A country’s progress is inseparable from money, and Lancelot’s demand for gold has reached unprecedented heights.

The Sand Lizard Clan vassals opened a new door for him.

At present, the Terran forces are limited, and the Sand Lizard Clan is everywhere in the Endless Sand Sea.

With the Seal of Dominion and the Slave Scepter in their two great guarantees, he could focus his forces on vassal armies first.

Although the cost is not low, it is quite large to be able to obtain troop replenishment, and it is not so simple as considerable.

At present, everything is on the right track.

There are even heroes who take the initiative to run, and everything is developing in a thriving direction.

Lancelot’s next plan is to build a huge entertainment center.

For example: casino!

Make Emerald a tourist attraction and enclose the mighty from the Land of the Systematic Gods.

This is not simply looking at money, but also has ulterior motives.

Lancelot will launch a massive expedition against the Sand Lizard Empire in the near future.

But population constraints stretched him to the limit.

It can attack the jade of the mountain stone, and the sand lizard clan vassal army can be mass-produced.

He wanted to sweep through the endless sand sea, gather a huge army of Sand Lizard Clan vassals, and use this cheap source of soldiers to test the Sand Lizard Empire’s jin two.

But the threat of the Sands Empire cannot be ignored.

He wants enough money, enough people!

And those who come from the kingdom of the systematic gods are all masters, or they are the top level of society.

And there are a lot of powerful warriors, mercenaries, grand mages.

Under the premise of having enough troops, he launched an expedition, and Emerald had more protection.

Lancelot believes that these people who are obsessed with Emerald will help him ‘do something for free’, such as defending the city and ensuring Emerald’s safety!

It was a bit of a loss, but he believed he could do it.

As long as there are enough troops!

Until then, he needs more external forces, such as… Gunpowder!

The last firework was changed by him from the prestige store, and there was no egg to use!

“How’s the improvement?”

The blacksmith shop is now the busiest place for Emerald.

Xiao Zhurong had recently become a dog, and she did not dare to go near the dumplings.

The cute guy wanted to eat it when he saw himself.

She hid in the blacksmith’s shop, reading a book in the morning and helping to burn glass in the glass factory in the afternoon.

This greatly saves the consumption of firewood.

To tell the truth, Lancelot currently has no coal resources, and Xiao Zhurong is the source of the fire of the entire Emerald Emerald.

With her help, glass manufacturing shortened the process and time.

But the fire elf was annoyed: “I thought you forgot me!” ”

She put down the book angrily: “Why don’t you write a new one?” ”

Lancelot felt a little amused: “So many novels have been read? ”

The fire elf looked up with a high chest, “You look down on me, I’ve watched it countless times, and the comics!” ”

Lancelot opened his mouth, “Isn’t it?” ”

“I don’t care, I want to watch the new, that “Qi Tian Dasheng”, “Fighting Explosion Sky”, “One Piece”, I want to watch, quickly out of the follow-up !!!”

Lancelot had a headache.

The craftsmen laughed so brightly that to be honest, they liked it too.

Emerald life is becoming more and more colorful.

Under the extreme heat there is shaved ice, ice elves, cold drink happy water, a cigarette when bored.

After work, go to a big meal, play a game of chess, rub a circle of mahjong, play a basketball, life is really wonderful.

And recently these blacksmiths have taken in 100 apprentices.

Their manpower continued to expand, delving into steam engines, improving glass processes, and studying gunpowder.

Then one by one, the people of Emerald Emerald consciously came to help them study.

The team of twenty people has now reached 200 people.

But it is still far from enough.

They also hope that Lord Lancelot will bring more surprises and see the follow-up to the novel, the comic strip.

Eat more delicious food, now Emerald, no one will not use chopsticks, and there is no one who does not read novels.

“There will be later, but it will take a lot of time.”

The fire elf was a little unhappy: “But you are busy every day, when can you not be busy?” ”

Lancelot’s face was a little bad, and he said seriously, “Until everyone can live without worry.” ”

“Lord Lancelot, according to the principle of fireworks spraying, we have made several improvements in the way you said, made firecrackers, as well as mines, grenades, and sent you to carry out blasting tests, but Lord Lancelot, we do not have much stone and iron, and the steam engine needs a lot of experimental materials.”

Lancelot nodded, his heart bitter, it seemed that the orders still needed to be signed quickly, in exchange for a large amount of gold rubble.

Since there is no iron ore and stone in the short term, it can only be replaced from the system.

“Steam engine, how’s it going?”

Watt was the name Lancelot gave him, and it was also the head of these blacksmiths.

Watt was a little embarrassed: “Lord Lancelot, I tried to do a few, but they didn’t work, I think… It may be a few months away, it’s a long process, and the point is, I don’t have many resources and can only reuse them. ”

Lancelot patted Watt on the shoulder: “It was my negligence, rest assured, I will get enough resources for everyone as soon as possible.” ”

Now, let’s try gunpowder!

Watt nodded.

All the participants in the experiment were present, Beyonita, Bonarotti, Alzaris, Yang Yuki, Dolnigun.

The warriors are looking forward to it.

According to Lord Lancelot, this would be an invincible artifact to Emerald.

Under the yellow sand, ten mines are buried underground, still in the process of improvement, and the leads are still exposed.

Bonarotti surrounded an experimental base with some gold rods to prevent sputtering from the explosion.

With a wave of his hand, Lancelot landed on the lead accurately.

There was a sting, and almost five seconds later, a humming sound set off a huge wind and sand around it, shaking tens of meters of space.

Successive explosions have set off dust in the desert.

The magic sand eight-headed python raised its head curiously, how could there be such a big movement in his guardian land?

But seeing Lancelot, the magic sand eight-headed python closed its eyes again, and it was the master, so let him go.

Nothing to do with me.

Everyone was shocked, this power can be called magic, much more powerful than ordinary magic!

As for the grenades, Lancelot was a little afraid.

He had learned a lot of magic lately, all from Beyonita and Valuk Anna.

He opened the Wind Shield.

This is one of the elven wind spells, the primary spell, which can withstand a single impact.

Lancelotla opened the insurance and threw it straight out, just in the base surrounded by gold rods.

Bang, the sound is not small, unfortunately… It’s not very powerful.

The crowd couldn’t wait to run over and take a look.

The mines exploded into pits of five or six meters, but the depth was only about two meters.

The grenades were even worse, leaving only a trace on the walls of the experimental base.

When Watt saw this scene, he was immediately disappointed, and even his face was a little hanging.

The first gunpowder experiment failed.

Lancelot smiled, and he patted Watt: “The art industry has a specialty, which is already very good, this is a good start.” ”

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