It was the first time since he had come into this world that he had been so extravagant and inhumane.

It was also the first time he had spent so much money.

He had never enjoyed such a ethereal feeling.

When the golden curtain is constantly reduced from its own system menu.

He felt a burst of vertigo at the same time, but there was an incomparably pleasant feeling of comfort.

Could this be the fabled, rich world?

It turned out to be so simple and unpretentious, and then it took money to talk?

The excitement makes people’s blood spurt.

But when he saw the moment when those sand lizard warriors were born, Lancelot felt that the world was worth it.

Because these sand lizard swordsmen actually used Tai Dao!

And the attributes are quite perverted, even comparable to the Rose Sword Ji.

【Subordinate Sand Lizard Clan Knifeman】

[Talent: The knife breaks the armor, the slash is it, there is no armor that the knife can’t cut and break, but it can’t shred the magic armor]

[Skills: knife qi line, straight line 200 meters, knife gas cutting, limited number of times: 5 times a day]

Very good, very good, just you, hang don’t want it.

Break the armor you cattle!

Just charge me.

And their armor is very handsome, it is light armor, but there is metal to protect the whole body.

“Lord Lancelot, the rest can be advanced to the gunners, but, I think, for the time being, enough to let them recuperate, support agricultural production, now the sand lizard tribe is in charge of the cultivation of Emerald, many people are busy growing vegetables, breeding livestock, they are doing a good job, for the time being, we can run rampant in the endless sea of sand.”

Lancelot nodded, “You’re right, Alzaris. ”

The most exciting things here besides Lancelot are Alsaris and Sharapuzan.

Especially Shala Puzan, he saw so many well-equipped sand lizard warriors, the whole person was going to float to the sky.

Oh my God, the great ancestor, the supreme Lord Lancelot, who handed over such a huge army to him?

And, make him the lord of the sand lizard?

What an honor.

“Alzaris, Sharapuzan, the task of the formation is entrusted to you, and make the best use of the sand lizards who can speak.”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot sighed, “It’s time to start.” ”

Until then, solve the people’s livelihood problems here.

Lancelot smiled: “System brother, keep spending money, Yaju, 400…”

【Confirm the construction of 400 Yaju, deduct 20,000 gold quakes】

Lancelot nodded and turned to leave the downtown.

The moment he turned around, to tell the truth, his careful liver trembled as if he were setting off firecrackers at a festival.

Money Na, Mom, spend money for a while, have been spending all the time cool, cool after feeling so empty.

No wonder rich people are so lonely…

Lancelot’s heart was broken.

If this were spent in Emerald, with so many Terran combat strength, how good it would be.

He still liked the Terrans, and of course, the prejudice against the Sand Lizard Clan had decreased a lot.

But he didn’t like the lizard people of the Sand Lizard Empire.

However, there is no way to do it at present.

Lancelot narrowed his eyes and did not look back.

Before going to see Aunt Leliana, it is necessary to conquer the entire endless sea of sand and completely sweep away the lowly sand lizard tribe.

Collect them all, then!

Whoever dares to provoke me, I will fight whoever it is, and under the premise of the stability of the Golden Sands Empire, I will take down the Sand Lizard Empire!

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